Audit Title
Client Site
Prepared by
Date Conducted
HS - 356 START RIGHT Rev 1.0
Supervisor contact details
Method Statement
Number, revision date
If 'Other' has been selected please input details below
Before starting work STOP, THINK and CHECK!
1 - Method Statements and Risk Assesments
If the answer to any question (in sections 1 - 3) is NO do not start work until you have talked with a Wates Manager
What are the main hazards affecting you today?
Is everyone on your team briefed on the method statement for this task, and named on the team list?
Have you carried out your weekly and task specific toolbox talks with your team?
2 - Place of Work
Are you certain that your team has a safe place of work?
Have you checked that any access equipment, MEWP, Scaffolding or tower being used is suitable and in good order and has been inspected, as required, and certification issued?
Are other teams / contractors, working adjacent to you, aware of what you are doing today?
Are third parties and members of the public adequately protected from all dangers?
Identify any issues
3 - Task Specific
Are all necessary tools, equipment and materials on site to carry out your work in a safe and efficient manner?
Are you certain that the operatives you are putting to work competent for their assigned tasks?
4 - Change
Have the team members changed?
Has plant or process changed?
If YES please update the method statement; consider using this form as the update to the method statement.
Has anything changed? Has the task or working environment changed significantly to require a review of the risk assessment and method statement?
If you have answered NO to any question in the first 3 sections, list below the remedial actions required to resolve the issue. Ensure sign-off by the Wates Manager.
Name/s of team members
Supervisor Sign Off (Personal confirmation of having carried out a review of the questions).