
  • Location

  • Type Of Inventory

  • Front of Property

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by



    This Inventory Report is a detailed narrative record from a visual inspection. It is compiled in good faith to provide an accurate descriptive record of the applicable property's contents and the condition and cleanliness of such contents on the date of the Inventory Report as stated on the cover of this document. It is the duty and ultimate responsibility of the Landlord, Tenant and if applicable, Agent to agree between them the accuracy of this Inventory Update. Lettings Locations Ltd. and its staff are not trained or qualified property surveyors. Under no circumstances should this Inventory Report be used as a structural survey of a property. Further to this it should be noted that we are not specifically qualified or trained as legal experts on any type or kind of cloth, wood, other material, nor do we have any specific knowledge of antiques. This Inventory Report should not be deemed to be a definitive statement of each and every item of equipment or furniture, nor indeed of the authenticity of the aforementioned items. This Inventory Report does not provide the Landlord, Tenant or the Landlord's/Tenant's Agent with any kind of guarantee regarding the safety of any equipment, furniture or other contents relating to the property. Any description serves merely as a record in accordance with the purpose of this Inventory Report. Items listed within the Inventory Report are deemed to be in good condition without any apparent defect unless otherwise stated. In the case of a significant defect of an item(s) such as clear or obvious damage or soiling, then such item(s) will be described appropriately.

    It should be noted that it may not be possible to move certain items of furniture to facilitate inspection behind or beneath such items. In addition, it is not usual practice to inspect and detail attics or cellars. Furthermore, we do not inspect rooms which are locked unless a key has been provided. Nor do we inspect items that are packaged for storage or in boxes. It should be note
    that it is not in our practice to individually list books, CD's, DVD's, cleaning items or other miscellaneous items such as contents of garden sheds, greenhouses or garages. Focus Pro Ltd and its staff do not check gas or electrical appliances and give no guarantee with regard to the safety or reliability of such items. We do not test window openers for security and safety reasons.


    Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms - As of October 2015 it became compulsory for all rental properties, both private and social, to be fitted with appropriate smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to each level and where solid burning fuel units are present. Alarms are noted where they are sited within the property, that they have been tested for power only on the day the inventory report / check-in is compiled and whether an audible tone is detected during that test and the results shown in the ‘Safety’ section in the report. If an audible sound or power cannot be verified or the required alarm(s) are not present the landlord / managing agent will be informed immediately.
    Ongoing testing of the alarms - tenant(s) are responsible for the ongoing checking of any and all alarms during the tenancy. It is recommended that they are tested weekly. The landlord / managing agent should be informed of any issues or faults relating to the functioning of the units immediately.
    Please note: Where this inventory notes the presence of smoke alarms and carbon monoxidetectors, if tested by the clerk,this will be for power supply and should not be interpreted to mean that these items are fully working and that the property complies with the 2015 regulations. Focus Pro Ltd will take no responsibility for damage or malfunction during the testing of such alarms.
    The ultimate responsibility of the compliance with the Fire & Safety Regulations for Furnishings, Gas and Electrical services is that of the instructing Principal. Any note within an Inventory Report compiled by Lettings Locations Ltd stating 'Fire Safety Label Seen'is merely a record that the item was seen to have a label attached, at the time that the Inventory Report was compiled, similar or the same as that described in the 'Guide to the Furniture and Furnishings' (Fire) (Safety) Regulations that was originally published by the Department of Trade & Industry in January 1997 (or subsequent editions). Under no circumstances should the note 'Fire Safety Label Seen' be deemed as a specific statement of fact that the applicable item complies with the aforementioned Regulations.


    Please note this report must be signed by the tenant(s) and or commented on and returned to the issuing agent within the specified days as indicated by the landlord / managing agent from the commencement of the tenancy. If the report is not signed and or returned by you (the tenant) within the specified timescale (refer to the managing agent), the report will be closed and the contents deemed as accepted and any future discrepancies will then not be admissible


    Actions If / where used; these are listed for Letting / Managing Agent Management Use Only to help the managing agent / landlord identify any issues / areas of remedial work and or cleaning required. They are not meant to be a complete appraisal of any matters that require attention so managing agents / landlords are strongly advised to read the report fully. Lettings Locations Ltd will not be held responsible for any issues highlighted in the main body of the report that are then not addressed by the relevant authority.


