Page 1: Initial questions
PIA NOI number
PN & Asset Affected (i.e PN06 ASN12)
Full address including postcode
name of on site person
Contact number of on site person
Date A55 complete
Local authority
Page 2: Main checklist
What is the A55 for?
What is the overhead issue?
Have you contacted poling help desk?
Is there an alternative route?
Give a brief description of what is required
What equipment is being added to the pole including dimensions (H, L, D)
Provide photographic evidence as set out in network adjustments guide
DP number
Existing pole size and class
Total existing wires on pole
Forecast total of CP wires to be added
Is this a side loaded pole?
Is this pole on private property?
Pole top consolidation
Have you contacted poling help desk?
Is there an alternative route?
Give a brief description of what is required
What equipment is being added to the pole including dimensions (H, L, D)
Provide photographic evidence as set out in network adjustments guide
DP number
Existing pole size and class
Total existing wires on pole
Forecast total of CP wires to be added
Is this a side loaded pole?
Is this pole on private property?
what is the A55 for?
Brief description on works required and why
Where is the chamber?
what is the current chamber type?
what type of chamber is required
Surface type
- unmade
- footway tarmac
- verge
- Modular
- concrete
Is this private property?
Is traffic management required?
Number of bores
Brief description of works required
Have 25mm rods been used and all other methods attempted?
Bore Capacity Free
Proposed Cable / Subduct
Duct Type
What type of surface is the blockage in? e.g. 10mm Tarmac (road) , 6mm Tarmac (footway), Grass Verge etc...
- 6mm Tarmac (Footway)
- 10mm Tarmac (Carriageway)
- Grass Verge
- Block Paving
- Tack Tiles
Location of chamber 1 (Eastings and Northings)
What 3 words location
Photo of chamber 1 with the correct duct sprayed up with marker spray and 25mm rod in the duct
Photo of chamber 1 from further back showing where it is in relation to the street and its surroundings
Number of cables in bore
Distance to blockage (m)
Location of chamber 2 (Eastings and Northings)
What 3 words location
Photo of chamber 2 with the correct duct sprayed up with marker spray and 25mm rod in the duct
Photo of chamber 2 from further back showing where it is in relation to the street and its surroundings
Number of cables in bore
Distance to blockage (m)
Location of blockage (Eastings and Northings)
What 3 words location
Photo of blockage location marked with X with point of reference for location
Are there multiple blockages
Distance of untested duct between blockages (m)
Location of second blockage (Eastings and Northings)
Photo of second blockage location marked with X with point of reference for location
What 3 words location
Brief description of works required
What type of chamber is required?
What is the surface type?
- unmade
- footway tarmac
- verge
- Modular
- concrete
Location of works (X & Y)
Photo of location marked with X with point of reference
Number of ducts to enter chamber
Duct section number
Distance to Chamber 1
Distance to chamber 2
Is traffic management required?
Brief description of work required
Location of chamber 1 (X & Y)
Photo of bore that requires additional capacity marked up
Are there any cables that may be recovered?
Location of chamber 2 (X & Y )
Photo of bore that requires additional capacity marked up
Are there any cables that may be recovered?
Duct section number
Brief description of works required
Location of chamber (X & Y)
Type of chamber
Evidence of damage photos of chamber with lid on and internally including reference point
duct section number
Additional duct section number (s)
OR portal screen shot/ other image of location
Openreach duct section number
Total duct section length from chamber 1 to chamber 2
Location (Eastings and Northings)
Permission to dig
Is permission to dig required? (Customer / Private Land)
Describe the work required - give detail
Add photograph work area