Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Inspection Date

  • Contractor Name:

  • Drill #

  • BH #:

  • Vale Inspector's Name(s):

  • Supervisor's Name:

  • Runner's Name:

  • Helper's Name

  • GPS



  • Is there a Dry/Change Facility to inspect?

  • Has the Dry already been inspected as part of another inspection today?

  • Are pressurized cylinders properly stored and secured?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is there a tagged and current fire extinguisher?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Are there operational CO and smoke detectors?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Do all personal fans present at the drill site have full guards, front and back?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed reponse

  • Rate the cleanliness of the Dry Facility. Are the concepts of 5S being adhered to? <br>SORT / SET IN ORDER / SHINE / STANDARDIZE / SUSTAIN

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Any Additional Comments or Actions Regarding the Dry?

  • Upload image, create action Item(s), and/or add comments using the icons.



  • Are there any dangerous trees along the access route?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Are necessary signs present?<br>(Drill Rig # & Arrows, EMS, Steep Hill, No Trespassing, No Hunting, speed limit, etc.)

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Are all areas where silting may occur being properly controlled? (silt fencing, hay bales, ditching, etc)

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • What is the Condition of the Access Trail:

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Any Additional Comments or Actions Regarding the Access?

  • Upload image, create action Item(s), and/or add comments using the icons.



  • Is there an active pump shack at this site?

  • Are there guards on all rotating pieces of equipment?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Are steps and walkways in good condition?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is the work area clean and organized?

  • Do the lights work and are the bulbs guarded?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Are extension cords in good condition/location?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is there a readily accessible striker present to light the propane?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is the pump shack and/or generators properly grounded? Only required if a source of electricity is present (e.g., generator).

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Are proper pressure relief devices installed on the pump?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is all fuel in appropriately labeled (diesel/gasoline/oil) and stored in containers (110% capacity)?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Was the pre-op completed on the pump shack?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is there a fire extinguisher with a current tag?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is there a complete spill kits at the pump?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is there a first aid kit present at the pump?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is there an eye wash container present (N/A in winter)?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is there separate refuse containers for household and flammable waste?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is the pump shack in a safe location? (not on an incline or near an edge)

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Are all pressurized cylinders (propane) properly stored, secured, and their inspection up to date?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Are PFD and rescue ropes available for access to pump and supply line on ice?

  • Any Additional Comments or Actions Regarding the Pump?

  • Upload image, create action Item(s), and/or add comments using the icons.



  • If the drill was pulling rods upon arrival did it have the appropriate barriers and signage to prevent access?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is the proper signage posted at the drill site? (E.x. PPE, Parking, No smoking, etc.)

  • Is fuel sloop located at least 4m from the drill?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Are there fire extinguishers with current tags at the fuel sloop and drill?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is the CO detector functional?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Are spill kits present and complete?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • During fire season, is fire fighting equipment present (axe, pails, shovels, pump pack)?<br>Ontario - Apr 1 to Oct 31<br>Newfoundland and Labrador - May 15 to Sept 30<br>Manitoba - Apr 1 to Nov 15

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Does the drill engine, generators, and pumps have drip pans & oil absorbent matting?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Are all fuel containers appropriately labeled (diesel, gas, oil) and stored (110% capacity)?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Are pressurized cylinders (propane/methane) properly stored, secured, with inspection date current?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Are extension cords in good condition (not frayed/tangled/stored/tagged)?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is there separate refuse containers for household and flammable waste?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is the fall prevention (railing) in good condition? Is the roof access ladder secure? Brackets intact and pins in place?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Are steps and walkways in good condition?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is the drill on 8" X 8" timbers and do the drill skids make complete contact with the timbers? Shims Must be at least as wide as the timbers (E.g. 8")

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Do the lights work and are the bulbs guarded (non-LED)?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Are there guards on all rotating pieces of equipment? Are they in good condition?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Do personal fans present at the drill have a full guard, front and back?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Are Emergency Shut Down devices (E-Stops) present and functional?

  • Shut down drill immediately, contact site supervisor

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is there a need for methane detection at the drill?

