Client / Site
Audit Title
House Number
Conducted on
Prepared by
Work Details
Area Manager
Site opening Time:
Site Closing Time:
Project QS
Property Manager
Payment Method (Pronett, PO, Etc.)
Job Start Date (1st Fix):
Job Finish Date (2nd Fix)
Commissioning/Install Date:
Proposed Works
Are they having a Name / Brand change?
What will the new brand be?
- Slug & Lettuce
- Classic Inns
- City Tavern
- Proper Pub
- TP & K
- Missoula
- Montana B & G
- Common Room
- Yates
- Popworld
- Venue
- Walkabout
Don't forget that site will require scanners for the tills and pole mounted PDQs (If they don't already have these). They will also require a public printer and a Secret DJ data point. Refer to the MORE card setup doc if required.
Don't forget that site will require an AV switch to manage "Screach TV" if they are getting a video wall installed.
Do they need their WiFi landing page changed?
What is their Current brand/Division?
- Slug & Lettuce
- Classic Inns
- City Tavern
- Proper Pub
- TP & K
- Missoula
- Montana B & G
- Common Room
- Yates
- Popworld
- Venue
- Walkabout
Do they require any Till/IT works by STONEGATE?
Works requested
Add media
Are there any specific requirements/notes for nGeneration?
RTS (Panama) WORKS
Are there any works for RTS/Panama?
Current WiFi solution?
Is the WiFi being upgraded?
Make sure The Cloud is cancelled with Sky. An email with the site's name, address & postcode needs to be sent to "" requesting service cancellation. nGen will then need to box up the old kit and send it back to Sky.
What brand is the current Wi-Fi router?
Picture of current Wi-Fi router
Current Phone System Solution?
Are the phones being upgraded?
How many STATIC phones are required?
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- gprs
- Integrated
How many DECT phones are required?
- N/A
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- gprs
- Integrated
Is there a power socket available for the DECT phone in the location requested?
Phone locations and any other info
Pictures of phone locations
Is there an existing PBX control unit that requires removal?
Please provide as many pictures as possible showcasing the control unit's location.
Current LAN Switch Model
Does Switch require comms cab shelf for new Comms Cab install?
Current WiFi Switch Model (If Applicable)
Does Switch require comms cab shelf for new Comms Cab install?
Are here any additional/Cabling works requested?
Details of works requested?
Pictures of work details
1st Fix
2nd Fix
Commission Day (Use same date as 2nd fix for 2 day installs)
Is a Podium required?
Is a public printer required?
Are there any works for Celestra?
Current KMS solution?
Is the KMS being upgraded?
Are they getting KMS installed?
How many screens are required?
- N/A
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- gprs
- Integrated
Do they require any Cabling works by Celestra?
Works requested
Add media
Is a Podium required?
Till Type
Do they require additional tills?
How many tills are required?
- N/A
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- gprs
- Integrated
How many Cash Drawers are required?
- N/A
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- gprs
- Integrated
Do they require any cash drawer surrounds?
A20 CD Surround
- N/A
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- gprs
- Integrated
Wave CD Surround
- N/A
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- gprs
- Integrated
Wave CD Underslung
- N/A
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- gprs
- Integrated
Wave Till Bracket
- N/A
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- gprs
- Integrated
Receipt printer model
Do they require any additional printers?
How many printers are required?
- N/A
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- gprs
- Integrated
How many new data points will be required for new items (Tills, VoIP, Wi-Fi, KMS etc)
- N/A
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- gprs
- Integrated
Do they have enough free ports on their Patch panel to accommodate these?
Additional Patch rail required.
Do they require an additional shelf in the comms cab for the switches?
Any Additional Kit Required
Celestra Engineer required at Commissioning?
Exceptional Items
Exceptional items to look out for are things like messy/dangerous cables, unsafe kit or location of kit, possible shop fitting works required to bring items up to standard etc.
Are there any other exceptional items that BAU needs to be made aware of?
Please give as much information as possible incl. possible teams responsible for items (If not IT)
Detailed pictures of items