Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Is there an adequate supply of water?

  • Is there an adequate supply of hot and cold running water available at sinks?

  • Is there a dedicated hand wash basin in the area?

  • Is the wash hand basin facility in good repair?

  • Does the equipment washing sink have a sink plug?

  • Is the equipment washing sink easily accessible?

  • Are the ovens in good repair?

  • Is all food contact equipment in good repair?

  • Is the floor in good repair?

  • Are the walls in the area in good repair?

  • Are the ceiling in the area in good repair?

  • Other?

  • Are all wash hand basins accessible (also the basin free of any equipment etc)?

  • Are all wash hand basins and hand soap dispensera clean?

  • Hand wash basin has the correct Ecolab hand soap?

  • Is there blue roll available for drying hands or a hand dryer?

  • Is the equipment washing sink clean?

  • Does the equipment sink have sink line dilution markings?

  • Are all staff following the hand washing policy in the in store bakery?

  • Is the area free from unrelated/personal items to the in store bakery process? ie radio, phones

  • Do staff have access to an apron?

  • Do staff wear aprons when preparing food?

  • Are all staff wearing a clean apron?

  • Are all staff wearing hats and/or hair nets & is the hair fully covered?

  • Do all staff have neat, short or tied back hair where appropriate?

  • Are cuts/open sores covered with blue waterproof plaster?

  • Do staff remove their apron and hat when leaving the area?

  • Is the floor in a clean condition?

  • Are all the walls in a clean condition?

  • Is the ceiling in a clean condition?

  • Is the bake off oven clean?

  • Are the chillers clean & food stored off the floor?

  • Are the chillers working correctly?

  • Are the freezer clean and food stored off the floor?

  • Are the freezer working correctly?

  • Are the ecolab cleaning guide/cards available?

  • Is the ecolab sanitizer chemical (aseptopol) available for use?

  • Is ecolab sanitizer chemical (aseptopol) diluted correctly?

  • Is ecolab sanitizer chemical (aseptopol) contact time being implemented,?

  • Are the correct cloths available to clean preparation surfaces and equipment (blue)?

  • Equipment and cloths for cleaning are clean and in good repair?

  • Are non handling techniques used where possible? ie use of utensils

  • Are preparation utensils clean?

  • Are preparation utensils in good repair?

  • Are preparation surfaces clean?

  • Is all food contact equipment clean?

  • Is food packaging stored safely to limit contamination risks?

  • Are all food preparation areas free from sources of physical contamination?

  • Are all relevant products sealed/covered and stored correctly?

  • Is the product allergen information available?

  • Other?

  • Is there a suitably located working EFK in open food areas?

  • Are the EFK's clean and in a good state of repair?

  • Is the area free from signs/evidence of pests?

  • Are there any issues with pest proofing?

  • Is there a working anti-static vacuum cleaner Inc. Attachments/replacement filter bags available?

  • Is the cleaning equipment shadoe board in place, clean and have all the correct tools?

  • Other?

  • Has the bakery safe and legal record been completed correctly for the current week/previous week?

  • Does the bakery safe and legal record accurately reflect the standards observed during the audit?

  • Can all colleagues from the department demonstrate how to deal with a customer allergy query?

  • Instruction manuals for all equipment available and do all colleagues know how to use equipment safely?

  • Are all staff aware of food handlers fitness to work policy?

  • Other?

  • Is the floor free from slip and trip hazards?

  • Are only authorised chemicals being used?

  • Are the ecolab chemicals used safely ie staff following safe methods?

  • Is the relevant PPE for chemical use easily available and in good working order?

  • Do bake off staff colleagues understand how to use equipment safely?

  • Do all colleagues know the correct PPE for cleaning all equipment (ovens/hot fat drawers/fryers)?

  • Other?

  • Is all equipment free from evidence of tampering?

  • Are all safety interlocks and red emergency stop buttons working for the equipment?

  • Are electrical light switches free from damage and in a good condition?

  • Is there adequate lighting in place?

  • Other?

  • Are bakery products for recycling processed correctly?

  • Are all products in date?

  • Are all products rotated correctly?

  • Other?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.