
  • Premises Name

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Number of Cooling Tower Systems

  • Number of Cooling Towers

  • Inspection Result

  • Reinspection

  • Invoice

Premises Details

  • Premises name

  • Owners name

  • ABN Number

  • Occupiers name

  • Contact Person

  • Contacts Phone Number

  • Contacts Position

  • Contacts Email

  • Emergency contact

  • Emergency number

  • Microbial System Service Company

  • Service Company Contact Phone Number

  • Service Company Email Address

  • Cleaning Company

  • Cleaning Company Contact Phone Number

  • Cleaning Company Email Address

Risk Management Plan (RMP)

  • Does each Water Cooling System have a Risk Management Plan?

  • Risk Ranking

  • Annual Independent Audit of RMP completed and provided on site

Cooling Tower Inspections

Cooling Tower System 1

  • Switch

  • Documentation

  • Photo of cooling tower

  • Cooling Tower Model

  • Cooling Tower Serial Number

  • Each Cooling Tower has a Unique Identifying Number

  • Operation manual provided on site

  • Maintenance manual and records provided on site

  • Manuals comply with AS/NZS 3666.2:2011?

  • Drawings, suppliers recommendations, cleaning and dismantling instructions, set up and shut down procedures, maintenance management program.

  • System inspected monthly

  • Date of last monthly inspection

  • Photo of most recent months inspection report

  • Cleaning interval not exceeding 6 months?

  • Date of last system cleaning

  • Photo of most recent system cleaning

  • Monthly microbiological test results satisfactory:<br>(a) the level of Legionella in the system is not more than 1000 colony-forming units per millilitre, and<br>(b) the heterotrophic plate count in the system is not more than 5,000,000 colony-forming units per millilitre.

  • Occupier has notified Council of any failed microbiological test within 24 hours of receipt by the owner.

  • Date of last microbiological test

  • Photo of most recent microbiological test results

  • Tower Inspection

  • Does access to the tower appear safe and easy?

  • Condition of exterior of tower

  • Condition of water in the basin

  • Condition of drift eliminators

  • Tower free of rust, biofilm, sludge and algae

  • Disinfectant chemical drums located on bunded trays

  • Do biocide drums contain adequate product

Cooling Tower System 2

  • Switch

  • Documentation

  • Photo of cooling tower

  • Cooling Tower Model

  • Cooling Tower Serial Number

  • Each Cooling Tower has a Unique Identifying Number

  • Operation manual provided on site

  • Maintenance manual and records provided on site

  • Annual Independent Audit completed and provided on site

  • Manuals comply with AS/NZS 3666.2:2011?

  • Drawings, suppliers recommendations, cleaning and dismantling instructions, set up and shut down procedures, maintenance management program.

  • System inspected monthly?

  • Date of last monthly inspection

  • Photo of most recent months inspection report

  • Cleaning interval not exceeding 6 months?

  • Date of last system cleaning

  • Photo of most recent system cleaning

  • Microbiological test results satisfactory (recommended 3 monthly):<br>(a) the level of Legionella in the system is not more than 10 colony-forming units per millilitre, and<br>(b) the heterotrophic plate count in the system is not more than 100,000 colony-forming units per millilitre.

  • Date of last microbiological test

  • Photo of most recent microbiological test results

  • Tower Inspection

  • Does access to the tower appear safe and easy?

  • Condition of exterior of tower

  • Condition of water in the basin

  • Condition of drift eliminators

  • Tower free of rust, biofilm, sludge and algae

  • Disinfectant chemical drums located on bunded trays

  • Do biocide drums contain adequate product

Cooling Tower System 3

  • Switch

  • Documentation

  • Photo of cooling tower

  • Cooling Tower Model

  • Cooling Tower Serial Number

  • Each Cooling Tower has a Unique Identifying Number

  • Operation manual provided on site

  • Maintenance manual and records provided on site

  • Annual Independent Audit completed and provided on site

  • Manuals comply with AS/NZS 3666.2:2011?

  • Drawings, suppliers recommendations, cleaning and dismantling instructions, set up and shut down procedures, maintenance management program.

  • System inspected monthly?

  • Date of last monthly inspection

  • Photo of most recent months inspection report

  • Cleaning interval not exceeding 6 months?

  • Date of last system cleaning

  • Photo of most recent system cleaning

  • Microbiological test results satisfactory (recommended 3 monthly):<br>(a) the level of Legionella in the system is not more than 10 colony-forming units per millilitre, and<br>(b) the heterotrophic plate count in the system is not more than 100,000 colony-forming units per millilitre.

  • Date of last microbiological test

  • Photo of most recent microbiological test results

  • Condition of water in the basin

  • Tower Inspection

  • Does access to the tower appear safe and easy?