  • Is the methane detector working and calibrated as designed? (test, log book) *Support brace must be in place to block the suspended drill head from dropping if a worker must enter the cage to perform the detector test*

  • Shut down the drill immediately and contact site supervisor.

  • Is the methane detection procedure posted at the drill in appropriate places?

  • Is the crew trained and competent in the methane procedure? Ask.

  • Is this a drill program on mine footprint that requires an approved mine drill print?

  • Is the drill print valid for the current drill hole and posted at the drill rig

  • Shut down the drill immediately.

  • Is the Drill's interlock functioning properly?

  • Shut down the drill immediately and contact site supervisor

  • Is emergency preparedness information posted at the work site? Are personnel aware?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is the Spill Reporting procedure posted at the work site?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is the Drill's Green Tag posted and current?

  • Are there at least 2 reliable communication sources on site, i.e. cellular, radio, satellite phone, etc.?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is there a sealed, stocked, and inspected First Aid Kit on site?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is an AED readily accessible, in good condition, inspected, and located within a response time of 4 minutes or less to the patient?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is there a stretcher and emergency gear readily available?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is the pre-op inspection for the drill complete and satisfactory?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is there a gyro currently located at the rig?

  • Is the gyro stored in its proper case and in a safe location?

  • Create action to correct deficiency.

  • Is there any visible damage to the gyro?

  • Create action to correct the deficiency of damaged gyro.

  • Rate the housekeeping at the drill. Are the concepts of 5S being adhered to? <br>SORT / SET IN ORDER / SHINE / STANDARDIZE / SUSTAIN

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Is there a presence of a lightning detection system (handheld device/App on phone/etc) on site?

  • Any Additional Comments or Actions Regarding the Drill?

  • Upload image, create action Item(s), and/or add comments using the icons.


  • Are open holes, sumps, and banks completely barricaded at least 5 feet in distance?

  • Are ladders present and secured in the sumps?

  • Is the return water from the drill running into the sump?

  • Is the sump in good condition (ex. no leak, soil erosion, overflowing)?

  • Is there an "Open Hole" sign present?

  • If applicable, is the drying pad capable of holding additional material?

  • If applicable, is the sump liner in good condition (ex. no drooping or tears)?

  • Has one boom been placed at the entrance from the trench into sump 1?

  • Does sump 1 flow into sump 2

  • If applicable, does sump 2 flow into sump 3?

  • Are there any additional comments about the sump?



  • Has the pre-op been completed for the Evac Vehicle? (Truck/UTV/Snow Machine)

  • Is the vehicle in good condition? (look for damage/hazards, operational seat belts, PPE present/condition)

  • Is the fire extinguisher present and the tag current?

  • Are the appropriate (seasonal and terrain) tires on the vehicle and in good condition? (ex. winter or winter-rated tires in snow/ice conditions)

  • Is the cabin clean and free of hazards?

  • Additional Comments/Concerns:

  • Is there a bulldozer present?

  • Is the bulldozer in good condition? (look for damage/hazards, operational seat belts)

  • If the bulldozer was used, was a pre-op completed?

  • Is the fire extinguisher present and are the inspection tags (monthly/yearly) current?

  • Is the cabin clean and free of hazards?

  • Additional Comments/Concerns:

  • Is there a Skidder at the work site?

  • Is the skidder in good condition? (inspect winch cable and clevis, look for damage/hazards, operational seat belts)

  • If the Skidder was used, was a pre-op completed?

  • Is the fire extinguisher present and are the inspection tags (monthly/yearly) current?

  • Is the cabin clean and free of hazards?

  • Is a method being used to prevent unintended movement of the Skidder? Example: The blade/bucket/basket/wheel chocks.

  • Additional Comments/Concerns:

  • Is there any other equipment or vehicles being used on site?

  • Is the vehicle or equipment in good operating condition?

  • Have pre-ops been completed and are fire extinguishers present/current and cabin free of hazards?

  • Is the fire extinguisher present and are the inspection tags (monthly/yearly) current?

  • Is the cabin clean and free of hazards?

