Title Page
Document No.
Store Observation and Feedback
Conducted on
Prepared by
Personnel Involved
1. The updated Safety and Health Policy in place and displayed
2. The Safety and Health Committee in place and meeting quarterly (check meeting minutes)
Front End & Sales Floor
3. Top stock comply with the top stock requirement
4. There is no equipment been left at the sales floor which will cause accident to customer
5. Products are displayed safely on the shelf
6. Shelving are in good condition
7. Staffs are using the correct equipment such as roller cage, portable platform, hand pallet truck at sales floor
Fresh - Meat/Poultry/Seafood
8. Butcher is trained and use the bandsaw safely (request butcher to demonstrate)
9. Butcher is trained and using metal glove while cutting meat or poultry (request butcher to demonstrate)
10. Staffs are wearing anti-slip boot
Fresh - Bakery/Delica
11. Staffs are trained on using equipment
Chemical Safety
12. SDS, chemical register, personal protective equipment (safety shoe, apron, gloves, goggle and face mask) is available for chemical using and staff is trained
13. Chemicals are stored safely in the chemical store with warning sign and secondary containment
14. Emergency eye wash and shower in good working environment
15. Staff are practicing right manual handling technique
16. Staffs and promoters are using the hand pallet truck and roller cage safely
Electrical Safety
17. Socket, cable and connection is safe
18. Electrical panels and electrical rooms are locked
19. Electrical equipment including MHE charger in good condition
Mechanical Handling Equipment (MHE)
20. MHE drivers are trained with valid license
21. MHE and Hand Pallet Truck in good condition
22. MHE keys are controlled properly
23. Operator are trained and practicing the procedure (request the operator to demonstrate) and machine in good condition
24. Operator using safe cutter, wearing safety shoe and gloves
25. Pallets are stacked safely on the floor and racking
26. Roller cages, MHE and Hand Pallet Truck are kept safely
Fire Safety
27. The is valid Fire Certificate
28. Emergency exit and fire fighting system is free of obstacles
29. LPG system is working safely
30. The floor is free of tripping hazards and not slippery
31. Others
Emergency Preparedness and Response
32. First Aid Kit available with complete items
33. Fire fighting system in good condition and maintained
34. ERT and First Aiders in place and trained
35. Emergency assembly point has been identified and conduct fire drill (plan or actual date)
36. Mall operate safely
Car Park
37. Road and lighting in good condition