
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Stairwell to sign- in Office

  • Is stairs clear of hazard?

  • Is Lift serviceable?

  • Is lighting working

  • Is the handrail stable and secure?

  • Are all fire doors return serviceable and door not obstructed?<br><br><br>

  • Is floor clear of trips and hazards?

Meeting Room 1

  • Is the chair and equipment in good repair and good working order?

  • Is flooring clear of any trip/slip hazards?

  • Is lighting in working order?

  • Are all fire doors return serviceable and door not obstructed?<br><br><br>

  • Are all electrical equipment working and cable management effective , for example , no trip hazards?

  • Housekeeping - Is the area free from rubbish?

Landslide Rest Room

  • Are all fire doors return serviceable and door not obstructed?<br><br><br>

  • Are all electrical equipment working and cable management effective e.g hard drives on shelf, no trip hazards or missing floor plates, carpet or tiles?

  • Housekeeping - is area clear of rubbish? For example , kitchen cupboard doors fixed properly and opening smoothly,<br>

  • Are all desks/ tables clean and tidy and free from damage?

  • Are all chairs and desk in good repair and good working order?

  • Are all fire doors return serviceable and door not obstructed?<br><br><br>

  • Are fire equipment within test date?

  • Is first aid kit available and fully stocked? Contact Stationary team.

  • Is flooring clear of any trip/slip hazards?

  • Is the Health & Safety Committee Minutes posted on the Notice board?<br>

  • Visible cabling, plugs and wall sockets in good working order not damaged and PAT tested?

Toilet Facilities

  • Is flooring clear of any trip/slip hazards?

  • Are all fire doors return serviceable and door not obstructed?<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>

  • Is lighting in working order?

  • Are emergency lighting operative?

3rd Floor Corridor

  • Are emergency lighting operative?

  • Is flooring clear of any trip/slip hazards?<br>

  • Are all fire doors return serviceable and fire equipment within test date?<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>

  • Is fire fighting equipment in working order and within test date?

  • Are all fire doors return serviceable and door not obstructed?<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>

  • Ensure no obstruction blocking the emergency exits route from airside?


  • Electrical equipment's all working and cable management effective e.g hard drives on shelf?

  • Are all desks/ tables clean and tidy?

  • Are all chairs and desks in good repair and working order? Please add in desk numbers and fault reference numbers if applicable?

  • Are all fire doors return serviceable and door not obstructed?<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>

  • Is lighting in working order?

  • Is flooring clear of any trip/slip hazards?

  • Visible cabling, plugs and wall sockets in good working order and not damaged and PAT Tested

Meeting Room 2

  • Housekeeping - Area clear of unused items?

  • Is lighting in working order?

  • Is flooring clear of any trip/slip hazards?

  • Are all chairs and desks in good repair and working order? Please add in desk numbers and fault reference numbers if applicable?

  • Are all vIsable cabling plugs and wall sockets in good working order and not damaged?

Locker Area

  • Housekeeping - is area clear of rubbish, items stacked tidy? e.g all items stacked tidy and coat hooks in good repair. Please note items must not be stacked to the ceiling- there must be at least 6 inches gap

  • Is lighting in working order?

  • Are all fire doors return serviceable and doors not blocked?<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>

  • Is flooring clear of any trip/slip hazards?

  • Is fire fighting equipment in working order and within test date?

Pregnant woman and nursing mothers room

  • Is the chair and equipment in good working order?

  • Is flooring clear of any trip/slip hazards?

  • Is all electrical equipment PAT tested and the equipment in good working order?

  • Is lighting in working order?

  • Visible cabling, plugs and wall sockets in good working order and not damaged?

Management Office

  • Is the chair and equipment in good working order?

  • Is flooring clear of any trip/slip hazards?

  • Is all electrical equipment PAT tested and the equipment in good working order?

  • Are all fire doors return serviceable?<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>

  • Is lighting in working order?

  • Visible cabling, plugs and wall sockets in good working order and not damaged

Conference Room

  • Is the chair and equipment in good working order?

  • Is flooring clear of any trip/slip hazards?

  • Is all electrical equipment PAT tested and the equipment in good working order?

  • Are all fire doors return serviceable and fire equipment within test date?<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>

  • Is lighting in working order?

  • Visible cabling, plugs and wall sockets in good working order and not damaged?

Meeting Room 3

  • Is flooring clear of any trip/slip hazards?

  • Is the chair and equipment in good working order?

  • Is lighting in working order?

  • Are all visible cabling, plugs and wall sockets in good working order and not damaged?

  • Electrical equipment all working and cable management effective for example no trip hazards?

Ground floor - Check-in back Office

  • Is flooring clear of any trip/slip hazards?

  • Is the chair and equipment in good working order?

  • Are all desks in good working order, clean and tidy and free from clutter?

  • Is lighting in working order?

  • Is all electrical equipment PAT tested and the equipment in good working order?

Check- In Desks Zone G13 - G19

  • Are all chairs in good working order?

  • Are all flooring clear of any trip/ slip hazards?

