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Audit Checklist
OSH Communication and Consultation
Is the current health and safety policy available and displayed in the school?
Has the health and safety policy been communicated to employees?
Is the current child safeguarding policy available?
Does the school have an established OSH committee that meets at least 4 times per academic year?
Is the school using the OSH Activities calendar and is it displayed?
Does the school have an OSH notice board established?
Risk Management
Does the school have a set of risk assessments covering the key risks/activities within the school? (swimming pool, events, transport etc)
Are risk assessments reviewed periodically?
Have the risk assessments been shared with the relevant employees?
Are copies of ECA/ASA providers risk assessments held where appropriate?
Does the school maintain a PPE register?
Does the school maintain a hazardous substances register?
Competency Training and Awareness
Do employees and contractors receive an OSH Induction at the commencement of their employment?
Does the school have a plan of OSH training?
Are 10% of permanent staff first aid trained by a certified company, is there an even distribution of trained staff around the school?
Do the school have the required number of firefighters trained from a certified company?
Has the fire evacuation procedure been communicated to teachers and support staff?
Does the lifeguard hold a valid first aid and EIAC accredited pool lifeguard certification?
Do swimming teachers hold valid swimming qualifications (see PSOP for mandated courses)?
Has a member of the facilities team attended the pool plant operators’ course?
Do all nurses have a valid license?
Does the doctor have a valid license?
Are there a suitable number of PIC trained individuals in the school?
Inspections and Corrective Actions
Does the school have an inspection schedule?
Are a record of monthly bus inspections available?
Is all fire equipment in date for its quarterly AMC check?
Are first aid kits in date for monthly inspection?
Are AED’s in date for monthly clinic checks and 6 monthly AMC maintenance/calibration?
Has a 3rd party safety audit been complete on the swimming pool, are corrective actions carried out
Are all elevators in date for 6 monthly load testing?
Incident Investigation and Reporting
Is there a register of incidents, injuries and near misses being maintained?
Are incident reports documented and available for review?
Does the school take corrective actions after incidents?
Emergency Management
Does the school have a completed copy of the fire evacuation plan with an emergency response team nominated?
Are staff aware of what to do in the event of a fire?
Are termly fire drills being completed and recorded?
Are fire evacuation plans displayed around the school? (should show assembly points, exit routes, you are here sign)
Is the fire assembly area clearly marked?
Are emergency plans in place for all emergency scenarios (crisis and disaster management)?
Are security guards available at all access and egress points?
Are visitors and contractors signing in and out on a daily basis?
Is there a lanyard system in place to clearly identify (staff/parents/visitors)?
Does security have access to the CCTV system in the school?
Do security guards hold a valid license?
Transportation and Traffic Management
Is there a traffic management plan in place?
Is there appropriate supervision in place at pick up and drop off zones?
Are high visibility vests worn by all those involved in traffic management?
Are traffic wands/batons available for those involved in traffic management?
Is there a risk assessment in place for pick up and drop off?
Do all bus drivers have a valid driving license and the relevant permits?
Do all bus attendants have valid permits?
Do all buses have assigned routes and seating plans?
Do all buses have an emergency contact list?
Does the facilities manager have the contact number of all buses for use in an emergency?
Is there a risk assessment in place for buses?
Fire Alarm System and Firefighting Equipment
Does the school have an in date Civil Defence license?
Is the fire panel free of alarms?
Are all exit routes clear of obstructions and trip hazards?
Are all exits maintained and accessible (not locked)?
Ensure safety signs, smoke detectors and sprinklers are not covered?
Are all fire extinguishers and fire hose cabinets accessible and not blocked?
Is wiring safe and in a good condition throughout the campus?
Is there any visual damage to emergency lights or directional signs?
Artworks, craftworks and teaching materials posted on the wall should not exceed 20% of the wall in a non-sprinklered section and 50% in a sprinklered section, is this the case?
Swimming Pool
Swimming pool daily checks are being carried out?
Swimming pool monthly checks sheets are being complete?
The swimming pool compliance folder is available and kept up to date?
The PSOP is implemented and has been signed by all the appropriate staff?
A swimming pool risk assessment is in place?
Is the swimming pool locked and access controlled when not in use?
PPE is available and in good condition for pool plant operators? (safety masks, eye protection, gloves)
Is there adequate safety equipment at the pool?
Is there adequate safety signage in place?
Is the depth indicated on the floor and on the walls for ease of visibility?
Is the area around the swimming pool non slippery?
Are pool chemicals appropriately stored?
Are MSDS available and displayed for all pool chemicals?
Are chemical tanks clearly labelled?
Is an AED available poolside, or is its nearby location clearly indicated?
Welfare Facilities
Does the school have sufficient and hygienic drinking water?
Is the hot water heating element disconnected from water coolers?
Are toilets identified by signage as student/staff toilets male/female?
Are there disabled toilets available?
Are washrooms suitable for the students age?
Is liquid soap available in all washrooms?
Are washrooms being checked and signed for periodically?
Are rest areas well ventilated, air conditioned, free of leaks?
Does the school check water quality regularly?
Are risk assessments in place for lab experiments and are control measures implemented?
Are all hazardous substances labelled?
Are chemical substances stored in an appropriate cabinet with a suction hood connected?
Are MSDS available for all hazardous substances?
Is a chemical register maintained by the laboratory technician?
Is appropriate PPE available according to the MSDS?
Are expired chemicals disposed of through a certified supplier?
Do the facilities have appropriate emergency eye wash stations in place?
Server Room
Is there a fire suppression system available?
Is there adequate AC to maintain the temperature (19-21 degrees)?
Is the server room used for storage of other items?
Electrical Rooms
Do the electrical rooms get locked to prevent unauthorised access?
Are safety signs available on the entrance door (e.g. Electrical Hazard)?
Ensure electrical rooms are not used for storage?
Is there CO2 fire extinguishers available?
Play Areas
Do internal play areas have plug sockets covered?
Are the school playing areas are free of sharp edges?
Is all play area equipment free from damage and appropriately secured to the ground?
Is play area equipment suitable for the students age?
Is there appropriate soft padding in place?
Is there adequate shading in place in outdoor play areas?
General and Miscellaneous
Are all school rooms labelled according to their assigned purpose?
Is a no smoking policy enforced in the school?
Does the school have a pest control agreement in place?
Are all CCTV cameras operational?
Are windows on upper levels secure and limited opening to 10-20cm?
Is there suitable provision of finger guards throughout the school?
Is there suitable provision of corner guards throughout the school?
Is there suitable provision of soft padding throughout the school?
Are cleaning materials kept in a lockable stowage?
Are MSDS displayed in cleaning stowage’s?
Are floor surfaces in a good condition?
Are there wet floor signs available for during cleaning?
Is classroom furniture fit for the age group and in a good state of repair?
Are there visual alarms installed in music rooms?
Are electrical cords properly stored to avoid trip hazards?
In the library are books arranged securely and shelves are not overloaded?
Is medical waste clearly distinguishable in yellow bins and bags and stored in a locked area?
Are there disabled access ramps available on the ground floor?
Are the school external areas clear of rubbish and any flammable materials?
Does the schools have an in-date clinic license?
Additional Comments
Observation 1
Observation 2
Observation 3
Observation 4
Observation 5
Observation 6
Observation 7
Observation 8
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