
  • Document No.1

  • Stock Management

  • Conducted on

  • Regional Operations Chef

  • Restaurant Name

  • Location
  • Regional Operations Manager

  • Manager on Duty

Working Practices

  • Is there a working defrost list in operation

  • All sites should have a current, working defrost list in place
    * Ensure defrosted products are ready and available for our guests.
    * Ensure correct levels of defrost are maintained to improve food quality and reduce food wastage.

  • Stock Management
  • Is there a current, working prep & par levels list in operation

  • All sites should have a current, working prep & par levels list in place to
    * Ensure correct levels of food prep are maintained to improve food quality and reduce food wastage.
    * Using the sales mix, an eight week average +25% is the norm.

  • Is there a practice of portion control in place<br>.

  • All Shiites should have pre-portioning in place as a "best practice"
    * pre-portioning of as many food products as possible to reduce the risk of over portioning on guest meals.

  • Stock Management

Micros Stock

  • Are the food deliveries being entered on to the system on the same day as delivery

  • All deliveries should be entered on to the system on the same day as delivery to ensure Stock on Hand is accurate.
    All reports will be inaccurate if the Stock on Hand is not up to date.

  • Micros Stock
  • Is all food wastage being entered on to the system on a daily basis.

  • Daily wastage should be declared, in order to keep the system accurate.
    Figures entered are taken off the stock on hand figures for counting and ordering purposes.
    Run a declared wastage report at the end of each week to identify areas of loss which can be addressed.

  • Is the Negative stock being managed following each weekly stock count.

  • Negative stock should be managed after each stock count.
    Negative stock will reduce the current Stock on Hand value by the amount of negative stock.

    eg - if you have stock of £5000 and £400 of negative stock, the system value of your stock will be reduced to £4600, thus reducing your margin.

  • Micros Stock
  • Is the "Inventory Variance Report" printed off weekly and used to identify issue lines

  • The Inventory Variance Report should be printed off weekly, the report gives a line by line variance and allows you to identify the issues.
    Issues can then be added to the weekly Action Plan and monitored throughout the week.

  • Micros Stock
  • Have specific product been assigned to stock "Key Lines" to be carried out a minimum of three times weekly.

  • Key lines should be monitored throughout the week to evaluate the accuracy of the weekly stock count.
    Use the sales report to establish what was actually sold and compare against your theoretical usage on the key line check.

  • Stock Management
  • Have the previous weeks "Stock Action Plan" been implemented and actioned.

  • * Action Plans should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant & time-bound.
    * Actions should be completed and re-assessed to ensure the action is working. If not further actions should be implemented.

  • Stock Management
The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.