
  • Site conducted

  • Site Code

  • Site Name

  • Prepared by

  • Other personnel on site

  • Date

  • Location

Section 1.0 - Site planning and Information

Site Information

  • Is the site access information correct and up to date?

  • Please insert correct site access information.

  • Is there safe parking while working on the site?

  • Picture of site layout displaying parking concern.

  • Is the area around site free of hazards?

  • Does the area around the site require any maintenance? Weeds, Fences, Rubbish, etc.

  • Please describe to best of your knowledge what maintenance is required.

  • Are steps and ramps in good condition with a firmly fixed handrail if steps above 1m?

  • please photograph area

  • Site safety signage?

  • Is the site area clean, tidy, free from - water damage, slip and trip hazards? Any overhead hazards?

  • please describe.

  • Site access & additional site hazard photos.(Photo of road leading to site + any other access info)

  • All contractors (including sub-contractors) have been provided with information relating to health and safety for the work they are undertaking?

Safety Gear

  • Personal Protective Equipment/Safety Gear appropriate to the task is in being worn and is in good condition?

  • PPE inspected before use?

Emergency planning and equipment

  • Is the site able to call for emergency assistance - Fire, Police Ambulance?

  • Are appropriate Fire Extinguishers and First Aid kits on site?

  • Emergency assembly point identified?


  • All site areas are kept tidy with litter removed from site appropriately?


  • Have all visitors signed the visitor log and are hazards, risks and controls discussed with visitors prior to entering the site??

  • Is lighting adequate for carrying out tasks and and/or safe access?

Section 2.0 Access to Roofs, Brittle Roofs and RF


  • Are there RF hazards on site?

  • RF warning signs are in place at access points?

  • Are persons trained/competent/certified in RF Awareness

  • Are appropriate RF monitors available and being used?

  • Are RF monitors calibrated?

Section 3.0 - Equipment used for Working at Heights on Towers, Poles and Roofs

Machinery for working at Heights on Towers, Roofs and Structures

  • MEWP, Crane, Scaffold or Guardrails being used on Site?

  • Move to the next section

  • Are workers on the ground wearing appropriate PPE e.g. Safety Helmets, Safety Boots, High Viz Vests and Eye Protection?

  • Have exclusion zones been implemented and sufficient for the tasks being carried out?

  • Assess any of the following equipment on site

  • Mobile Elevated Work Platfrom

  • Has the operator carried out a carried out a pre start inspection of the MEWP that includes functional and visual tests (required each day)?

  • Is the MEWP clearly marked with the rated lifting capacity

  • Weight of lift?

  • Essential operating and maintenance instructions permanently displayed or stored in a conspicuous place on the MEWP?

  • Is the six monthly inspection certificate displayed?

  • Operator is trained and competent (US 23966 v1) and the corresponding unit for the type of MEWP being used?

  • Hazards associated with power lines are appropriately controlled (no closer than 6.4 metres, or between 4 - 6.4 metres with appropriate controls in place. No work can be carried out within 4 metres of a power line without the written consent of line owner and this consent must remain on site at all times?

  • Weather conditions are suitable for using the MEWP?

  • Are harnesses, lanyard and attachment points available to all workers undertaking tasks from the MEWP?

  • Is the MEWP set up on firm and level ground?

  • Crane

  • Is the plan and information provided by the crane supplier signed and accepted by the contractor on site?

  • Is the crane set up on firm, level ground with barriers in place?

  • Safe working distances are maintained from overhead power lines?

  • No persons are standing under suspended loads?

  • Tag lines are used where there could be load spin?

  • The load does not exceed the lifting capacity of the crane

  • Lifting capacity of the crane

  • Weight of lift

  • Clear lines of communication exist between the dogman/persons in bucket and the crane operator?

  • Weather conditions suitable for the use of a crane?

  • Scaffold or Mobile Scaffold

  • Are the surface conditions suitable for scaffold access and stability - e.g level and safe to work on?

  • Is there a health and safety management plan on site that clearly identifies those responsible for implementing control measures for the scaffold?

  • Are site specific hazards e.g proximity to power lines and control measures included in the Safe Work Method Statement or JSA?

  • The scaffold was erected, altered or dismantled by a person(s) who have been trained and have suitable experience with the type of scaffold being used?

  • Are the wheels locked and turned out on mobile scaffolds?

  • If a portion of the scaffold is above 5 metres above the ground the following conditions must be met

  • The person assembling, altering or dismantling the scaffold have a certificate of competence

  • Scaffold inspection card/register (Safety Tag) clearly visible in place by the access ladder and checked weekly?

