Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Check notes before you start the visit
Check staffing levels and new starter information before the visit
Have the team completed pulse
Does the store have an assistant manager?
Name of ASM
Pos walk through
Are live demos out, if not why not. What is the issue? Has it been escalated?
- yes
- no
Add media
Are team in uniform?
- yes
- no
Best nominations up to date
- yes
- no
Health and safety check
Is the file up to date
- yes
- no
When was the last compliance declaration done? Who did it? How are they getting on with the actions?
Back of house standards
Intranet walk through
Can they members navigate 'the office'?
Can they show you where to get tariff information from?
Do they know where the business data is?
Do they know PAYG tariff data
Do they know how to process home bb?
Is the manager confident on sickness management?
Names of staff members who have triggered sickness stages and the actions taken
Is the manager confident on PIP management?
Names of team members and their PIP stages
Feedback/actions from shop floor management observations
Feedback from quick visit
Store manager