Permit Authorization Number: MTR105530 Century Sidney Facilty Primary SWPPP Administrator: Tim Barth Secondary SWPPP Administrator: Garrett Workman
Permit Authorization Number: ND Theodore Roosevelt National Park Primary SWPPP Administrator: Tim Barth Secondary SWPPP Administrator: David Drga
Conducted on
Prepared by
Additional personnel on audit:
General Information
Type of inspection?
Date of previous inspection
Weather Conditions
Sky Conditions
- Clear
- Partly Cloudy
- Overcast
- Windy
- Raining
- Thunderstorm
- Snowing
Ground Conditions
- Dry
- Wet
- Saturated
- Frozen
- Snow Cover
Has it Rained since the last inspection?
Date of Storm Event:
Storm water runoff occurring?
Location(s) and description- of discharges of sediment or other potential pollutants from the site:
Site Assessment
Inspection Areas
Section/Map/Sheet No.
Have BMP's been installed
Installed correctly
What needs to be corrected
Do they follow the SWPPP
Has the SWPPP been changed to show changes
Changes made
Construction status
Are there any discharges that have occurred since the last inspection?
Was discharge in compliance?
Describe the non-compliant discharge
Description of corrective action taken for items identified, date for the corrective action(s) taken for each, measures taken to prevent future recurrences.
Has the non-compliant been reported?
Have changes to the SWPPP been made to reflect the measures taken?
Site perimeter contained?
Disturbed areas contained?
Estimated disturbed area at time of inspection (acres):
Are dust control measures being used as needed?
Material storage areas contained?
Material stockpiles contained?
Is a spill containment kit on site?
Vehicle/equipment areas contained?
Is there evidence of equipment leaks
Has the leaked been repaired
Debris containers available
Offsite tracking minimized?
Identify potential pollutants present
- Petroleum products
- Sanitation chemicals
- Concrete washout
- Form oil/curing compound
- Saw-cutting
- Trash/waste debris
BMPs inspection
Are there BMPs that need to be maintained:
Location(s) and description:
Description of corrective action taken for items identified, date for the corrective action(s) taken for each, measures taken to prevent future recurrences.
Are there BMPs that failed to operate as designed or proved inadequate for a specific location
Location(s) and description:
Description of corrective action taken for items identified, date for the corrective action(s) taken for each, measures taken to prevent future recurrences.
Are there additional BMPs are needed that were not in place at the time of inspection
Location(s) and descriptions:
Description of corrective action taken for items identified, date for the corrective action(s) taken for each, measures taken to prevent future recurrences.
Site Stabilization
Have all disturbed areas been stabilized with temporary or permanent measures within 7 days of the end of active disturbance?
Are stabilization measures effective?
Inlet Protection
Are all inlets that are or will be functional during construction protected?
Is the inlet protection being maintained?
Site Debris
Are all construction materials kept within the project limits?
Concrete Wash Outs
Are there concrete activities present
Are washouts adequate for the amount of material being discharged?
Are liners free from rips and tares?
Are washouts located in a location that will not effect water inlets?
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information; including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
SWPPP Administrator