  • Are all equipment in good working order?

  • Is lighting all lighting operative?

  • Visible cabling, plugs and wall sockets in good working order and not damaged?

  • Are all desks clean and tidy in good working order?

Check- In Desks Zone G 25 - G36 (including the Customer Service desk and UMS Holding Area)

  • Are all chairs in good working order?

  • Are all flooring clear of any trip/ slip hazards?

  • Are all equipment in good working order?

  • Is lighting all lighting operative?

  • Visible cabling, plugs and wall sockets in good working order and not damaged?

  • Are all desks clean and tidy and in good working order?

Ticket Front Desks (Landside)

  • Are all chairs in good working order?

  • Are all flooring clear of any trip/ slip hazards?

  • Are all equipment in good working order?

  • Is lighting in working order?

  • Visible cabling, plugs and wall sockets in good working order and not damaged?

  • Are the desks in good working order, clean, tidy and free from Clutter?

Check-In Desks GF10-11

  • Are all chairs in good working order?

  • Are all flooring clear of any trip/ slip hazards?

  • Are all equipment in good working order?

  • Is lighting operative?

  • Visible cabling, plugs and wall sockets in good working order and not damaged?

  • Are the desks in good working order and clean and tidy?

Ticket Desk - Front Desk

  • Are all flooring clear of any trip/ slip hazards?

  • Are all chairs in good working order?

  • Is all electrical equipment PAT tested and the equipment in good working order?

  • Is lighting operative?

  • Visible cabling, plugs and wall sockets in good working order and not damaged?

  • Are the desks in good operative condition, clean and tidy?

Ticket Desk - Back Office

  • Are all chairs in good working order?

  • Are all flooring clear of any trip/ slip hazards?

  • Is all electrical equipment PAT tested and the equipment in good working order?

  • Is fire equipment within test date?

  • Is the lighting operative?

  • Are all visible cabling, plugs and wall sockets in good working order and not damaged?

Flight Transfers Desks

  • Are all flooring clear of any trip/ slip hazards?

  • Is all electrical equipment PAT tested and the equipment in good working order?

  • Are all visible cabling, plugs and wall sockets in good working order and not damaged?

  • Is fire equipment within test date?

  • Is lighting operative?

  • Housekeeping - is area clear of rubbish and all items stacked tidy?

Boarding Gate 3 (BA Preferred Gate)

  • Is the boarding chairs and desks operative in good repair and good working order?

  • Is all electrical equipment not damage and in good working order?

  • Is lighting operative?<br>

  • Are all equipment all working and cable management effective for example, no trip hazards and all disk drive secure?

  • Is the route to the aircraft and emergency exits clear, with no slip or trip hazards?

Boarding Gate 5 (BA Preferred Gate)

  • Is the boarding chairs and desks operative in good repair and good working order?

  • Is all electrical equipment not damage and in good working order?

  • Is lighting operative?<br>

  • Are all equipment all working and cable management effective for example, no trip hazards and all disk drive secure?

  • Is the route to the aircraft and emergency exits clear, with no slip or trip hazards?

Boarding Gate 7 (BA Preferred Gate)

  • Is the boarding chairs and desks operative in good repair and good working order?

  • Is all electrical equipment not damage and in good working order?

  • Is lighting operative?<br>

  • Are all equipment all working and cable management effective for example, no trip hazards and all disk drive secure?

  • Is the route to the aircraft and emergency exits clear, with no slip or trip hazards?

Boarding Gate 9 (BA Preferred Gate)

  • Is the boarding chairs and desks operative in good repair and good working order?

  • Is all electrical equipment not damage and in good working order?

  • Is lighting operative?<br>

  • Are all equipment all working and cable management effective for example, no trip hazards and all disk drive secure?

  • Is the route to the aircraft and emergency exits clear, with no slip or trip hazards?

  • Check

Boarding Gate 11 (BA Preferred Gate)

  • Is the boarding chairs and desks operative in good repair and good working order?

  • Is all electrical equipment not damage and in good working order?

  • Is lighting operative?<br>

  • Are all equipment all working and cable management effective for example, no trip hazards and all disk drive secure?

  • Is the route to the aircraft and emergency exits clear, with no slip or trip hazards?

Boarding Gate 24 (BA Preferred Gate)

  • Is the boarding chairs and desks operative in good repair and good working order?

  • Is all electrical equipment not damage and in good working order?

  • Is lighting operative?<br>

  • Are all equipment all working and cable management effective for example, no trip hazards and all disk drive secure?

  • Is the route to the aircraft and emergency exits clear, with no slip or trip hazards?

Boarding Gate 26 (BA Preferred Gate)

  • Is the boarding chairs and desks operative in good repair and good working order?

  • Is all electrical equipment not damage and in good working order?

  • Is lighting operative?<br>

  • Are all equipment all working and cable management effective for example, no trip hazards and all disk drive secure?

  • Is the route to the aircraft and emergency exits clear, with no slip or trip hazards?

Boarding Gates

BA First lounge

BA Club lounge

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.