Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Company Area To Be Checked
Is the company on the HSE non conformance register ?
Have all actions from previous STEGTA reviews been addressed ?
Has there been any reportable accidents since the last health and safety check ?
If the answer to the previous question was YES was the accident recorded in the company accident report book ?
Is the company insurance policy still in date ?
Have you today been given a copy of the current company insurance policy ?
Has there been any changes within the company the effects the health and safety of the learner ?(e.g.New department or new equipment etc)
If the answer to the previous question was YES did the learner receive an induction on the change in question ?
Is there any new equipment the leaner needs training on ? and has the training been organised ?
Is there evidence that company risk assessments are being carried out ?
Is there evidence that PAT testing is taking place within the company ?
Is the company still suitable for a learner to be trained in ?