  • Notification has been sent to WorkSafe NZ

  • Edge protection provided where a person could fall 2 or more metres

  • Scaffold protected from passing vehicles or plant

  • Ladders are secured top and bottom.

  • Ladder extended 900-1000 mm above the landing platform.

  • Planks are in good condition, 3 planks minimum and butted and secured.

  • Edge Protection?

  • Designed and constructed to by a competent person?

  • Positioned appropriately?

  • Will barriers and guard rails be regularly inspected

  • Includes a toe board or mesh infill to prevent tools, materials and debris falling from the roof?

  • Not used on a roof with greater than 35 degree slope (In this instance a MEWP, or Fall Restraint/Arrest system must be used)

Section 4.0 - Fall Restraint and Fall Arrest

Fall restraint and fall arrest systems

  • Are fall restraint or fall arrest systems being used on site?

  • Move to the next section

  • All personnel trained and certified for working at height?

  • Has the rigger undertaken a visual inspection of the structure, pole etc prior to work commencing?

  • Is each person familiar with the work plan?

  • Are personnel attached at all times while working at height?

  • Has a drop zone been implemented and sufficient for the tasks being carried out?

  • Is all equipment secure to prevent a fall from height?

  • Does each member of the team have the required PPE?

  • Two certified rescue climbers are on site at all times?

  • Notification has been sent to WorkSafe NZ of the work?

  • Has a SWMS or JSA been prepared for height work on site?

  • Are there established safe access pathways to the anchor points?

  • Is a certified fall restraint system available for use?

  • If using a fall arrest system are suitable certified anchor points being used?

  • Date anchor points certified to?

  • Certified load?

  • If certified anchor points are not available a Temporary Anchor Point Permit must be completed and a copy held on site

  • The temporary anchor point permit has been signed by a competent rigger?

  • Rope access work must cease until the permit is completed

  • The temporary anchor point permit has been signed by the rescue climber?

  • Rope access work must cease until the permit is completed

Section 5.0 - Other Safety Critical Risks

  • For this assessment the following applies

    Safe -
    At Risk -
    Fail -

Pedestrian and Public Safety

  • Are members of the public/pedestrians passing the site?

  • Is a spotter required on site?

  • Is safe pedestrian access maintained on site at all times?

  • Work vehicles are parked safely?

  • Pedestrian and public safety

Electrical Safety

  • Is electrical (230 v and over) work being undertaken on site?

  • Procedures are in place for ensuring electrical equipment is de-energised before electrical work is carried out and methods in place to ensure that it cannot <br>be inadvertently re-energised (isolation, tagging and lockout)?

  • Persons conducting work on electrical equipment are appropriately trained, registered and hold a practising license for the type of work being undertaken?

  • Proven to be de-energised before work commences?

  • Only ladders constructed of timber or fibreglass are to be used for work on or near electrical apparatus?

  • All electrical equipment, extension leads and portable power tools are in good condition and regularly inspected, tested and tagged?

  • Undertaken a CPR course (within the last 12 months) and Basic First Aid course (within the last 2 years)?

Live electrical work

  • Is live electrical work being undertaken on site?

  • A risk assessment and safe work method statement has been prepared before any live work is undertaken?

  • When working on or near live electrical apparatus the following Safety Gear (PPE) is being worn

  • Clothing covers the body from neck to wrist to ankle, (cotton)

  • Sleeves rolled down and shirts tucked into trousers (protecting against entanglement and arc flash)

  • Non metallic fasteners (or fasteners are protected by a layer of the same material as that of the garment)?

  • Suitable eye protection?

Traffic Management

  • Is the worksite in the road corridor or subject to frequent vehicle movements?

  • Copy of the traffic management plan signed by the contractor and maintained on site?

  • Traffic management setup is correct and according to the TMP?

  • STMS contact number listed?

  • Is there an escape route for the traffic controller?

  • Comes and barriers in good condition?

  • After hours TMP in place if necessary?

Section 6.0 - Health and Safety Summary

  • Site Photographs


  • Are any other hazards present on site, list below

  • Are these hazards and risks being appropriately controlled?

  • Were any unsafe work practices observed at the time of the assessment

  • Please describe the unsafe practice observed below

  • undefined

  • Required corrective actions

  • undefined

  • Agreed date for completion of corrective actions

  • Assessor

  • undefined

  • Site representative

  • undefined

  • Additional people

  • Person
The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.