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Is this inspection for the Telescopic Lift - 135?
1. All controls operate properly.
2. Load capacity indicator operates properly.
3. Capacity decals in place, secure and legible.
4. Footswitch or enable switch operates properly.
5. Emergency stop shuts off controls and engine.
6. Platform installed and secure.
7. Gate, chains or bar installed, latches properly.
8. Platform and boom leveling system operate properly
9.All function and speed cut-outs operate properly.
10. Drive brakes operate properly.
11. Swing brake operates properly.
Turntable / Arms and Chasis
1. Wheel rim nuts torqued properly.
2. Tires properly inflated.
3. Hoses, fillings, and components tights and free of leaks.
4.Fluid levels correct; hydraulic tank, hubs, coolant and batteries.
5. Engine idle, throttle and RPMs set properly.
6. Hydraulic and air filters clean.
7. Fuel and hydraulic tank caps tight and vent open
8. Exhaust system free of leaks.
9. Hood doors open and latch properly.
10. Manual descent or auxiliary power operates properly.
11. Oscillating axle operates properly.
12. Safety props operational.
13. Axle extension and interlocks operate properly.
14. Outriggers/Stabilizers operate properly.
15. Pot Hole Protection operates properly.
16. Tongue Jack operates properly.
17. Slow Latch operates properly.
1. All instruction and safety placards installed, secure and legible.
2. Check all nuts and bolts for tightness.
3. All electrical connections tight.
4. All pins installed and secured properly.
5. All manuals received (per manual packing list), if no, reorder immediately.
6. Paint and overall appearance.
7. Machine received as ordered.
8. If machine ownership has changed, complete owner update form and return to JLG.
Please sign to indicate that you have completed the pre-start check and that you will tag the equipment out and report it if not safe to operate