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Are top and bottom supports secured properly?
Are penetrations properly sealed with tape?
Plastic is inspected. Any new holes or areas of concern addressed and Agropur QA made aware?
Zippers and openings are in good working order. All zipper openings remain closed and are only y used to bring material and equipment in.
Dust and debris is being controlled and waste materials properly disposed of?
Equipment is cleaned at the end of each shift and staged neatly along with materials.
Top and bottom supports properly secured and sealed?
Penetrations are properly sealed. Closed cell foam installed at perimeter and caulking installed for all panels? Metal panel trim complete at interior side of panels?
Openings are properly sealed and door is kept closed? Door is locked at the end of each shift?
Dust and debris is properly managed? Waste is properly disposed of at the end of each shift?
Equipment and material staged neatly?
Roofing membrane overlaps beams and sheds water?
Is there positive drainage at the IMP’s? Is water ponding anywhere near the building and temp partitions?