
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Person Interviewed

Business Details

  • Select date

  • Trading Name

  • Type of Business

  • Contact / Manager

  • Business Phone / After Hours Phone

  • The following marked items require attention to bring the premises into compliance with the Building Code of Australia, Public Health Requirements and/or Development Consent, pursuant to Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, and MUST BE RECTIFIED WITHIN THE SPECIFIED TIME FRAME.


  • Copy of WorkCover Health and Safety Guidelines for Brothels

  • Compliance with Development Approval

  • Cease to administer unauthorised skin penetration/douching

  • Ensure that sex workers staff area is adequate and clean

  • Provide natural or mechanical ventilation to:


  • Provide clients with clean linen and towels

  • Effectively separate clean and used linen

  • Ensure that all linen, towels and other bed coverings that come into contact with sex workers and clients are changed after use

  • Provide washable mattress covers

  • Launder linen through a commercial contractor

  • Ensure that the washing machine is capable of at least 70 degrees celsious

  • Ensure that the bed coverings are regularly changed

  • Any bed linen that is visibly stained is to be changed immediatly

Waste Handling

  • Provide plastic lined waste containers in all workrooms

  • Adequately store hazardous waste in approved receptacles

  • Dispose of hazardous waste in an approved facility

  • Provide cubicles / booths / sexually activity rooms with adequate waste facilities

Safe Sex Education

  • Provide sex workers with current written Sexually Transmitted Infection Information

  • Provide Staff area with a notice board for health and occasional safety material only

  • Provide sex workers access to health service providers


  • Provide bactericidal pump action soap and single use towels to hand basins

  • Maintain pools / spas in accordance with Public Health (Swimming Pools and Spa Pools) Regulation 2000

  • Provide hand wash basin with warm water mixed through a common outlet

  • Ensure that douching facilities comply with Public Health (Skin Penetration) Regulation 2000 Requirements

  • Ensure douching facilities comply with Sydney Water requirements - back flow prevention device

  • Registered thermostatic mixing valve for douching facility - Legionella Control

Safe Sex Equipment

  • Provide an adequate supply of condoms, dental dams, water-bases lubricant free of charge to sexual activity room(s), booth, cubicles

  • Provide dental dams on request

  • Provide dental dam signage


  • Workrooms minimum luminance of 320 lux for client health checks

  • Sexual activity areas, minimum luminance of 320 lux for client health checks

  • Sexual activity areas are to be provided with a minimum luminance of 80 lux for cleaning


  • Clean floors, walls, door handles, railings

  • Clean all bathrooms and toilets

  • Clean chains / slings

  • Are chains / slings capable of being effectively cleaned?

  • Clean sex toys

  • Clean B & D equipment

  • Clean booths / cubicles / workrooms / performance areas

  • Clean bedding / couches

  • Provide up to date CLEANING REGISTER

  • Spot cleaning to be conducted hourly or more frequent if required

  • Additional items to be cleaned?


  • Effectively REPAIR OR REPLACE

  • Booths and Cubicles

  • Unsealed Glory Holes

  • Performance Areas

  • Mattress(s)

  • User Adjustable Lightening

  • Washing Machines

  • Hand Basin(s)

  • Sex Toys / B & D Equipment

  • Other Items

Development Compliance

  • Issues

Inspection Result

  • Inspection Result

  • Re-Inspection Required

  • Signature of Manager / Contact of premises

  • Environmental Health Officer

  • Council Officer Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.