
  • Accommodation Location

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Number of Rooms

  • Number of AC

  • Number of Refrigerators

  • Number of Washing Machine

  • Number of Beds

  • Number of Oven / Stove

  • Assigned managers are visiting the staff accommodation on weekly basis and the reports are reviewed by RM and AM (Reports should reviewed and sign from all levels).

  • Staff villa sanitation and cleaning schedule is being observed.

  • Ensure that there is no employee who is receiving housing allowance and at the same time staying at the company accommodation.

  • Ensure accommodation maintenance is being performed properly

  • Make sure that there is no employee who is receiving transportation allowance and at the same time using the company vehicle as their means of transportation to the recommended unit on reguler basis.

  • Rooms used for living, dining, cooking or sleeping and toilet and bath buildings must have proper lighting and ventilation with insect screening on windows and outside doors. Adequate ventilation and temperature must be provided in sleeping quarters, toilets and in bath buildings when occupied.

  • An adequate number of toilets must be provided for employees. At least one shower and one lavatory with cold and or hot running water and one toilet must be provided for each sex for each 10 workers.

  • Fresh and pure drinking water must be supplied at convenient locations. At least one drinking water fountain must be provided for each 10 workers.

  • Kitchen- Clean Organized (Wash Dishes, Clear and wipe tables, wipe sink, sweep, water on the floor, take out trash & Covered )

  • Restroom Clean and Arrangement (Cleaned toilet bowl, seat and rim clean, squeegee the water, wipe mirror, mop).

  • Refrigirator and Freezers (Clean iside and out, all food covered, working properly).

  • Not allowed to bring any kind of food from the restaurant to the accommodation.

  • Sleeping and living rooms, and beds and bedding must be kept clean and sanitary. Closed garbage and waste containers must be provided and must be emptied as often as necessary. The entire accommodation area must be kept clean and well drained and free from trash and garbage to prevent attracting vectors.

  • Laundry areas must have proper lighting & ventilation, with proper emergency exits. All washing machines where provided should not be located in food rooms so as to minimize the risk of food contamination.

  • There are no alcoholic drinks or prohibited items inside the accommodation.

  • Each employee and occupant of a labour camp shall help take care of the camp and keep it clean.

  • Additional Note

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.