
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Select date

Site Description

  • Please take a photo of the premises location

External grounds

  • If used on site, do all wheelie bins have drainage bungs in place?

  • Are food waste areas well maintained?

  • Are any shrubbed areas free from wind blown litter?<br>

  • Are any smoking areas well maintained and free from food debris?

  • Are all rubbish bins in good condition without any damage?

  • Is there any bird fouling around window ledges, canopies or door openings?

  • Are all air vents in brickwork adequately proofed against pests?

  • Are all external doors adequately proofed against pests / insects ?

  • Are there any gaps or holes in the brickwork especially around pipework that can be exploited by pests?

  • Are there any areas where scrap equipment is stored?

  • Is there any stock or waste being stored against external walls?

  • Is there any water courses in close proximity to the building?

  • Have you stood at the outside front, back & side building elevation and inspected for any vents and airbricks and gaps under doors?

  • Have you inspected around and in the soil substrate of any potted shrubs or planters?


  • Is a process in place to regularly clean and wash down internal and external bins?

  • Internally, is food waste stored in a suitable container with a lid on?

  • Externally, Is food waste stored in a suitable container with a lid on?

  • Are external bins sited away from open windows or entrances?

  • Are adequate refuse collections made?

Lobby / Reception

  • Does the building have elevators and can the pits be inspected ?

  • Have you inspected any floral displays / stands / pots?

  • Have you located any computers / cash registers and inspected around then including underneath?

  • Have you checked along the base of any window frames especially celling to floor windows for insect activity?

  • Have you checked around the bases of any heaters?

  • If there is a front counter, have you checked underneath it at floor level?

  • Have you Inspected around any waste bins?

  • Is the entrance door(s) adequately proofed?

  • Are the windows adequately proofed ?

  • Do all entrance doors close and is a closed door policy enforced?

  • Is pest monitoring undertaken for insects and rodents regularly?

  • Is the site currently free from pests?

  • Are all traps, live & lethal, being checked in accordance with local legislation ?

  • Are adequate pest control procedures in place?

  • Are physical methods of control being used for flying insects?

  • Are physical methods being employed adequate?

  • Are records being kept of pest control visits ?

  • Is the person carrying out pest control trained?

  • Are all chemicals being used legal in the country?

  • Is the building adequately proofed against pest entry?

  • Are all material and coverings on walls easily cleaned ?

  • The floor is well drained with no pooling of water?

  • Are all drains and gullies are protected by grilles?

  • Are the wall floor junctions sealed to prevent food debris accumulating?

  • Is the area regularly cleaned including underneath units and machinery?

  • Are all fly killing machines positioned away from food preparation surfaces?

  • Are all fly killing machines fitted with shatterproof UV tubes?

  • Have you opened and inspected the pit of the dumb waiter?

  • Are all externally opening windows protected with fly screens or similar?

  • Are all externally opening doors protected with fly screens or similar?

  • Have you had access to the goods lift pit for inspection?

  • Are all waste bins are of good construction with lids?

  • Have you checked around all motors or electrical fridges / hotplates / washers?

  • Have you located and checked around all grease traps?

  • Have you inspected under all racking in food storage areas?

  • Have you inspected under food preparation tables?

  • Have you checked all proofing issues especially around pipe work?

  • have you located any motors of display cabinets / fridges and inspected?

  • have you checked behind and underneath any display cabinets?

  • Have you checked under all hand washing sinks?

  • Does the area have and EFK and is it positioned and serviced correctly?

  • Have you checked around and underneath any dishwashers & fridges?

  • Have you traced any drinks lines back to the point to ingress and are they sealed at the point on ingress?

  • Does the bar have removeable front panels and if so have they been taken off for inspection?

  • Have you checked around any waste bins?

  • Have you opened any access panels in raised floors ?

  • Have you checked the general state of housekeeping in the area?

  • Does the site have bench seating if yes have you inspected in the bench void ?

  • Have you inspected around and underneath any fire places?

  • Have you inspected around all window frames?

  • If the area is tiled, are all tiles in good condition?

  • Does the floor covering meet the wall leaving no gap for food debris or pests?

  • Check any light coloured walls & ceilings for fly alighting evidence?

  • Does the area have a dumb waiter and have you located and inspected the access hatch?

Non Food Storage Areas

  • Have you spoken to the site contact and located all non food storage areas?

  • Are items being stored away from wall floor junction?

  • Have you checked underneath any storage racking?

  • Are any food items currently being stored in these non food areas?

  • Is any redundant plant / machinery stacked neatly?

  • Have any cellars been inspected along with high ceiling level pipe runs?

Common Areas / Customer Areas

  • Have you inspected at least 50% of riser cupboards on each floor?

  • Have you inspected all lift motor rooms?

  • Have you inspected inside any radiator covers?

  • If the site has sunken electrical points in the floor, have you inspected under the hatches / covers?

  • Have you inspected any utility rooms paying attention to behind machinery?

Staff changing & eating Areas

  • Are staff personal shoes and clothing being left in an orderly manner?

  • Have you checked on the top of any lockers for housekeeping issues?

  • Have you checked under any servicing counters or vending machines?

  • Have you checked around waste bins and checked for debris on floors or walls?

  • Have you checked behind lockers?

  • Have you inspected in a sample of lockers?

  • Are food / drinks being left out?

Boiler rooms / Power generators / Workshops

  • Have you located all boiler rooms / generators and workshops? - Check with site contact

  • Is housekeeping and stacking of good standard in these areas?

  • Does any pipework enter through external walls if so, are gaps present?

  • Is there any evidence of staff grazing in these areas i.e. empty / discarded food wrappers?

  • Are all lovers on doors and walls meshed to stop pest ingress?

  • Are entrances to these areas proofed against pests?

  • Are there any tea / coffee points in these areas and have you inspected around them?

  • Are the sinks boxed in? If so remove the access panel and inspect

  • Are the toilet cisterns boxed in? if yes then remove a sample and inspect

  • Check any light coloured ceilings for signs of fly activity?

  • Are there any pools of water on the floor?

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.