Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Swimming Pool Audit
Policies, Procedures & Swimming Pool Safety
Is there an AED on poolside?
Is there a Pool Safety Operating Procedure (PSOP)?
Is the AED checked daily to ensure the battery is working efficiently?
Have all lifeguards read and understood the Pool Safe Operating Procedures (PSOP)?
Are staff aware of the emergency access point for the emergency services?
Do you have signed PSOPs from each staff member confirming their understanding of the PSOP?
Are emergency exits clearly located?
Do all personnel, including hirers, who use the swimming pool receive a swimming pool induction?
Is there a noticeboard consisting of key information such as schedule, trained rescuers and a copy of the PSOP?
Have all staff read and understood the child protection policy?
Is there a swimming pool schedule accessible for all?
Are all training records of teachers and lifeguards kept up to date and evidenced?
Are there swimming pool rules on poolside available in English and Arabic?
Is there a swimming pool risk assessment?
Is there pool signage highlghting the depths?
Has a Lifeguard Zone Visibility Test (LZVT) been carried out?
Is there pool signage for safety? E.g no diving
Are there specific zones for the lifeguard(s) in line with the LZVT?
Is the pool gradient clearly marked?
Is there a risk assessment for each activity in the swimming pool?
Does the spectator area have safe access?
Are there access controls in place to prevent unauthorised access onto the pool?
Is the spectator area fenced off during lessons to prevent access directly onto poolside?
Is the pool locked when not in use?
Has the spectator area been included in the risk assessment?
Are preopening and closing facility checks carried out, daily?
Is there a maximum capacity set for spectators?
Are facility checks documented and stored for a period of 6 months?
Is there a maximum bather load sign displayed for the swimming pool?
Is there a panic alarm on poolside to alert nurses and emergency responders of an emergency situation?
Are lifeguards present during morning / after school swim sessions?
Can fire alarms be heard in the swimming pool?
Does the lifeguard ensure cleaning is completed around the swimming pool?
Is there an emergency telephone on poolside?
Does the lifeguard receive adequate breaks throughout the day?
Is there a designated first kit on poolside?
Has the lifeguard been issued with a whistle, uniform and radio?
Is the first aid kit checked regularly to ensure it is fully stocked?
Does the school have an adequate number of resuce equipment?
Is there signage for first aid kits?
Are swimmers taking pre swim showers?
Are low level plug sockets on poolside covered?
Are steps / ladders safely fitted?
Do steps / ladders have necessary rubber protection?
Are lights covered to avoid glass falling into the swimming pool?
Are emergency lights present on poolside?
Are underwater lights fitted appropriately?
Are underwater lights free of damage?
Are pool covers available and in good condition?
Are pool covers stored correctly?
Is there a process / rules in place to avoid misuse of pool covers?
Do changing facilities have non slip tiles / mats?
Do changing facilities offer privacy for users?
Do moveable floors have a process in place for safe use?
Are there warning signs on moveable floors for users?
Is the bulkhead / moveable floor safe without entrapment hazards?
Are there anti slip tiles / mats around the pool area?
Training & Qualifications
Have all staff been trained in PSOPs?
Does the lifeguard have a swimming pool specific induction?
Have all teachers teaching swimming complete a Swim England level 2 qualification?
Do all staff teaching swimming have a recgonised water rescue qualification?
Do all lifeguards hold a recognised lifeguard qualification?
Do all lifeguards attend ongoing lifeguard training?
Does the lifeguard and swim teachers hold a first aid qualification?
Has the lifeguard completed a depth test?
Do all staff have training in pool covers?
Are staff trained in moveable floors?
Are staff handling chemicals and / or working in the plant room trained in pool plant management?
Pool Plant Operations & Cleaning
Are pool tests carried out?
Are pool plant rooms kept closed at all times?
Does the pool plant room have signage for key personnel only and mandating PPE?
Is there a PPE storage outside the pool plant room?
Is there a pool plant risk assessment?
Are cleaners stores kept closed at all times?
Are there signs on the cleaning stores for key personell and mandating PPE?
Is there chemical storage available?
Are stored chemicals access controlled?
Do the checmials in the plant room have necessary bunding?
Are stored chemicals separated?
Are stored chemicals place above ground level?
Do all stored chemicals have MSDS records and labels?
Does the stored chemical area have signed for key personell and mandating PPE?
Do all staff using chemicals / plant room have their own PPE?
Is there ventialtion in the chemical storeage area?
Are water quality tests carried out every two hours for manual dosing or three hours for auto dosing?
Are the results of all pool tests recorded?
Is water clarity checked and part of the daily facility checklist?
Is there a procedure in place to rectify swimming pool problems for incorrect chemical balance and / or temperature?
Is there planned PPM for the plant room?
Do all staff handling chemicals have regular CPD training?
Is there an emergency eye wash station in the plant room?
Swim Teaching Standards
Are pool rules explained to children regurlarly?
Are teachers aware of the teacher / swimmer ratio?
Do all teachers wear appropriate clothing for teaching swimming?
Do swimmers wear swim hats during lessons?
Is diving managed safely in line with governing bodies?
Are there backstroke flags in place?
Are starting blocks safe to use and in good working order?
Are starting blocks slip resistant?