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An overview of organisation, location and personnel.
Executive Summary
The main points of the report. Keep it succinct and sell the report to management.
There is an occupational health and safety management system in place.
Do they have a recognised system such as ISO 45001?
What is the standard that they are using?
Does the company have a health and safety policy?
Does the Statement cover Leadership, resources, commitment, aims and objectives and is it signed and dated?
Is the roles and responsibilities suitable for the organisation?
Are the Arrangements covering the correct subjects in suitable detail for the organisation?
Do the company keep a record of training?
Is the training relevant to the risk profile and size of the company?
Is the training in date?
Are the training providers checked for quality?
Has the company got risk assessments in place
Are they suitable and sufficient (Competent/Consultation/date)
Do they cover all tasks?
Do they control the risk? (As low as is reasonably practicable)
Are they reviewed?
Are there specific assessments in place such as manual handling, DSE etc.
Has the company got a potential for employees to suffer from occupational stress?
Has a stress assessment been conducted?
Are employees aware of the symptoms of stress?
Are employees aware of the controls for stress?
Are personnel at risk from asbestos exposure?
has a survey been carried out?
Has a management system been created?
Are personnel or others at risk from Legionella exposure?
Has a recent survey/assessment been carried out by a competent organisation?
Has a management system been created based on the HSE Leaflet 8?
Are systems routinely checked as per the assessment?
Do management routinely check the management of Legionella?
Are any specific controls laid out in the assessment such as dozing of tanks being conducted?
Do the company use contractors at any time?
Is the organisation aware of it's Construction(Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM) duties?
Are duty holders appointed when required?
Is there a permit system in place for high risk procedures such as hot works, maintenance and confined space?
Is there a contractor procurement system in place that ensures safe contractors are selected?
Do manual handling activities take place?
Are personnel suitably trained
Are assessments carried out for routine tasks?
Is there work equipment in the company?
Is the equipment maintained to a sufficient standard?
It it inspected?
Is it recorded within an electrical register?
Does Portable Appliance testing happen (If required)
Are all leads and cables used correctly?
Has a first aid needs assessment taken place?
Are first aid boxes/equipment suitable, correctly sited and inspected routinely?
Are there enough in date trained first aiders?
Is there a system in place to report accidents and near misses?
Is there a suitable process in place to investigate accidents and near misses?
Are work at height tasks conducted by the organisation?
Are they planned and organised by a competent person?
Are they risk assessed by the competent person?
If they do happen is the risk controlled?
Is equipment of the correct standard, used by competent persons and inspected routinely?
Is there a risk from hazardous substances in the workplace?
Are suitable and sufficient COSHH assessments being carried out?
Is the risk controlled?
Is training being conducted?
IS suitable equipment being used and is there an inspection regime in place?
Are there noise hazards present in the workplace?
Has a noise assessment been carried out?
Has suitable controls in place?
Is health surveillance in place for those at risk?
Are employees at risk from vibration?
Has an assessment been carried out?
Are suitable controls in place?
Is health surveillance being conducted on those at risk?
Are personnel at risk from vehicle movement including driving on public highways and sites?
Is there a vehicle management system in place?
Does the management system control all risk?
Are vehicles checked prior to first use?
Are all drivers qualified?
Has a recent fire risk assessment been conducted?
Is there a robust emergency procedure for the site?
Has suitable staff training been conducted?
Is there routine fire drills with after action review?
Is there suitable equipment such as fire alarm, emergency lighting, signage, call points, smoke/heat detectors and extinguishers?
Do routing inspections of the premises take place?
Are all electrical systems maintained
Are all routes clear?
Is there suitable consultation/communication processes in place?
Are there meeting agendas and minutes that are made available to all?
Are meetings scheduled?
Does the company hold H&S committee meetings?
Are welfare provisions suitable
Are they maintained?
Do employees lone work?
Is there a management system in place that is suitable?
Are there any confined spaces
Are these controlled?
Is there a permit to work system in place?
Tour of the premises/Site
Is housekeeping satisfactory?
Are storage arrangements of equipment and materials suitable?
Are there waste management systems in place?
Are employees following the safe systems of work?
Is signage suitable?
have all areas got the correct levels of lighting
Is the workplace too hot/cold?
An overview of findings covering the main report points, potential repercussions and actions required to rectify findings. .