  • Condition of exterior of tower

  • Condition of drift eliminators

  • Tower free of rust, biofilm, sludge and algae

  • Disinfectant chemical drums located on bunded trays

  • Do biocide drums contain adequate product

Cooling Tower System 4

  • Switch

  • Documentation

  • Photo of cooling tower

  • Cooling Tower Model

  • Cooling Tower Serial Number

  • Each Cooling Tower has a Unique Identifying Number

  • Operation manual provided on site

  • Maintenance manual and records provided on site

  • Annual Independent Audit completed and provided on site

  • Manuals comply with AS/NZS 3666.2:2011?

  • Drawings, suppliers recommendations, cleaning and dismantling instructions, set up and shut down procedures, maintenance management program.

  • System inspected monthly?

  • Date of last monthly inspection

  • Photo of most recent months inspection report

  • Cleaning interval not exceeding 6 months?

  • Date of last system cleaning

  • Photo of most recent system cleaning

  • Microbiological test results satisfactory (recommended 3 monthly):<br>(a) the level of Legionella in the system is not more than 10 colony-forming units per millilitre, and<br>(b) the heterotrophic plate count in the system is not more than 100,000 colony-forming units per millilitre.

  • Date of last microbiological test

  • Photo of most recent microbiological test results

  • Tower Inspection

  • Does access to the tower appear safe and easy?

  • Condition of exterior of tower

  • Condition of water in the basin

  • Condition of drift eliminators

  • Tower free of rust, biofilm, sludge and algae

  • Disinfectant chemical drums located on bunded trays

  • Do biocide drums contain adequate product

Cooling Tower System 5

  • Switch

  • Documentation

  • Photo of cooling tower

  • Cooling Tower Model

  • Cooling Tower Serial Number

  • Each Cooling Tower has a Unique Identifying Number

  • Operation manual provided on site

  • Maintenance manual and records provided on site

  • Annual Independent Audit completed and provided on site

  • Manuals comply with AS/NZS 3666.2:2011?

  • Drawings, suppliers recommendations, cleaning and dismantling instructions, set up and shut down procedures, maintenance management program.

  • System inspected monthly?

  • Date of last monthly inspection

  • Photo of most recent months inspection report

  • Cleaning interval not exceeding 6 months?

  • Date of last system cleaning

  • Photo of most recent system cleaning

  • Microbiological test results satisfactory (recommended 3 monthly):<br>(a) the level of Legionella in the system is not more than 10 colony-forming units per millilitre, and<br>(b) the heterotrophic plate count in the system is not more than 100,000 colony-forming units per millilitre.

  • Date of last microbiological test

  • Photo of most recent microbiological test results

  • Tower Inspection

  • Does access to the tower appear safe and easy?

  • Condition of exterior of tower

  • Condition of water in the basin

  • Condition of drift eliminators

  • Tower free of rust, biofilm, sludge and algae

  • Disinfectant chemical drums located on bunded trays

  • Do biocide drums contain adequate product

Cooling Tower System 6

Cooling Tower System 6

  • Switch

  • Documentation

  • Photo of cooling tower

  • Cooling Tower Model

  • Cooling Tower Serial Number

  • Each Cooling Tower has a Unique Identifying Number

  • Operation manual provided on site

  • Maintenance manual and records provided on site

  • Annual Independent Audit completed and provided on site

  • Manuals comply with AS/NZS 3666.2:2011?

  • Drawings, suppliers recommendations, cleaning and dismantling instructions, set up and shut down procedures, maintenance management program.

  • System inspected monthly?

  • Date of last monthly inspection

  • Photo of most recent months inspection report

  • Cleaning interval not exceeding 6 months?

  • Date of last system cleaning

  • Photo of most recent system cleaning

  • Microbiological test results satisfactory (recommended 3 monthly):<br>(a) the level of Legionella in the system is not more than 10 colony-forming units per millilitre, and<br>(b) the heterotrophic plate count in the system is not more than 100,000 colony-forming units per millilitre.

  • Date of last microbiological test

  • Photo of most recent microbiological test results

  • Tower Inspection

  • Does access to the tower appear safe and easy?

  • Condition of exterior of tower

  • Condition of water in the basin

  • Condition of drift eliminators

  • Tower free of rust, biofilm, sludge and algae

  • Disinfectant chemical drums located on bunded trays

  • Do biocide drums contain adequate product


  • Site manager/owner name

  • Environmental Health Officer

  • Phone: (02) 9748 9999 Fax: (02) 9764 1034 Email:

Inspection Outcome

  • Inspection Rating

  • Further Action Required

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.