Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Hallway/Receiving Area

  • Are the floors, walls, and ceilings clean and undamaged?

  • Is the weighing scale calibrated, clean, and working?

  • Are the plastic curtain, air blower, and ACU clean and functional?

  • Are the sink, faucet, and water dispenser clean and working?

  • Are the trash bin, fire extinguisher, and safety signages placed and in good condition?

  • Are the entrance and cubicle doors clean and functional?

  • Are all CCTV cameras clean, functional, and recording?

  • Are all lights operational and clean?

  • Is the front desk area organized and clean?

Sanitation Room

  • Are the floors, walls, and ceilings clean and undamaged?

  • Are the hand soap and sanitizer dispensers filled and working?

  • Is the sink, faucet, and glass panel clean and functional?

  • Is the trash bin clean and regularly emptied?

  • Are the shelves, hangers, mop holder, and hooks clean and organized?

  • Are cleaning materials properly stored and in good condition?

  • Are the signages clear and in good condition?

  • Are the entrance and cubicle doors clean and functional?

  • Are all lights operational and clean?

  • Is the footbath and drainage clean and functional?

  • Is the tissue/paper holder stocked and clean?

Packaging Area

  • Are the floors, walls, and ceilings clean and undamaged?

  • Are the plastic curtains clean and intact?

  • Is the blast freezer clean and operating properly?

  • Is the trash bin clean and emptied regularly?

  • Are the vacuum sealer and foot sealer clean and functional?

  • Is the metal detector clean and functioning?

  • Are packaging materials stored properly and in good condition?

  • Are all lights operational and clean?

  • Are the signages and tissue dispenser in place and in good condition?

  • Is the labeler clean and functioning?

  • Are racks and dolly carts clean and organized?

  • Are tables, shelves, and crates clean and in good condition?

  • Is the sanitizer bucket and towels clean and available?

  • Is the thermometer clean and accurate?

  • Is the ice bath clean and maintained properly?

Cold Prep Sauce

  • Are the floors, walls, and ceilings clean and undamaged?

  • Is the handwash sink clean and working?

  • Are the sanitizer bucket and towels clean and available?

  • Is the trash bin clean and emptied regularly?

  • Are the food processor, blender, and robot coupe clean and functional?

  • Are all lights operational and clean?

  • Are the food pans and Lexans clean and properly stored?

  • Are the tables and shelves clean and in good condition?

  • Is the ice machine clean and functioning?

  • Are the signages and tissue dispenser in place and in good condition?

Dishwashing Area

  • Are the floors, walls, and ceilings clean and undamaged?

  • Is the dishwasher clean and functioning properly?

  • Are the sink and faucet clean and working?

  • Is the trash bin clean and emptied regularly?

  • Is the exhaust system clean and functioning?

  • Are all lights operational and clean?

  • Are cleaning materials, equipment, and chemicals stored properly?

  • Are trays, pans, and Lexans clean and organized?

  • Is the grease trap clean and maintained?

  • Are the shelves clean and in good condition?

  • Are the signages in place and in good condition?

Hot Prep Sauce

  • Are the floors, walls, and ceilings clean, sanitized, and free of damage?

  • Is the sink and faucet area clean, with proper sanitation?

  • Is the exhaust system clean, functional, and properly maintained?

  • Are the sanitizer bucket and towels clean and available?

  • Is the cooking equipment (tilting kettle, bratt pan) clean and in good working order?

  • Are the stainless tables clean, sanitized, and in good condition?

  • Are trays, pans, and Lexans clean, sanitized, and properly stored?

  • Are utensils (knives, chopping boards) clean, sanitized, and stored safely?

  • Is the trash bin clean, covered, and emptied regularly?

  • Are the shelves clean, organized, and free of contamination?

  • Are all lights operational and provide adequate illumination?

  • Is the mixer clean, sanitized, and functioning properly?

  • Is the sanitizer bucket and towels clean and available for use?

  • Is the tissue/paper holder stocked and clean?

  • Are the safety and hygiene signages visible and in good condition?

  • Are the electrical outlets clean, secure, and in good condition?

Hot Prep Meat

  • Are the floors, walls, and ceilings clean, sanitized, and free of damage?

  • Is the sink and faucet area clean, with proper sanitation?

  • Is the exhaust system clean, functional, and properly maintained?

  • Are cooking equipment (ovens, burners, etc.) clean and in good working order?

  • Are stainless tables clean, sanitized, and in good condition?

  • Are trays, pans, Lexans, and crates clean, sanitized, and properly stored?

