Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1 This License issued for project Collection, Transportation, and Storage within the jurisdiction of the North Western Province (NWP) and Co-processing of Scheduled Waste in Kilns of the existing Geocycle co-processing facility at Holcim Lanka Ltd in Palavi, Puttalam.
2 Geocycle unit of Holcim Lanka Limited (HLL) or the occupier is bound to ensure that the terms and conditions given in this letter are adhered to, during the period of project<br><br>implementation. The Geocycle unit of HLL should have full control over a third party that may be involved in project implementation by entering into agreements, which contain the conditions stipulated in this letter with such parties. Geocycle unit of HLL would be held responsible for the breach of any such conditions by any contractor or any sub contractor. PEA-NWP should have access to the contract documents pertaining to environmental aspects, entered in to by Geocycle unit of HLL and any outside contractors.
3 A Copy of the license should be kept at the project site at all times, for purposes of perusal by concerned agencies
4 Costs to be incurred in giving effect to the implementation of the terms and conditions of this license should be borne by Geocycle unit of HLL as project implementation cost.
5 Geocycle unit of HLL is obliged to temporarily suspend any project activity on the instruction of PEA-NWP, if unforeseen adverse impacts associated with the project, which cannot be adequately mitigated on due notice given by PEA-NWP
6 Geocycle unit of HLL should adhere to any condition(s) imposed by the PEA-NWP & Pradeshiya Sabha-Puttalam whenever required
7 Geocycle unit of HLL should obtain necessary approvals from the other relevant authorities such as Local Authoritiy.
8 Geocycle unit of HLL should adhere to the norms of the Basel convention as and when applicable.
9 Scheduled waste manifest system should be practiced in order to ensure the chain of custody.
10 Prior approval should be obtained for any expansion, extension, change of process or materials, etc. other than mentioned in EIAR.
Scheduled waste collection:
11.1 Types of waste to be collected should be limited only to the positive list of waste materials suited for co-processing (annexed VI-18 of EIAR).
11.2 Geocycle unit of HLL should ensure that the types of waste collected are properly segregated.
11.3 A proper labeling system should be introduced as described in the section 31 (a), (b), (c) and (d) of the extra ordinary gazette no 1685/11 of 21.12. 2010 (refer Gazette links 1)
Scheduled waste transportation:
12.1 For the collection transportation and storage of above mentioned materials outside the jurisdiction of NWP, a separate approval should be obtained from CEA
12.2 Transportation should be carried out in completely covered vehicles to prevent spillage of substance or spread of material with adequate measures to prevent any leakage of the same.
12.3 The drivers of the vehicles should possess special training for handling and transportation of scheduled waste and using emergency equipment in the case of an accidental spillage
12.4 Necessary safety gear should be provided and the relevant persons involved in the activity (such as drivers, laborers etc.) should be made aware of such measures
12.5 Precautionary/emergency preparedness measures should be adapted to encounter / react any accidental incident during transportation
12.6 Loading or unloading of scheduled waste should not be carried out in transit between the point of loading and unloading. In case of an emergency, Geocycle unit HLL should notify the relevant authorities
12.7 The scheduled waste should be delivered to the designated facility mentioned in the declaration form
12.8 Transportation and delivery of the scheduled waste to the designated facility should be done without any undue delay.
12.9 Each movement of scheduled waste should be accompanied by the Hazardous Waste Declaration form. Instructions provided in the Hazardous Waste Declaration form should be followed during the movement activities.
12.10 The Geocycle unit of HLL should take the responsibility for safe transportation of the whole stock of substance
12.11 The transportation of the scheduled waste should be carried out between 04 00 hours and 22 00 hours. In case of transportation of scheduled waste, outside the aforementioned time period separate prior approval should be obtained from the relevant authorities.
12.12 The transporter should possess a valid certificate of Insurance adequately covering any damage by accident that may be caused to a third party as a result of transportation of scheduled waste.
12.13 "The Geocycle unit of HLL should comply with the section 32 of the extraordinary Gazette Notification No. 1685/11 of 21.12.2010.<br><br>(refer Gazette links 2)
Scheduled waste handling and storage:
13.1 The scheduled waste collected for co-processing should not be allowed to stagnate within the premises or dumped in neighboring land and should not be disposed of in to any water way
13.2 Storage of scheduled waste prior to co-processing and after co-processing should be carried out as mentioned in the EIAR.
13.3 Appropriate and compatible packaging should be used in handling all scheduled waste.
13.4 Liquid and sludge should be collected in special containers to prevent leakages and care should be taken in handling these materials.
13.5 Non compatible scheduled waste should not be stored together
13.6 Mixing/impregnation process should be carried out in specially constructed pits to prevent any leakages. Adequate measures should be taken to prevent possible hazards such as temperature rises as mentioned in the EIAR.
13.7 Feeder conveyer belts should be covered and bag filters should be installed at appropriate points to prevent dust from granulation operation.
13.8 Effluent generated during the process if any and any spillages should be contained, collected and disposed as mentioned in the EIAR
13.9 Untreated waste water including floor washing should not be discharged into waterways or into any storm water drainage system and such waste should be directed to the co-processing process.
13.10 Designated area for truck washing should be maintained and waste water generated from washings should be directed to the co-processing process.
13.11 The stored scheduled waste should not be allowed to accumulate over a period. All storage facilities should be designed in such a way to provide facilities for protection from unauthorized entry of animals, adverse weather conditions such as rain, flood and wind.
13.12 The scheduled waste remaining at the site (if any) should not be burnt in the open at any time.
13.13 The site of storage should be adequately equipped with structures and instruments, in order to:<br><br>(a) Prevent mixing of storm water surface run off or releasing of any solid / gaseous materials/ substances to open environment
(b) Collect any leakage substance in hazard free manner without mixing to soil or water.
13.15 The storage area should be demarcated and the following statement should be displayed in Sinhala, Tamil and English “Warning; Contains Waste Dangerous to Human Health and the Environment”.
13.16 The storage facility should be under the direct and continuous monitoring of senior executive level officer of Geocycle unit of HLL, who should be responsible of keeping contact with relevant law enforcement authorities
13.17 Proper record keeping system should be adopted as per the regulation No. 1685/11 of 21.12.2010 of the Extra Ordinary Gazette Notification. (refer Gazette links 3)
Operating Conditions for Co-processing
Conclusion and auditor's comments
Date of audit completed
Signature of auditor
Date of auditor's signature
Signature of auditee
Date of auditee's signature