Title Page
Company Name
Working for
Make / Serial No.
Model / Serial No.
Registration No.
Conducted on
Prepared by
Plant Description
Moblie Plant - Daily Safety Checklist
Operators are required to check the following items before commencing work. These records form the basis of a plant maintenance procedure and will be subject to random inspection. Keep records with vehicle.
1. Answer "✔" for OK, no obvious defect or "✖" if faults are identified. Select N/A if Not Applicable to machine or operator.
2. Add photos and notes as necessary evidence
3. To add a Corrective Measure click "Add Action", provide a description, assign to a member, set priority, and due date
4. Complete audit by providing digital signature
5. Share your report by exporting as PDF, Word, Excel or Web Link
Before Commencing Operations Check
Cabin - Access egress seating, seatbelts, loose objects, controls,
Visibility - windscreen, windows, wipes, washers, mirrors
Electrical System - lights, amber beacon, horn, travel alarm
Hydraulics - rams, hoses, leaks, wear
Leaks - engine, transmission, cooling systems
Brake - emergency and service
Neutral start
Compulsory signs, reflective tape, reflectors
Miscellaneous - aircon, fire extinguisher, first aid kit
Damage to panels/guards - cracks to chassis/frame/body
Wheels, tyres, tracks - wear/tension/pressure
Hitch (safety pin) - wear - Ring Feeder
Articulated joint/linkage
Tarps, rail security
Daily checklist in machine - pant security information list
Plant Security
Details of faults or defects and action taken:
Defect Reported to
Date Reported
Does fault constitute a safety hazard?
Does machine require immediate repair?
PARK MACHINE UP - Contact the supervisor
Machine should not be used until supervisor gives clearance for use.
You may use the Action button to inform the supervisor. -
Does machine required immediate repair?
SIgn Off
Operator Name & Signature