Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Racking Systems
does the racking appear to be in good condition?
Are rack locks fitted and secure?
Are lighter and more manageable items near the top of the racking system?
Are items that are not able to fit on the racking secure and appropriately stored?
Are all chemicals bunded?
Are all chemicals listed in the COSHH register?
Is the spills kit unobstructed and easily accessible?
Is the clay spills mat un-obstructed and easily accessible?
Are there any chemicals present which shouldn't be?
Where applicable are all chemicals in date?
Fire protection
Are all fire extinguishers (used for protection of this building) in place?
Are fire extinguishers un-obstructed?
Are all fire extinguishers either wall mounted or on stands?
Are all pins and tamper seals fitted to the extinguishers?
Where applicable are all fire extinguisher pressures within safe working limits?
Are there any dents or obvious signs of corrosion to the fire extinguishers?
Have fire extinguishers been serviced within the las 12 months?
Are all fire alarm call points easily visible and un-obstructed?
Do all fire exit doors open easily, and single handedly?
Are the floor areas kept clear?
Is the walkway (red) free from obstruction?
Are all exit routes free from obstruction?
Is the boiler area free from obstruction and all major components easily accessible?
Is the electrical distribution board(s) free from obstruction and easily accessible?
Is there a lack of flammable liquids and gasses stored?
Building Fabric
Does the general building fabric seem in good condition?
Is there a lack of leaks or evidence of leaks?
Is there a lack of cracks to the walls or other structural elements?
Does the roof appear to be in good condition?
Are the security mechanisms, such as locks and alarm sensors in good condition?
Stock management
Is stock appropriately packaged, protected and rotated?
Are there suitable means of identifying stock (clearly labelled)?
Are non-conforming items appropriately segregated?
Are areas in stores clearly identified i.e Quarrantine, New, Portables?
Is there suitable control of issue from the stores?
Is all waste correctly segregated
Are waste containers clearly labelled?
Are waste containers of adequate type and capacity?