    • As New: (unused condition): Still in wrapper or with new tags/labels attached
    • Good Condition: Appears new but no wrapper or tags visible, signs of slight wear, generally very lightly worn.
    • Fair Condition: Signs of age, frayed, small light stains and marks, discolouration.
    • Poor Condition: Extensive signs of wear and tear, extensive stains/marks/tears/chips. Still functional.
    • Very poor condition: Extensively damaged/faulty items, large stains, upholstery torn and or very dirty, odours.
    * If items are classified as in fair, poor or very poor condition, further information Is also provided to detail what defects are present

    • Dusty - A covering of dust removable with vacuum, duster or damp cloth
    • Grubby - In need of cleaning above that required for dusty & requiring cleaning materials
    • Dirty - In need of cleaning above that required for grubby and requiring much cleaning products
    • Filthy - Extremely dirty & requiring major cleaning to a professional standard and in a state that may not be restorable to an
    acceptable standard
    • Greasy - Greasy to to touch
    • Stained - Discoloured Sections
    • Soiled - Badly Stained & Marked
    • Light Usage Marks - showing some slight wear marks in places associated with general light usage
    • Wear & tear - showing usage marks consistent with the age of the item
    • Worn - showing signs of wear above what would be expected as fair wear & tear
    • Scuff - A light rubbing of a surface
    • Scrape - A medium rubbing of a surface
    • Gouge - A deep scratch or mark on a surface that would require some sort of a repair
    • Nail Holes - caused by nails or picture hooks
    • Screw hole - holes slightly bigger than nail holes, caused by screws
    • Plug holes - holes caused by screws for wall fixings, often with plugs inserted
    • Professionally Cleaned: Everything is immaculate, sparkling and dust-free, appliances and sanitary ware spotless. Carpets
    steam cleaned, vacuumed, floors swept. All furniture in order and clean. Linen freshly laundered.
    • Good Domestic Clean: Flooring vacuumed and swept, Appliances cleaned and free of loose dirt. Some carbon deposits to
    appliances may be visible but no loose debris or grease to touch. Dust may be visible to areas not often seen i.e.
    cupboards, tops of door frames etc. Sanitary ware in clean condition - no dust/soap deposits/ loose hairs etc.
    • Average Domestic clean: Domestic clean, but signs of dust to woodwork, kitchen units marked, and appliances need
    additional cleaning. Carpets vacuumed and floors swept. Dust/Hairs to sanitary ware. Requires further cleaning.
    • Poorly Cleaned: Carpets need vacuum, all items dusty, grubby, dirty or filthy, kitchen and bathroom(s) require further
    cleaning to either a good domestic standard or to a professionally clean standard as applicable.
    * If items are classified as average domestic clean or poorly cleaned, further information is also provided


  • Evidence of Smoking?

  • Evidence of Pets?

  • All Rooms Accessible?

  • Keys Handed Over?

  • Any Urgent Works Required?

  • What Action Is Required

  • Odours?

  • Please Detail......

  • Evidence of Unauthorised Occupancy?

Schedule Of Condition And Cleanliness Summary

Schedule Of Condition And Cleanliness Summary

  • Overall Description of Property

  • Decorative Order

  • Cleanliness Rating

  • Kitchen Appliances

  • Sanitaryware

  • Flooring

  • Windows

  • Doors

  • Woodwork

  • Light/Shades

  • Gardens

Full Schedule


  • Images of property keys

  • Which keys are present?


  • Images of meters

  • Gas meter reading

  • Gas meter location

  • Electricity meter reading

  • Electricity meter location

  • Water meter read if applicable to the property

  • Water stop tap location


  • Does the property have a working Carbon Monoxide detector(s) present?

  • Smoke / Heat Alarm(s) present on each floor?

  • Does the property have a working burglar alarm?

  • Is the gas on or off?

  • Is the electricity on or off?

  • Is the water on or off?