  • In Ontario, do UTV/RTV's on active drill/mine sites have a manual emergency brake and is it in use?

  • Additional Comments/Concerns:

  • Any Additional Comments or Actions Regarding Support Equipment?

  • Upload image, create action Item(s), and/or add comments using the icons.



Are Workers Wearing Appropriate Approved PPE?

  • Are Workers Wearing Boots with Metatarsal Guards? Are They in Good Condition?

  • look for these safety symbols

    Safety symbols for work boots.jpg
  • Are Workers Coveralls Approved High Visibility? Is it in Good Condition?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Are Workers Wearing Approved Hard Hats? Are They in Good Condition?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Do Workers Have Long Sleeves?

  • Are Workers Wearing Loose Items/Hoodies?

  • Are Workers Wearing or Do They Have Access to Appropriate Gloves in Good Condition?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

Crew Knowledge of Emergency Response

  • Does The Crew Know Their EMS Number And Where To Find This Information?

  • Does the Crew Know the Location of Their EMS Muster Site?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Are Workers Aware of Evacuation Procedures?

  • Please create an action item to address this failed response.

  • Are Workers Aware of Emergency Supplies?<br>Eg. First Aid Kits, Stretcher Kit and its Contents, Eye Wash, etc.

  • If applicable, is the drilling crew syncing their tablet regularly?

  • Any Additional Comments or Actions Regarding Personnel?

  • Upload image, create action Item(s), and/or add comments using the icons.

  • Have the crew members been involved in (and documented) a Tool Box Talk prior to beginning their shift that INCLUDED discussions about the expected weather for the shift?

Ice Drill Program Inspection - If applicable

  • Are you Inspecting an Ice Drill Program?

  • Is the current status of the road posted (ex. open, closed)?

  • Is the minimum ice thickness in effect for the road posted?

  • Is the maximum allowable Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) permitted on ice posted?

  • Are wooden pickets in place to demarcate boundaries of ice cover bearing reflective material that is visible at night? 100m intervals within 250m from shoreline and then 200m intervals thereafter.

  • Is the speed limit posted throughout (ex. entry, exit, travel, passing)?

  • Is the spacing signage in place? Spacing signage assists drivers in maintaining appropriate spacing such as 500m.

  • Is the site layout established and demarcated?

  • Is the drill and sludge recovery shack mounted over wood beams or timbers?

  • Are beams or timbers frozen to ice?

  • Are crew members aware of pullback duration limits?

  • Are vehicles and crew members remaining within marked boundaries?

  • Has the snow fence and signage been erected to restrict public access?

  • Has one catch basin been installed around the casing at the ice surface to retain any oil leaks and run off drilling fluids?

  • Are workers aware of the Working Alone Policy/Procedure?

  • Is an Ice Safety Plan available and current?

  • Are directional arrows to drills and EMS site present?

  • Have workers reviewed the Orientation plan for Working On Ice including the Ice Safety Plan?

  • Are workers wearing standard PPE as well as ice awl, boot cleats, whistle, sunglasses, snowmobile helmet (if required), and warm clothing such as waterproof gloves and boots?

  • Are personnel aware of signs and symptoms of cold stress in addition to self-rescue techniques?

  • Are personal aware of parking limitations including only two vehicle lengths from another vehicle and remaining stationary for less that two hours in a designated parking area?

  • Are daily high/low temperatures being documented?

  • Is a daily ice cover inspection report being conducted and documented?

  • Is a full inspection of the ice drill pad being conducted and documented each day?

  • Are ice monitoring stations in place along with ice thickness and freeboard checking being conducted and documented?

Safety Dialogue

  • Was a behavioural or safety dialogue conducted with the worker(s) at site?

  • Please add one or two sentences about the safety dialogue held between yourself and the drilling crew.

Remarks and/or Suggestions

  • Remarks and/or Suggestions:

  • Upload any supporting media (pictures/videos)

  • Inspector Signature

  • Signature
  • Inspector Signature

  • Driller/Helper/Supervisor Signature

  • Signature
  • Driller/Supervisor Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.