Title Page

  • The Cornish Bakery Monthly Audit

  • Conducted on

  • Completed by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • External paintwork is in good condition, clean with no chips

  • Doors, windows, bakery display window & sills are clean and clear from debris

  • External Signage is clean & in good repair

  • Banners, Awning clean and displayed properly

  • No un-authorized posters or notices in the window

  • Planters displayed , in good condition and free from debris

  • Is there a CCTV sticker in the window

  • Window display correct for time of day & to merchandising standards

  • The surrounding ground is clear from litter, weeds and cigarette butts

  • External chairs, tables & parasols are clean and in good repair, neatly displayed

Front of House

  • Doormat clean for time of day and in good repair

  • Skirting boards and or edges are clean, dust free and in good repair including front counter<br>

  • Back counters clean and clutter free no spray bottles/ cleaning products in view

  • Are all FOH lights working including LEDs in windows & around counters, clean and dust free

  • Condiment, grab and go boxes/ crisp baskets / retail stands clean and products displayed neatly to brand standards with price ticket in good condition

  • Enough cutlery available, polished and in clean containers

  • Bins clean FOH, appropriate full level and clean

  • Till area tidy, dust and debris free

  • Drinks fridge/Drinks Well full, light working, clean, good working order and all labels straight and tickets available

  • Is the drinks well filter clean

  • All Merchandising correct for the time of day and to brand standard

  • All ticket labels & pins are clean (No rust marks), straight and positioned to brand standard

  • Hot counter is clean, dust, crumb & smear free & in good working order (inc lights, display, hot panels) seals are intact.

  • Ambient deck is clean, dust & crumb free, smear free & in good repair.

  • Hand washing facilities available - hot & cold water, soap & blue roll (in dispenser, where applicable)

  • Product and drink recipe cards available and updated to current product versions

  • Are indoor plants in good repair & dust free & pots clean.

  • Air condition working, vents clean and correct temperature. Door heaters in good working order

  • CCTV Camera domes are kept clean and all suitably positioned. (Tills, exits , displays etc)

  • Music on and appropriate level according to trade

  • Tables, bases & chairs are clean & in good repair - check sides of cushioned seats x 3 no wobbly tables

  • Bakery FOH floor clean and in good repair

  • Customer - Toilet paper is available & in the holder, toilet, basin & floor clean. Soap is available & hand dryer working with no unpleasant smell, bin is clean and not overflowing. No Chemicals stored in the toilet

  • Is the daily record in the food safety management book filled out correctly, completed

  • Are the weekly pest checks completed

  • Are the monthly fire, emergency lighting checks completed, removed from book and kept in safe

  • Are the daily cleaning sheets completed & initialled

  • Are the weekly cleaning sheets completed & initialled

  • Are hazards being recorded

  • Is there a current production plan in place

  • Is a current day bake plan in use with hourlies being tracked and recorded.

Front of House Equipment

  • Combi Oven - Clean inside and out, in good working order and pre-heated where necessary

  • Is the Frost Top free of Ice build up and clean

  • Ice Machine - clean internally, seals clean and in good repair, plastic scoop available and outside of the machine in a container, filter checked and checks for no leaks (waste pipe into pump)

  • Ovens in good working order, clean inside & out inc doors, seals clean and in good repair

  • Oven Trays and racking in good repair and clean

  • Insectecutor is clean & working & in good condition

  • Blender Clean and in good working order

  • Hot chocolate machine clean and in good repair & working order

  • Hot chocolate made to spec

  • Fire Extinguishers tagged, in date, serviced, clean & in correct position

  • Is the coffee catcher clean with acceptable level of build up

  • Is pitcher rinser clean and in good condtion

  • Is Grease Trap in good working order and clean

The Team

  • Is a bakery colleague behind the counter at all times, ready to welcome and acknowledge all customers according to time of day

  • Are the team saying goodbye to customers where possible

  • Can a Team Member quote our purpose

  • Can a Team Member quote our Values

  • Trip Advisor & Google push evident and all reviews responded to

  • Team clean shaven or neat beard

  • Long hair is tied back as per brand standard ( Plait or bun)

  • Jewellery to brand standards?

