Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Site / Business name

  • Conducted on

  • Inspecting officer

Site Details

Business & Contacts

  • Site / Business name

  • Site address
  • Person Responsible name

  • Person Responsible phone

  • Person Responsible email

  • Site owner name

  • Site owner phone

  • Site owner email

  • Nature of lease / responsibility for site & UPSS

  • Provide details

UPSS Operation

  • Does an Exemption Order apply?

  • Provide details:

  • Total annual fuel sales (litres)

  • Is the site located in a Vapour Recovery Region?<br>https://www.epa.nsw.gov.au/your-environment/air/reducing-motor-vehicle-emissions/vapour-recovery-service-stations

  • Is there a Vapour Recovery System in place?

  • VR1

  • VR2

  • VR1 = captures vapour from storage tanks when a tanker delivers petrol to the service station
    VR2 = captures vapour at the bowser while a motorist refuels

  • All UPSS operators inside the Vapour Recovery Regions must have a system installed.

  • Tank information available?

  • If a tank contains multiple compartments, record each compartment as a separate tank.

  • Tank
  • Year tank was commissioned

  • Construction material(s)

  • Product contained

  • Volume (litres)

  • Operational status

  • Provide details

  • All UPSS operators are required to have this information available.

SECTION A: Fuel System Operation Plan (FSOP) or equivalent

  • Does the site have an FSOP?

  • Location

  • The FSOP is required to be located onsite.

  • Does the FSOP exist as separate documents?

  • What format is the FSOP in?

Fuel System Operation Plan (FSOP) - Contents

  • Does the FSOP contain business and contact details?

  • The FSOP must have this element.

  • Does the FSOP contain site security and access information?

  • The FSOP must have this element.

  • Does the FSOP have contact details for the Person Responsible for the UPSS?

  • The FSOP must have this element.

  • Does the FSOP indicate modification and monitoring records and their locations?

  • The FSOP must have this element.

  • Does the FSOP contain design standards / industry specifications?

  • The FSOP must have this element.

  • Does the FSOP contain details of the Loss Monitoring System?

  • The FSOP must have this element.

  • Are loss monitoring reports included in the FSOP?

  • The FSOP must have this element.

  • Does the FSOP contain an Incident Management Procedure?

  • The FSOP must have this element.

  • Does the FSOP contain details of the maintenance schedule?

  • The FSOP must have this element.

  • Does the FSOP contain plans / 'as-built' drawings of each UPSS?

  • The FSOP must have this element.

  • Does the FSOP contain details of employee induction and incident management training?

  • The FSOP must have this element.

  • All UPSS operators are required to have an FSOP.

SECTION B: Loss Monitoring System

  • Is there a Loss Monitoring System in place?

  • All UPSS operators must have a Loss Monitoring System in place.

  • What type of Loss Monitoring System is it ?

  • Provide details

  • Are loss monitoring reports generated at least monthly?

  • All UPSS operators are required to generate loss monitoring reports at least monthly.

  • Is the Loss Monitoring System certified to detect a release of 0.76 L/hr of fuel?

  • All Loss Monitoring Systems must meet this requirement.

  • Does the Loss Monitoring System cover all tanks?

  • The Loss Monitoring System must cover all installed tanks.

  • Are discrepancies in litres delivered vs. litres sold investigated?

  • All discrepancies must have evidence of further investigation as soon they are as identified.

SECTION C: Leak Detection System

  • Is there a Leak Detection System in place?

  • What type of Leak Detection System is it?

Groundwater wells

  • Number of wells installed

  • Is the installation report accessible onsite?

  • The groundwater well installation report must be accessible.

  • Is the testing procedure accessible onsite?

  • The Leak Detection System testing procedure must be accessible.

  • Are groundwater monitoring results accessible onsite?

  • The groundwater well monitoring results must be accessible.

  • Are the groundwater wells tested every 6 months?

  • Groundwater wells must be tested every 6 months.

Alternative system

  • Provide details

  • Is the system designed by a duly qualified person?

  • Alternative Leak Detection Systems must be designed by a duly qualified person.

  • Is the testing procedure accessible onsite?

  • The Leak Detection System testing procedure must be accessible.

  • All UPPS operators must have a Leak Detection System in place.

SECTION D: Incident Management Procedure

  • Is the Incident Management Procedure outlined in the Fuel System Operation Plan in place?

  • All UPSS operators must have an Incident Management Procedure in place.

  • Is an incidents log kept in the Fuel System Operation Plan?

  • An incidents log must be kept in the Fuel System Operation Plan

  • Are there steps in the Incident Management Procedure to mitigate spills / leaks?

  • Incident Management Procedure must outline steps to mitigate spills and leaks.

SECTION E: Maintenance schedule

  • Is there a schedule in place showing system maintenance? Such as fill points, sump pumps, gauges, sensors and other UPSS system and measuring instruments.

  • Contains maintenance actions?

  • This maintenance schedule must have this element.

  • Contains frequency of maintenance?

  • This maintenance schedule must have this element.

  • Contains location of maintenance records

  • This maintenance schedule must have this element.

  • All UPSS operators are required to have a maintenance schedule in place.

Comments, areas for action / improvement

  • undefined

Other environmental management issues

  • This page contains industry best practices, but are not requirements. See Practice Note: Managing run-off from service station forecourts

SECTION F: Forecourt design operation and maintenance

  • Are stormwater drains free of pollution?

  • Are stormwater drains protected from spills?

  • Is the forecourt area sealed and free from cracks?

  • Does the forecourt area have a canopy with overhang?

  • Is the forecourt area bunded for collecting surface runoff?

  • Is there an oil / water separator? (or alternative)

  • Is the oil / water separator appropriately maintained?

  • Is there a trade waste agreement / permit?

  • Is wastewater discharged to the sewer?

  • Is wastewater treated prior to discharge?

  • What alternative discharge option is used?

  • Provide details

  • Is waste stored in a way to prevent a pollution incident?

  • Are licensed waste contractors used, or are planned to be used to dispose of spill and leak waste?

SECTION G: Spill response and chemical storage

  • Is a spill kit present, accessible, and adequately stocked?

  • Is the spill kit regularly checked and refilled?

  • Are sweep / vacuum / absorbent materials used to clean small spills and surface areas?

  • Is there an up-to-date register of chemicals used and stored on the site?

  • Are there relevant Material Safety Data Sheets on the site?

  • Are employees aware of who to contact in the event of a spill?

  • Are employees trained in spill clean up procedures?

Comments, areas for action / improvement

  • undefined

Inspection Outcome

  • Inspection Outcome

  • Enforcement Action

  • Name of Person Interviewed

  • Signature of Person Interviewed

  • Name of Authorised Officer

  • Signature of Authorised Officer

  • Inspection completion time

Information Page

  • Links to EPA Website/Legislation

  • https://www.epa.nsw.gov.au/your-environment/contaminated-land/upss

  • https://www.epa.nsw.gov.au/your-environment/contaminated-land/upss/resources-for-implementing-upss

  • https://www.epa.nsw.gov.au/-/media/epa/corporate-site/resources/clm/19p2015-fact-sheet-5-upss-obligations.pdf?la=en&hash=BCBE6980100A6B07B6DE9F504D9B9A07BDC18583

  • https://www.epa.nsw.gov.au/your-environment/contaminated-land/upss/fuel-system-operation-plans

  • https://legislation.nsw.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-1997-140#sec.60

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.