Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by:
Infection Control
Are items stored at least 36" from electrical panels?
Are electric panels properly secured or locked?
Are electric panel switch labels accurate and are all spares in the off position?
Are all mechanical and electrical rooms clean and have no storage? Indicate which rooms are not clean in the notes section.
Are medical gas zone shut-off valves accessible and unobstructed?
Are medical gas zone shut-off valves properly labeled for area served?
Do clean utility, sterile storage, medication rooms, and other clean/sterile areas have positive air pressure to the corridor/adjacent areas?
Do soiled utility, trash, hazardous waste, and other dirty rooms have negative air pressure to the corridor/adjacent areas?
Clean utility rooms contain only clean/sterile items?
Soiled utility rooms contain contaminated/soiled items only?
All clean supplies stored off of the floor?
Are supplies within expiration dates? (Random checks)
Is clean linen covered?
Is clean linen kept separate from the dirty linen disposal?
Are medication refrigerator logs maintained and up-to-date? Are temperatures within range?
Are patient food refrigerator logs maintained and up-to-date? Are temperatures within range?
Are patient food freezer logs maintained and up-to-date?
Are patient food freezer temperatures within range?
Are medicines and food stored in separate refrigerators?
Patient food items have expiration dates and are not expired?
The only items located under sinks are items allowed by policy?
Return and supply air diffusers are free from dust?
Countertops in good repair with no chips or missing laminate?
Furniture is in good repair and not dirty or soiled?