Front Garden | Property Boundary

  • General Images

  • Are the grassed areas, shrubs and hedges well maintained?

  • Are any fences / gates / perimeter walls in need of attention?<br>

  • Are there any issues or potential risks to safety to surrounding areas of the property?<br>

  • Are there any maintenance / cleaning issues to be addressed?<br>

Rear Garden | Property Boundary

  • General Images

  • Are the grassed areas, shrubs and hedges well maintained?

  • Are there any issues or potential risks to safety to surrounding areas of the property?

  • Are any fences / gates / perimeter walls in need of attention?

  • Are there any maintenance / cleaning issues to be addressed?

Roofing | Guttering

  • Have any tiles/slates slipped and/or are missing?

  • Have any satellite dishes / aerials been added since last report?

  • Is there any evidence of leaking or blocked gutters?

  • Are soffits in need of re-decoration?

  • Are there any maintenance / cleaning issues to be addressed?

Front Entrance

  • General Images

  • Are there any Obvious Water Leaks

  • Are there any signs of damage or Mould?

  • Other Issues

  • Reception Room
  • Click to add Reception Room

Reception room

  • General Images

  • Are there any Obvious Water Leaks

  • Are there any signs of damage or Mould?

  • Would the room benefit from being redecorated?<br>

  • Would the flooring benefit from being cleaned and or replaced?

  • Are there any indications of pet /smoking / cooking / odours?<br>

  • Additional Items / Furniture Seen

  • Smoke alarm or carbon monoxide alarm seen?

  • Other Issues?

Under Stairs Storage

  • General Images

  • Would the flooring benefit from being cleaned and or replaced?

  • Would the room benefit from being redecorated?

  • Additional Items / Furniture Seen?

  • Are there any signs of damage or mould?

  • Are there any indications of pet /smoking / cooking / odours?

  • Other Issues?


  • General Images

  • Are there any obvious water leaks?

  • Are there any signs of damage or mould?

  • Would the room benefit from being redecorated?

  • Would the flooring benefit from being cleaned and or replaced?

  • Are there any indications of pet / smoking / cooking / odours?

  • Smoke/Heat alarm or carbon monoxide alarm seen?

  • Kitchen Appliances Seen

  • Additional Items / Furniture Seen

  • Other Issues?

  • Downstairs Bathroom/Cloakroom
  • Click to add Downstairs Bathroom/CloakRoom

Downstairs Bathroom/Cloakrooom

  • Are there any obvious water leaks?

  • Are there any signs of damage or mould?

  • Would the flooring benefit from being cleaned and or replaced?

  • Sanitary ware Seen And Condition?

  • Are there any indications of pet / smoking / odours?

  • Any Other Issues

Stairs / Landing

  • Are there any obvious water leaks?

  • Are there any signs of damage or mould?

  • Would the area(s) benefit from being redecorated?

  • Would the flooring benefit from being cleaned and or replaced?

  • Are there any indications of pet / smoking / cooking / odours?

  • Smoke alarm or carbon monoxide alarm seen?

  • Additional Items / Furniture Seen

  • Other Issues?

  • Bedroom
  • Click to add Bedroom


  • Are there any obvious water leaks?

  • Are there any signs of damage or mould?

  • Would the room benefit from being redecorated?

  • Would the flooring benefit from being cleaned and or replaced?<br>

  • Are there any indications of pet /smoking / cooking / odours?

  • Additional Items / Furniture Seen

  • Other Issues?

  • Bathroom
  • Click to add Bathroom


  • Are there any obvious water leaks?

  • Would the room benefit from being redecorated?

  • Would the flooring benefit from being cleaned and or replaced?

  • Sanitaryware Seen And Condition?

  • Are there any indications of pet / smoking / odours?

  • Additional Items / Furniture Seen

  • Other Issues?


  • I/We have read this Inventory Report throughout and hereby confirm that any discrepancies found have been noted in writing. I/We hereby confirm that the details contained in this Inventory Report accurately reflect the condition of the property at the date shown below. I/We fully understand and accept that if at the end of the tenancy period the Inventory Clerks findings differ with the Inventory Report and any previous details noted in writing, it will be accepted that any decision will be final. I/We fully understand that I/We have 7 days from receipt of this Inventory Report to notify any amendments/discrepancies to the Agent. I/We fully understand that failure to do this will result in any dilapidation or damage at the end of the Tenancy to be assessed from a copy of the Inventory Report.


