
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Please ignore the Client and Personnel details above.

  • Please complete ALL tasks below by selecting YES once completed. If you are unable to complete a particular task, please select NO and then write reason.

  • Have you checked and actioned AM Supervisor handover notes?

  • Have you checked FIDS for today's Tiger flights, making roster and bus allocation changes to ensure:<br><br>2 buses for 1 flight, 4 buses for 2 flights, 5 buses for 3 flights, 6 buses for 4 flights?

  • Have you checked FIDS for tomorrow's Tiger flights and adjusted shifts and bus allocation for the morning to meet criteria in question above?

  • Have you checked if all shifts are covered on allocation sheet and covered all unallocated shifts on the roster?

  • Have you checked all charters are covered?

  • Have you answered Supervisor phone and responded to missed calls and messages?

  • Have you begun to complete the Hourly SACL report checking Thoreb and recording any delays?

  • Have you ensured that all drivers have their PAX logs?

  • Have you contacted the Transport Manager for instruction at 1330 hrs?

  • Have you contacted Transport Manager and workshop regarding any bus issues? Please ensure you email as well

  • Have you checked all overtime is entered, recorded and signed off?

  • Have you updated all data as required in computer?

  • Have you cleared the TO OFFICE tray?

  • Have you re stocked all forms in the Driver's room?

  • Have you ensured that all Buses are in their correct location for AM shift starts?

  • Have you collected TBus paperwork from LTCP mailbox?

  • Have you ensured that if there are Aero Care requirements you have left a note in the truck?

  • Have you ensured that phone and IPad are charged?

  • Have you emailed completed Hourly SACL LTCP report to Transport Manager?

  • Was your shift free of incidents / accidents during? If NO, please provide details

  • Was your shift free of roster or staff issues? If NO, please provide details.

  • Was your shift free of issues in relation to deploying of buses as scheduled? If NO, please provide details.

  • Was your shift free of Operational / Safety issues that occurred or were raised by staff?

  • Have you downloaded all TBus ticket machines?

  • Have you completed this report and emailed to:<br><br><br><br>

  • Please sign that you have completed your tasks

  • At completion of your shift please leave Master roster, phone, iPad in bus 20 and handover notes for AM supervisor.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.