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Conducted on
Prepared by
Ten Minute Walk Through Form
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Traveling teacher:
Lesson Design:
- Preview/Review/Activate prior knowledge
- Statement of lesson objectives
- Objective linked to standard
- Intentional direct instruction
- Formal Assessment
- Informal check for understanding
Classroom management/Organization for learning:
- Daily routines evident
- Variety in Instructional Activities
- Materials prepared in advance
- Materials easily accessible
- Uniform code compliant
- No food,drinks, or gum (water only)
Catholic identity
- Begin class with prayer
- ESLRs/Pillars evident in classroom
- Incorporates Catholic culture and faith into content
- Safe environment to practice and share faith is evident
- Teacher visibly supports the faith life of the school
- Items expressing Catholic culture evident
Instructional Strategies:
- Direct instruction/lecture
- Note-taking
- Thinking/Mental maps
- Socratic questioning/Reflective discussion
- Experiential(lab, simulation, role-playing)
- Interactive instruction (debate, brainstorming, peer partners, etc)
- Other
Percentage of students engaged:
- 95-100%
- 85-94%
- 75-84%
- 50-75%
- 25-49%
- 0-24%
Photos of student engagement
Type of student engagement:
- No checking for understanding
- Think Pair Share
- Choral response
- Calling on individual students
- Whiteboard practice
- Cooperative learning
- Student response systems/Polling
- Other
Technology used in class and by whom:
- iPads
- Laptops
- SmartBoard
- Smartphone
- Document camera
- Video recorder
- Clicker response system
- Teacher only
- Student only
- Teacher and students
- No technology
Bloom's Taxonomy:
- Knowledge-observation and recall of information
- Comprehension-understanding information; translate knowledge into new context
- Application-solve problems using required skills or knowledge
- Analysis-use methods, concepts, theories in new situations; use required skills or knowledge
- Synthesis-use old ideas to create new ones;relate knowledge from several areas
- Evaluation-compare and discriminate between ideas;make choices based on reasoned arguments
Student learning/Assessment
- Checking for understanding
- Feedback to students
- Charting student progress
- Rubrics/Checklists/Exemplars
Photo(s) of discipline issues
Photo(s) other