  • No team eating, drinking or chewing gum in sight of customers

  • Team members on break have uniform covered. Any team smoking are away from the premises & not in view of the customers

  • Are colleagues taking a minimum of a 20 min break when working 6 hours or more and taken at a suitable time? Are under 18's taking a 30 minute break every 4.5 hours? (Ask TMs)

  • All team in branded t shirt, Apron (Ironed & worn correctly), Jeans any colour and sensible enclosed clean shoes

  • Are loyalty cards being offered at the till point

  • What is your PTD NPS score (any colleague to be asked)

Product - please taste one of each product

  • Pasties to temperature - Min 55 degrees <br>If this question is failed all the marks are removed from this section. Pasties to held between 55-65c if they have been on the hot counter over 90 minutes - 2 hours

  • Allergen information available and up to date - are all team aware of where to find the information required

  • Is Natasha Law being followed - no pre-packed food or drink to be served before a customer orders.

  • All team on duty aware of pasty/ sausage roll times on hot deck

  • Pasties baked to standard

  • Pastries proved correctly and baked to standard

  • Scones baked to standard

  • Cakes icing to standard and correct size

  • Availability correct for all products for the time of day

  • Probes & probe wipes available & all probes working ( minimum of 3)

  • Ask the barista to make a coffee - Is the recipe correct. Is the milk to spec. Consistency, silky & smooth, no bubbles, persistency & depth of foam

Back of House

  • All corridors clear from obstruction

  • All fire exits clear and sign posted

  • Prep area clean and free from debris - All S/S tables and splash backs clean inc legs and underneath

  • Dry storage area clean and free from debris

  • All food and drink items elevated from the ground

  • Walls clean

  • Floor clean and free from debris - check under appliances and prep tables

  • All chemical and cleaning materials available and COSHH data sheet displayed

  • Sink clean and shelving, taps, floor and splashbacks

  • All lights working BOH

  • Dish washer working , softener and salt available and the appliance is clean. Detergent & rinse aid available and used

  • Prover clean and in working order - seals, door, handle & shelf brackets (seals in good order)

  • All open food date labelled - date opened & prepared, all old labels removed and only placed on tubs not lids

  • Date labeling sheet displayed on fridge ( Latest version)

  • Fridges clean- shelving , inside , seals intact and vents dust free

  • Fridge layout displayed

  • Chopping board guide displayed

  • H&S Poster displayed with correct information

  • FIFO evident

  • Hand wash basin clean with Soap dispenser, blue roll filled and hot water

  • Food scales good working order and clean from debris

  • Freezer clean, organised , floor and walls, fan, vent dust free, everything stored off the floor and no ice build up?

  • Fridge & freezers to correct temperature

  • Rentokil up to date and any pest activity actioned

  • PPE available - oven gloves, goggles, mask & rubber gloves

  • Team Toilet - Clean and Tidy

Office and Admin

  • Bakery at 100% Flow compliance completion

  • Are all New starters on FLOW

  • Team reviews complete - 6 monthly & Probationary reviews completed and signed by both parties)

  • Daily shift planner displayed & completed daily or/and Team aware of daily deployment & targets

  • Audits available to the team

  • Are all new starters compliant on People HR?

  • All FLOW journeys up to date?

  • Risk assessments up to date - Under 18, Maternity..

Admin and Financial

  • If cash has been taken, has it been banked and does this match the business sheet

  • Office is clean and organised

  • Safe count sheets are completed, with banking slips attached where applicable

  • Refund slips available and signed - attached to safe count and stored in monthly file

  • No cash variances for the month +\minus £5 - Check Business Sheets

  • Safe floats are correct

  • Key log complete and up to date and stored in the safe

  • Monthly Folders ( Delivery notes/Bake Plans/Rotas/Timesheets/Waste sheets/All stock count & variance sheets)

  • Does the manager on duty know their YTD performance vs budget?

  • Are all current maintenance problems reported and process followed

  • Is the training toolbox available and being used

  • Date of audit completion

  • Select date

  • Area manager

  • Bakery Manager

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.