Title Page
Site conducted
Contract name
Contract Owner
Harvesting operator
Forwarder operator
Chainsaw operator
Prepared by
Conducted on
General update
General update from last inspection
Health and Safety
Are there safety signs in place?
Are there any utilities on the site?
Type of utility?
Are the control measures being followed?
Has the utility been identified on the site paperwork?
Are there areas of steep ground on site?
Has this been identified on the SSRA?
Are the controls adequate and being followed?
Are the timber stacks stable?
What is the issue with the stacking?
Picture of the unsafe stack
Forest Road condition?
What is the road issues?
Is the defect safety critical and require immediate action?
Are risk zones being adhered to?
Are machines in safe & good working order?
Are first aid kits available in machines?
Are chainsaw operators working on site?
What evidence of competence is available?
Are operators wearing the minimum first aid and PPE?
Are all other operators and visitors wearing the correct PPE for the task?
Does the welfare arrangement on site comply with FISA guide 806?
Risk Assessment
Is there a Site Specific Risk Assesment on site?
Have site conditions changed which will require an update to the site specific risk assessment?
Are there any watercourses present?
Name of watercourse
Is there any diffused pollution?
Are the Forest and Water guidelines being followed?
Is fuel/oil stored on site?
Are tanks locked and min 5m away from drains and 10m from watercourses?
Are there any historical feature present?
What is the feature?
Are controls measures in place and being followed?
Are there any environmental constraints?
What is the constraint?
Are control measures in place and being followed?
Are the brash mats in good condition?
What is the issue?
Add a picture of the issue.
Do machines have access to suitable spill kits?
Are there any protected species/habitats constraints on site?
- No
- Red squirrel
- Nesting birds
- Badgers
- Bats
- Aquatic life
- Other European protected species
- Protected areas (SSSI,SPA,SAC)
- Veteran and or deadwood trees
Are squirrels being protected during the operation?
Are known nesting birds being protected during operations?
Are badgers being protected during operations?
Are bats being protected during operations?
Are aquatic organisms being protected during operations?
Are other European protected species being protected during operations?
Are designated protected areas being protected during operations?
Are veteran and or deadwood trees being protected during operations?
Cut timber
Record of roadside stock
Has there been any unsafe acts or near misses?
Name of person reporting the near miss
Date of reporting
Job title
Date of the event
Who did it involve?
Who else was there?
Describe what happened
What caused this to happen?
- Third party access
- Environmental
- Equipment
- Human error
What caused this to happen?
What can we do to stop this happening again?
What is the target date for this to happen?