  • Are utensils (knives, chopping boards) clean, sanitized, and stored safely?

  • Are oven racks clean, sanitized, and in good condition?

  • Are all lights operational and provide adequate illumination?

  • Is the trash bin clean, covered, and emptied regularly?

  • Are the sanitizer bucket and towels clean and available?

  • Is the tissue/paper holder stocked and clean?

  • Are the safety and hygiene signages visible and in good condition?

  • Are electrical outlets clean, secure, and in good condition?

  • Are any other items in the area clean, operational, and properly maintained?

Dispatch Area

  • Are floors, walls, and ceilings clean and undamaged?

  • Are crates, shelves, and pallets clean and well-organized?

  • Are signages clear and in good condition?

  • Is the sink and faucet area clean and sanitized?

  • Is the ACU functioning properly?

  • Are all lights operational and in good condition?

Male Restroom/PWD

  • Are the floors, walls, and ceilings clean, sanitized, and free of damage?

  • Are the safety and informational signages clear, accurate, and in good condition?

  • Are all lights operational, providing sufficient illumination, and in good condition?

  • Are the sink, faucets, and glass mirror clean, sanitized, and in good working order?

  • Are hand soap and sanitizer dispensers filled, operational, and properly maintained?

  • Is there no foul odor, and is the exhaust system functioning properly?

  • Are the toilet bowls and urinals clean, sanitized, and in good condition?

  • Is the entrance clean, well-maintained, and free of obstacles?

  • Is the trash bin clean, emptied regularly, and lined appropriately?

  • Is the tissue/paper holder stocked, clean, and in good condition?

Female Restroom

  • Are the floors, walls, and ceilings clean, sanitized, and free of damage?

  • Are the safety and informational signages clear, accurate, and in good condition?

  • Are all lights operational, providing sufficient illumination, and in good condition?

  • Are the sink, faucets, and glass mirror clean, sanitized, and in good working order?

  • Are hand soap and sanitizer dispensers filled, operational, and properly maintained?

  • Is there no foul odor, and is the exhaust system functioning properly?

  • Are the toilet bowls and urinals clean, sanitized, and in good condition?

  • Is the entrance clean, well-maintained, and free of obstacles?

  • Is the trash bin clean, emptied regularly, and lined appropriately?

  • Is the tissue/paper holder stocked, clean, and in good condition?


  • Are the floors, walls, and ceilings clean, sanitized, and free of damage?

  • Is the CCTV system operational and recording as required?

  • Are all lights operational, providing sufficient illumination, and in good condition?

  • Are tables clean, sanitized, and in good condition?

  • Is the entrance clean, well-maintained, and free of obstacles?

  • Is the trash bin clean, emptied regularly, and lined appropriately?

  • Are chairs clean, in good condition, and properly arranged?

  • Is the garbage receptacle clean, covered, and emptied regularly?

  • Are gas tanks securely stored, labeled, and in good condition?

  • Is the door or gate secure and in good working order?

Gas Depot and Dumpster Area

  • Is the garbage receptacle clean, covered, and emptied regularly?

  • Are gas tanks securely stored, labeled, and in good condition?

  • Is the door or gate secure and in good working order?

Dry Goods Warehouse

  • Are the floors, walls, crates, and ceilings clean and free of debris?

  • Are the exhaust fan and vents clean and functioning properly?

  • Are all lights clean and in working condition?

  • Are the shelves clean and free from dust?

  • Are the doors and exterior surfaces clean?

  • Are material labels and tagging up-to-date?

  • Are raw materials properly placed and stored?

  • Are opened raw materials properly covered?

  • Are food containers clean and free of dust?

  • Are allergens segregated appropriately?

  • Are boxes organized and properly stacked?

  • Are there no cleaning materials inside the storage area?

  • Are there no expired products in the area?

  • Is the stacking organized?

Ingredients Prep

  • Are the floors, walls, crates, and ceilings clean and free of debris?

  • Are the exhaust fan and vents clean and functioning properly?

  • Are all lights clean and in working condition?

  • Are the shelves clean and free from dust?

  • Are the doors and exterior surfaces clean?

  • Are material labels and tagging up-to-date?

  • Are raw materials properly placed and stored?

  • Are opened raw materials properly covered?

  • Are food containers clean and free of dust?

  • Are allergens segregated appropriately?

  • Is the sealer and desktop properly maintained?

  • Are equipment and utensils cleaned and sanitized?

  • Are there no cleaning materials inside the storage area?

