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Check list General Building
Take picture of the door and GRD ID
Take overall picture of the substation
Check presence of SLD on wall on conformity with Cell's
Check presence of Global hearting diagram on wall
Check presence of cutting view of the substation and components positon on wall
Visual inspection of basement cleanliness and water tightness
Visual inspection of the visible connections
Check of lighting elements
Check of emergency lighting system
Check of the functioning of the UPS and battery chargers
Check presence and conformity of LV circuit diagram
Check presence and conformity of HV circuit diagram
Verification presence of documentation for periodic inspection
Check of functioning of heating and/or ventilation installation
Check the state of the external transformator
Insulator visual control
Verification presence of HV PPE: step
Check the good function of automatic switching on
Others remarks
Cell 1 Arrivée
Cell designation or number
SF6 gas pressure visual control
Check the correct identification of equipment on the SLD
Functional control of switchgear: Breaker or contactor closed => Disconnection or connection impossible
Functional control of switchgear: Breaker or contactor open => Disconnection or connection possible
Functional control of switchgear: Breaker or contactor connected => Earthing impossible
Functional control of switchgear: Breaker or contactor disconnected => Earthing possible
Functional control of switchgear: Checking of earth collector and earthing braids
Functional control of switchgear: Checking of voltage indication (isolators, wiring, LED)
Take picture of circuit breaker trip counter
Check the shutters mechanism
Guide rail
Visual control, inside, outside (Rust,Traces of condensation, contacts, fuses )
Check the tightening of ends of cables
Check traces of corrosion of ends of cables
Check traces of temperature buildup of ends of cables
Check creeping or chalking of ends of cables
Cell 2 Transformer protection Cell
Cell designation or number
SF6 gas pressure visual control
Check the correct identification of equipment on the SLD
Functional control of switchgears: Disconnector closed => Earthing impossible
Functional control of switchgears: Disconnector disconnected => Earthing possible
Functional control of switchgears: Checking of earth collector and earthing braids
Functional control of switchgear: Checking of voltage indication (isolators, wiring, LED)
Check the shutters mechanism
Guide rail
Visual control, inside, outside (Ruste,Traces of condensation, contacts, fuses )
Checking of fuse mounting
Checking of tripping (strikers)
Visual inspection of fuses
Traces of temperature buildup
Traces Creeping or chalking of ends of cables
Cell 3 Decoupling Relay
Cell designation or number
SF6 gas pressure visual control
Check the correct identification of equipment on the SLD
Functional control of switchgear: Disconnector close => Earthing impossible
Functional control of switchgear: Disconnector Open => Earthing possible
Functional control of switchgear: Checking of earth collector and earthing braids
Functional control of switchgear: Checking of voltage indication (isolators, wiring, LED)
Check the shutters mechanism
Guide rail
Visual control, inside, outside (Rust,Traces of condensation, contacts, fuses )
Checking of fuse mounting
Checking of tripping (strikers)
Visual inspection of fuses
Cell 4 General Protection
Cell designation or number
SF6 gas pressure visual control
Check the correct identification of equipment on the SLD
Functional control of switchgear: Breaker or contactor closed => Disconnection or connection impossible
Functional control of switchgear: Breaker or contactor open => Disconnection or connection possible
Functional control of switchgear: Breaker or contactor connected => Earthing impossible
Functional control of switchgear: Breaker or contactor disconnected => Earthing possible
Functional control of switchgear: Checking of earth collector and earthing braids
Functional control of switchgear: Checking of voltage indication (isolators, wiring, LED)
Take picture of circuit breaker trip counter
Check the shutters mechanism
Guide rail
Visual control, inside, outside (Rust,Traces of condensation, contacts, fuses )
Check the tightening of ends of cables
Check traces of corrosion of ends of cables
Check traces of temperature buildup of ends of cables
Check creeping or chalking of ends of cables
Cell 5 Bus bar riser
Cell designation or number
SF6 gas pressure visual control
Check the correct identification of equipment on the SLD
Visual control, inside, outside (Rust,Traces of condensation, connections )
Cell 6 Départ
Cell designation or number
SF6 gas pressure visual control
Check the correct identification of equipment on the SLD
Functional control of switchgears: Breaker or contactor closed => Disconnection or connection impossible
