Title Page

  • Property Address

  • Inspection Time & Date

  • Inspected By

External - Front

  • Front photo of the property

  • Condition of gutters

  • Condition of pointing/chimney stack/roof

  • Condition of front wall/fence

  • Condition of any trees/hedges

Internal Property Inspection

  • Summary of condition of the property

  • Summary of cleanliness of the property

  • Pictures of rooms

  • Repairs identified or reported

  • Pictures of repairs or areas of concern


  • Smoke Alarms present, secured, operational and in date

  • Smoke Alarms Expiry Date(s)

  • Carbon Monoxide Alarm present, secured, operational and in date

  • Carbon Monoxide Expiry Date(s)

  • Heat Alarm Tested present, secured, operational and in date

  • Heat Alarm Expiry Date

  • Fire Blanket present present and secured (Recommendation)

  • Trip Hazards Identified

  • Fire Escape Routes

  • Evidence of Smoking Indoors

  • Understairs fire proofed

  • Fire door fitted to kitchen

  • Evidence of Sub-Letting/Over Crowding Identified

  • Management Keys Tested - Working?

Damp/Mould Prevention

  • Extractor hood in kitchen

  • Type

  • Extractor fan in bathroom/shower

  • Type

  • Any taps dripping/loose

  • Any waste traps leaking

  • Kitchen worktop behind sink damp/damaged

  • TRV's Fitted on radiators

  • Any signs of mould/damp

  • Thermostat present and operational

  • All windows open

External - Rear

  • Picture of rear of property

  • Picture of garden

  • Condition of gutters

  • Condition of pointing/chimney stack/roof

  • Condition of garden fence/wall

  • Condition of any trees/hedges


  • LANDLORD/AGENT: I/we agree that this report is a true and accurate reflection of the condition of the property at the point of the inspection. I/we agree to take the action listed above.

  • TENANT: I/we agree that this report is a true and accurate reflection of the condition of the property at the point of the inspection. I/we agree to take the action listed above.

  • Tenant Not Present

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.