  • Are non-food items segregated?

  • Are there no expired products in the area?

  • Is the stacking organized?

Walk-in Chiller 1

  • Is the temperature within the standard range?

  • Is the temperature monitoring/checklist updated?

  • Are there no expired products stored in the area?

  • Are raw materials properly placed and stored?

  • Are raw materials properly covered?

  • Are food containers and packaging clean?

  • Is the freezer unit clean, free of leaks, and functioning properly?

  • Are material labels and tagging up-to-date?

  • Is there consistency in labeling and tagging?

  • Are the floors, walls, door, and ceilings clean and free of debris?

  • Are the doors and exterior surfaces clean?

  • Are the curtains, crates, pallets, and shelves clean?

  • Are all lights clean and in working condition?

  • Is the equipment clean and properly maintained?

  • Is the stacking organized?

Walk-in Freezer 1

  • Is the temperature within the standard range?

  • Is the temperature monitoring/checklist updated?

  • Are there no expired products stored in the area?

  • Are raw materials properly placed and stored?

  • Are raw materials properly covered?

  • Are food containers and packaging clean?

  • Is the freezer unit clean, free of leaks, and functioning properly?

  • Are material labels and tagging up-to-date?

  • Is there consistency in labeling and tagging?

  • Are the floors, walls, door, and ceilings clean and free of debris?

  • Are the doors and exterior surfaces clean?

  • Are the curtains, crates, pallets, and shelves clean?

  • Are all lights clean and in working condition?

  • Is the equipment clean and properly maintained?

  • Is the stacking organized?

Walk-in Chiller 2

  • Is the temperature within the standard range?

  • Is the temperature monitoring/checklist updated?

  • Are there no expired products stored in the area?

  • Are raw materials properly placed and stored?

  • Are raw materials properly covered?

  • Are food containers and packaging clean?

  • Is the freezer unit clean, free of leaks, and functioning properly?

  • Are material labels and tagging up-to-date?

  • Is there consistency in labeling and tagging?

  • Are the floors, walls, door, and ceilings clean and free of debris?

  • Are the doors and exterior surfaces clean?

  • Are the curtains, crates, pallets, and shelves clean?

  • Are all lights clean and in working condition?

  • Is the equipment clean and properly maintained?

  • Is the stacking organized?

Walk-in Chiller 3

  • Is the temperature within the standard range?

  • Is the temperature monitoring/checklist updated?

  • Are there no expired products stored in the area?

  • Are raw materials properly placed and stored?

  • Are raw materials properly covered?

  • Are food containers and packaging clean?

  • Is the freezer unit clean, free of leaks, and functioning properly?

  • Are material labels and tagging up-to-date?

  • Is there consistency in labeling and tagging?

  • Are the floors, walls, door, and ceilings clean and free of debris?

  • Are the doors and exterior surfaces clean?

  • Are the curtains, crates, pallets, and shelves clean?

  • Are all lights clean and in working condition?

  • Is the equipment clean and properly maintained?

  • Is the stacking organized?

Walk-in Chiller 4 (Caging Chiller)

  • Is the temperature within the standard range?

  • Is the temperature monitoring/checklist updated?

  • Are there no expired products stored in the area?

  • Are raw materials properly placed and stored?

  • Are raw materials properly covered?

  • Are food containers and packaging clean?

  • Is the freezer unit clean, free of leaks, and functioning properly?

  • Are material labels and tagging up-to-date?

  • Is there consistency in labeling and tagging?

  • Are the floors, walls, door, and ceilings clean and free of debris?

  • Are the doors and exterior surfaces clean?

  • Are the curtains, crates, pallets, and shelves clean?

  • Are all lights clean and in working condition?

  • Is the equipment clean and properly maintained?

  • Is the stacking organized?

Walk-in Freezer 2 (Caging Freezer)

  • Is the temperature within the standard range?

  • Is the temperature monitoring/checklist updated?

  • Are there no expired products stored in the area?

  • Are raw materials properly placed and stored?

  • Are raw materials properly covered?

  • Are food containers and packaging clean?

  • Is the freezer unit clean, free of leaks, and functioning properly?

  • Are material labels and tagging up-to-date?

  • Is there consistency in labeling and tagging?

  • Are the floors, walls, door, and ceilings clean and free of debris?

  • Are the doors and exterior surfaces clean?

  • Are the curtains, crates, pallets, and shelves clean?

  • Are all lights clean and in working condition?

  • Is the equipment clean and properly maintained?

  • Is the stacking organized?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.