    Important – please read

    Please read all the notes fully as they state what needs to happen for a smooth check out process as well as what our clerks are trained to look for and note within the property.
    Full Clean: The property must be returned to the condition noted in the initial inventory report (conducted prior to check-in). This will include a thorough, full clean: floors, walls, sanitary ware, windows, woodwork, all kitchen units, all rooms, ovens, cooker hoods, fridges & freezers, extractor fans, wardrobes, any linens and beddings. We will be inspecting all furnishings and appliances. In cases where the property is not returned to its initial condition, managing agents and/or landlords will have to instruct professional cleaners; this cost will be deducted from your deposit.
    Flooring: All flooring needs to be fully cleaned. If there are any stains or marks, the flooring should be cleaned to a professional standard.
    You can be charged for stains or marks of any kind. If a flooring is badly damaged, you may be charged for its entire replacement.
    All Furnishings: These should be in a similar condition as provided and will be fully inspected. You should take all means necessary to protect all furnishings during your tenancy, as damage can result in deductions from your deposit. This includes all marks, stains, scratches, loose joins, polish finishes, burns, ring marks, soiling or discolouration etc. All furnishings and any equipment must be returned to its original position or it will not be noted as present in the check out. Utensils: These will all be inspected for damage and dirt. They should all be thoroughly cleaned and placed in the same place as found at the beginning of the tenancy or they could be noted as missing.
    Bedroom Furnishings: All beds and their respective mattresses and bases will be examined for damage and stains. Charges would be made if there are any issues not noted on your original inventory report. If any sheets, duvets etc. were provided these will need to be cleaned and pressed.
    General Decoration: Any excessive damage, marking, scratches etc. can be deemed as beyond fair wear and tear. This can include nails, screws or hooks in walls, furniture marks etc. Please always gain written permission from all relevant parties prior to making alterations or changes of any kind.
    Drains: These should be running with no blockages.
    Lightbulbs: These should all be replaced and fully working.
    Keys: All keys from the beginning of the tenancy must be available, ready and clearly marked, including any cut during the tenancy. Lost keys can result in a charge for the replacement of the keys or the property's locks.
    Gardens: The front and back gardens will need to be maintained throughout your tenancy. Lawn cutting, weeding, flower beds and any other seasonal works required It’s recommended that you liaise with your landlord and/or managing agent regarding.
    Rubbish: Any and all rubbish should be completely removed from inside and outside the property, as organising this on your behalf will incur a cost for removal.
    Odours: Any odours present in the property must be eradicated prior to the check out. These often include cooking smells, food smells, the smell of smoking, sewage smells, damp smells or the smell of any pets.
    All the above useful information will vary, depending on the property’s condition at the beginning of any tenancy and the details of the tenancy agreement.
    Once the check-out process commences, there will be no allowed time for cleaning or removal of personal effects. Prior to checkout, ensure you are ready:
    Check your tenancy agreement to ensure that you know what is expected of you.
    Return all items to their original location and so they are easily seen. You will be charged for any item which are missing or not easily sourced at checkout.
    Clean all windows inside and out (inside only for flats/apartments)
    Have all carpets and curtains cleaned to a professional standard.
    Ensure oven and hob are clean and grease free inside and out. Clean cooked hood and replace filter if required
    Empty, clean and defrost fridge and freezer. Leave door open and appliance switched off.
    Clean all kitchen cabinets inside and out.
    Ensure all surfaces are clean and dust free.
    Clean and sanitise all sanitary ware and tiling in kitchen and bathroom(s).
    Wipe over paintwork, especially heavily-touched areas, such as around door handles, door edges, radiators and around light switches.
    Remove all rubbish, food and your own possessions from the property.
    Vacuum under cushions and beneath furniture.
    Replace blown or faulty light bulbs.
    Replace any broken items.

  • Signed by tenant

  • Signed by Clerk

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.