Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Subcontractor documents
1. Does the company have a current (within 12 months) safety policy statement?
2. Does the company display the current HSE poster?
3. Does the company have and exhibit its employers’ liability insurance certificate?
4. Does the company maintain up-to-date COSHH data sheets?
5. Does the company maintain up-to-date Risk Assessment?
6. Does the company maintain up-to-date Method Statements?
Corrective Action Required:
Site induction
7. Does the company have an induction procedure for new starters?
8. Does the company have a system for communicating safety information to its employees? (safety notice board, staff safety meetings, safety representatives etc.)
Corrective action required:
Accident reporting
9. Does the company have an Accident and Incident Action Plan in place (covering, for example, Reporting; Investigation; Statistics & Monitoring; Fatal / Major Incidents)?
Corrective action required:
Emergency procedures
10. Are staff trained in fire evacuation procedures (general evacuation, fire marshal training etc.)?
11. Has the company carried out a fire drill in the last 12 months?
12. Are there clear instructions/notices to inform staff and visitors of how to evacuate the building or site safely?
13. Are procedures and equipment for dealing with emergencies adequate?
14. Do emergency plans include business continuity plans?
15. Does the company keep records of servicing, testing and maintenance of your fire precautions (such as fire<br>extinguisher checks, weekly testing of alarm points, servicing and testing of escape lighting, detectors etc.)?
Corrective Action Required:
16. Does the company have a training matrix in place (to match role requirements against post-holders)?
17. Does the company undertake Toolbox Talks (if so, what are topics)?
18. Has the company carried out a training needs analysis for staff?
19. Does the company provide safety induction training to new staff?
Corrective Action Required:
Risk Assessment (Detail)
20. Are all work activities classified?
21. Are all the significant hazards relating to work activities identified?
22. Is the level of risk correctly assessed for each hazard?
23. Is a risk control action plan prepared if necessary?
24. Are risk control action plans reviewed regularly?
Corrective Action Required:
Permits to work
25. Are any permits to work used to control the following high risk activities: access to confined spaces, roofs, plant rooms, walk in ducts, electric/mechanical isolations, electrical live work, hot work, work on safety cabinets, fume cabinets and lab drains, digging, any other
Corrective Action Required:
Working at height
26. Have staff who are required to work at height been appropriately trained?
27. Have all staff who work at height read the appropriate HSE guidance before commencing?
28. Have staff been informed of the requirement to visually inspect access equipment before use?
29. Are steps and ladders of commercial standard rather than of domestic quality?
30. Is access equipment inspected, maintained and monitored on a periodic basis?
31. If staff work in areas that exposes them to falls from heights are appropriate precautions required? (e.g. harnesses/restraint systems)
32. Is fall arrest equipment regularly inspected?
33. Are there training records specific to working at height maintained?
34. Are there any additional risks from PPE?
35. Are there risks from lone working?
Corrective Action Required:
Welfare facilities
36. Are flushing toilets available?
37. Is hot and cold running water is available?
38. Is soap and towels or hand dryer available?
39. Is there a suitable area for eating food and taking refreshments provided? (the area must be clean and have a means of boiling water and heating food, there must also be a sink for washing up)
40. Is there access to clean drinking water?
41. Is there an area where clothing can be dried?
Corrective Action Required:
Provision and use of PPE
42. Is an adequate supply of appropriate PPE available?
43. Is there suitable storage for PPE available?
44. Does your organisation issue personal protective equipment to contractors or visitors?
Corrective Action Required:
Waste management
45. Have waste responsibilities been defined to know who is disposing of what and when?
46. Have designated area(s) been established on site to segregate and reuse waste materials?
47. Are waste management permits, licences or exemptions in place for any processing of waste on site (such as crushing and soil treatment)?
48. Are hazardous wastes (oil, fuel, paints, and so on) collected and stored separately from general wastes?
49. Are registered waste carriers used to remove waste from site and are these checked on a regular basis?
50. Are waste transfer documents being retained: two years for non-hazardous and three years for hazardous waste?
Corrective Action Required:
Site housekeeping
51. Are floor spaces clean, unobstructed and wide enough to easily enter/leave the property?
52. Are the lighting levels good throughout the property?
53. Does the company carry out PAT testing of portable electrical items (anything with a plug on it such as PCs, kettles, fridges, drills etc.)?
54. Is the company's safety signage to a good standard in the building (fire escape/exit, muster point, access, pedestrian routes, scald hazards, etc)?
55. Is the company's building environment comfortable (not too hot/cold, no oppressive odours, reasonable humidity, fresh air etc.)?
Corrective Action Required:
Manual handling
56. Do staff carry out any significant manual handling activities?
57. If so, have manual handling risk assessments been carried out?
58. If so, have staff who are required to manually handle been appropriately trained?
Corrective Action Required:
Plant and equipment
59. Are all guards fitted and properly adjusted?
60. Is all necessary signage posted?
61. Is all lifting equipment inspected in accordance with LOLER and added to the insurance list for thorough examination?
62. Are all pressure systems inspected in accordance with Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 (PSSR)/ Simple Pressure Vessels (Safety) Regulations 1991/ Pressure Equipment Regulations 1999 and added to the insurance list for thorough examination?
63. Are emergency stops and isolation switches easy to access?
64. Has all scaffold been inspected and a register of inspection or scaff tags available on site?
65. Are all ladders/stepladders in good order and being used correctly?
66. Are all MEWP’s are being used correctly and operators have been trained (check cards where necessary?
Corrective Action Required:
Material storage
67. Are all substances labelled and stored correctly ?
68. Are gas cylinders stored correctly?
69. Are spill kits available?
70. Are storage areas used for liquid substances bunded?
Corrective Action Required:
Select date
Auditor Signature:
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