
  • Audit Title

  • Location

Inspection Type

  • Purpose of Inspection?

Property Inspected

  • Add location
  • Property Type

General Info

  • Pool Type?

  • Has the Pool Been Registered

  • Does swimming pool have Consent?

  • Does the pool comply with the SEPP Exempt and Complying Development Code

Applicable Standard

  • Has there been any substantial alterations, rebuilding or changes to the original barrier?

  • Is this barrier an existing complying barrier in accordance with Clause 22A and 23 of the Swimming Pool Regulations 2008?

  • Select the applicable Australian Standard to be applied

Resuscitation Chart

  • CSP01A Is the resuscitation chart located within the immediate vicinity

  • CSP01B Is the resuscitation chart clearly legible from a distance of 3m

  • CSP01C Does the resuscitation chart contain the following:





  • Is this a spa

  • CSP14A Are all latches on the cover effective

  • CSP14B The spa is covered and secured by a child safe lockable lid

Indoor Pool

  • Is this an indoor pool

  • CSP10A All doors self latch into the locked position

  • CSP10B All doors self close from any position

  • CSP10C The latching device is at least 1500mm above the FGL

  • CSP10D There are no footholds wider than 10mm on the surface of the door opening/frame

Boundary Barriers

  • Do boundary fences form part of the pool barrier

  • CSP02A Boundary barrier is 1800mm from the FGL on the inside of the pool enclosure

  • CSP02B There are no climbable objects within the top 900mm NCZ

  • CSP13 A 500mm clear zone is maintained between the boundary barrier and any features, objects and ground level changes on the inside of the barrier which may effect the minimum 1800mm height.

  • CSP02C The internal barrier fence that intersects with the boundary barrier has a top horizontal surface less than 50mm

  • CSP02D The boundary barrier fence is in a good state of repair

  • CSP02E If climbable horizontal rails are present on the boundary barrier, they are clear of the top 900mm NCZ

  • CSP02F There is no climbable vegetation located within the 900mm NCZ, measured in a radius from the top surface on the inside of the boundary barrier fence.


  • Number of access gates?

  • CSP03A All gates self close

  • CSP03B Gates swing freely without obstruction

  • CSP03C The latching device is at least 1500mm above the FGL

  • CSP03D The latching device is at least 150mm from the top horizontal rail

  • CSP03E The hinges are positioned at least 900mm apart

  • CSP03F Gates swing outward away from the pool enclosure

  • CSP03G Gates self latch into the locked position

  • CSP04A A shielding device is provided at least 450mm either side of the latching device

  • CSP04B There are no gaps between the shielding device panels greater than 10mm

Internal Barrier

  • CSP05A The internal barrier is 1200mm or greater above the FGL on the approach side

  • CSP05B The internal barrier is in a good state of repair

  • CSP06A There are no gaps between the barrier and the FGL greater than 100mm

  • CSP06B There are no gaps between vertical components greater then 100mm

  • CSP07 There are no climbable objects within the 900mm NCZ on the outside of the internal barrier

  • CSP07A There is no climbable vegetation within the 900mm NCZ on the outside of the internal barrier

  • CSP08 There are no climbable objects within the 300mm NCZ on the inside of the internal barrier

  • CSP08A There is no climb able vegetation within the 300mm NCZ on the inside of the internal barrier

  • CSP09 All windows less than 1800mm from the FGL to the lowest sill are secured

  • CSP10E There are no doors opening from a residential building directly into the pool enclosure

  • CSP11 If a balcony is present, and protrudes into a NCZ, it is secured by a balustrade that restricts access

  • CSP13 A 500mm clear zone is maintained between the internal barrier and any ground level changes on the approach side

  • CSP15 The pool enclosure is effectively separated from all residential and ancillary buildings (BBQ's, clothes lines, granny flat and the like)

  • CSP16 Pool walls do not form part of the barrier

Retaining Walls

  • Are retaining walls used as part of the barrier

  • CSP12A The retaining wall, above the pool level, is at least 1800mm above the FGL

  • CSP12B The retaining wall, below the pool level, if climbable (ie NCZ not maintained) is at least 1800mm, or if not climbable (ie NCZ maintained) at least 1200mm? Angle must be no greater than 15 degrees.

  • CSP12C The effective height of the retaining wall is at least 1200mm, with or without a pool barrier fence used on top of the retaining wall, measured from the approach side

  • CSP12D Where a complying retaining wall intersects an internal barrier a 900mm overhang has been provided? (Overhang A,B or C)

Additional Notes

  • Add media

  • Add drawing

Inspection Details

  • Inspection Result

  • Inspection Performed

  • Site Contact at Time of Inspection:

  • Inspecting Certifier - Laura Vella (BPB2751). Signature:

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