Functional control of switchgears: Breaker or contactor open => Disconnection or connection possible
Functional control of switchgears: Breaker or contactor connected => Earthing impossible
Functional control of switchgears: Breaker or contactor disconnected => Earthing possible
Functional control of switchgears: Checking of earth collector and earthing braids
Functional control of switchgears: Checking of voltage indication (isolators, wiring, LEDs)
Take picture of circuit breaker trip counter
Check the shutters mechanism
Guide rail
Internal Visual control of switchgears inside, outside (Ruste,Traces of condensation, contacts, fuses )
Traces of Corrosion
Traces of temperature buildup
Check the tightening of ends of cables
Check traces of corrosion of ends of cables
Check traces of temperature buildup of ends of cables
Check creeping or chalking of ends of cables
Cell 7 Départ
Cell designation or number
SF6 gas pressure visual control
Check the correct identification of equipment on the SLD
Functional control of switchgears: Breaker or contactor closed => Disconnection or connection impossible
Functional control of switchgears: Breaker or contactor open => Disconnection or connection possible
Functional control of switchgears: Breaker or contactor connected => Earthing impossible
Functional control of switchgears: Breaker or contactor disconnected => Earthing possible
Functional control of switchgears: Checking of earth collector and earthing braids
Functional control of switchgears: Checking of voltage indication (isolators, wiring, LEDs)
Take picture of circuit breaker trip counter
Check the shutters mechanism
Guide rail
Internal Visual control of switchgears inside, outside (Ruste,Traces of condensation, contacts, fuses )
Traces of Corrosion
Traces of temperature buildup
Check the tightening of ends of cables
Check traces of corrosion of ends of cables
Check traces of temperature buildup of ends of cables
Check creeping or chalking of ends of cables
Cell 8 measurement
Cell designation or number
Guide rail
Check the correct identification of equipment on the SLD
Visual control, inside, outside (Ruste,Traces of condensation, contacts, fuses,discoloration point, TP, TI )
Traces of Corrosion
Traces of temperature buildup
Traces Creeping or chalking of ends of cables
Cell 9 Départ
Cell designation or number
SF6 gas pressure visual control
Check the correct identification of equipment on the SLD
Functional control of switchgears: Breaker or contactor closed => Disconnection or connection impossible
Functional control of switchgears: Breaker or contactor open => Disconnection or connection possible
Functional control of switchgears: Breaker or contactor connected => Earthing impossible
Functional control of switchgears: Breaker or contactor disconnected => Earthing possible
Functional control of switchgears: Checking of earth collector and earthing braids
Functional control of switchgears: Checking of voltage indication (isolators, wiring, LEDs)
Take picture of circuit breaker trip counter
Check the shutters mechanism
Guide rail
Internal Visual control of switchgears inside, outside (Ruste,Traces of condensation, contacts, fuses )
Traces of Corrosion
Traces of temperature buildup
Check the tightening of ends of cables
Check traces of corrosion of ends of cables
Check traces of temperature buildup of ends of cables
Check creeping or chalking of ends of cables
Cell 10 measurement
Cell designation or number
Check the correct identification of equipment on the SLD
Guide rail
Visual control, inside, outside (Ruste,Traces of condensation, contacts, fuses,discoloration point, TP, TI )
Traces of Corrosion
Traces of temperature buildup
Traces Creeping or chalking of ends of cables
Cell 11 Départ
Cell designation or number
SF6 gas pressure visual control
Check the correct identification of equipment on the SLD
Functional control of switchgears: Breaker or contactor closed => Disconnection or connection impossible
Functional control of switchgears: Breaker or contactor open => Disconnection or connection possible
Functional control of switchgears: Breaker or contactor connected => Earthing impossible
Functional control of switchgears: Breaker or contactor disconnected => Earthing possible
Functional control of switchgears: Checking of earth collector and earthing braids
Functional control of switchgears: Checking of voltage indication (isolators, wiring, LEDs)
Take picture of circuit breaker trip counter
Check the shutters mechanism
Guide rail
Internal Visual control of switchgears inside, outside (Ruste,Traces of condensation, contacts, fuses )
Traces of Corrosion
Check traces of corrosion of ends of cables
Check creeping or chalking of ends of cables
Traces of temperature buildup
Check the tightening of ends of cables
Check traces of temperature buildup of ends of cables