Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • McConnells Logo Blue (Small).png
  • Mcconnells Job Nr:

  • Prepared \for

  • Client / Site

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared By

Store Details

Store Details

  • Take a photo of the Opening Hours Signage

  • Store Telephone Number

  • Store Contact & Position


  • Any Parking restrictions

  • If so Photo parking signs

  • No Restrictions


  • Ground Floor Ceiling Height

  • Access Equipment Required

  • Confirm Lifter route into building i.e entrance door size, bollards etc

  • Add media

  • 1st Floor Ceiling Height

  • Access Equipment Required

  • Confirm Lifter route into building i.e entrance door size, bollards, Goods Lift Load

  • Add media

  • Stairwells (including Escalators)

  • Access Equipment

  • Add media

Ceiling Tiles

  • Sales floor ceiling tile reference code (printed on back of tile)

  • Clear photo of Sales floor Ceiling tile

  • BOH Ceiling Tile reference code (printed on back of tile)

  • Clear Photo of BOH Ceiling tile

Goods Lift

  • Has the store got a Goods Lift

  • Photo of Goods Lift Capacity

  • No Goods Lift

  • Goods Lift in good working order

  • Lift Issues


  • Has the store any existing Lighting maintenance issues

  • Description of Lighting Issues

  • Photos of Lighting Issues

  • Any other Issues Identified

  • Description of issued raised

  • Photos of issued raised if possible


  • Make & Type of existing Busbar

  • Reference codes of fused and unfused plugs

  • Provide Photos for Busbar and plugs


Process Area

  • Process Area size, minimum 3 photos Required

  • Provide information on process area size and any restrictions

  • Provide 3 no photographs of the process area


  • Dextra Delivery Restrictions

  • Information required

  • No Restrictions

  • Can Lighting be stored inside of the store

  • If Yes, minimum of 3 photos of storage position

  • Agreed maximum number of pallets the store could take delivery of and hold at one time

  • Where will the lights be stored

  • Photos of agreed storage area

  • Is a container required for storage of Lighting?

  • Photo Proposed Location of container

  • undefined

  • Container not required

Existing Lighting

Non Trading Lighting

  • Is all internal illuminated signage on trading lighting supplies only

  • Provide photos of all illuminated signage on during non trade lighting

  • Are all columns other than Mezzanine legs highlighted by 2nr DA1's

  • Provide photos of columns that require additional spot lights

  • Non Trading Lighting has been checked and is satisfactory

  • Identify areas of concern & photograph

  • Photos of areas of Concern

  • Non trading Lighting satisfactory

Trading Lighting

  • Trading Lighting Been Checked and is satisfactory

  • Identify areas of Concern & photograph

  • Photos of areas of concern

  • Trading Lighting is Satisfactory

BOH Lighting

  • Associated room

  • All BOH areas controlled by local PIR sensors

  • No additional PIRs required

  • Identify BOH areas that are controlled by non trading supply and not localized controls

  • Provide photos

  • How is the BOH lighting including Emergencies wired

  • Provide details

  • Provide photos

Emergency Lighting

  • Does the current emergency lighting meet current regulations i.e exit signs

  • Identify areas of concern and what is required to rectify

  • Photos of area

  • Em Lighting test switch functions as to current regulations and only isolates the live feed to the emergency light and not every fitting whether Em or not

  • Em Comments


  • Any other areas identified that require PIR Controls

  • Identify areas

  • Photos of areas

External Lighting

  • Is there any external Lighting to replace

  • How Many and type of fittings

  • Is Access equipment required

  • Type and working height

  • Add media

Confirmation Signatures

  • Mcconnells Representative

  • Store Representative

  • RLB Representatative

Distribution Boards & BMS

Distribution Boards

  • General Power DB

  • Lighting DB

  • Clean Power DB

Contactor Panel

  • Contactor Panel

  • Are all contactors Normally Closed

  • Identify all Normally open contactors i.e Poles, rating and quantity

  • Provide photo of normally open contactors

BMS Panel

  • BMS Panel

  • Is the BMS Over ride segregated for HVAC & Lighting

  • Provide Photo

Existing Lighting Distribution Loadings

  • Non Trade lighting loads

  • L1 -

  • L2 -

  • L3 -

  • Trade lighting loads

  • L1 -

  • L2 -

  • L3 -

Proposed Lighting

Proposed Lighting

  • Is there enough space in the ceiling void to allow for 350mm deep fire hoods, for D1 & DA1 fittings? (proposed positions, any duct, containment etc above)

  • Photos of ceiling void space

  • Existing Recessed Lights Cutout sizes

  • WW1

  • D1

  • DA1

  • Other

  • Is there existing fire Hoods

  • Can the existing Hoods be re used

  • Reason for not being able to reuse fire hoods

Health & Safety

  • Absestos Survey observed

  • Location where Absestos survey is kept

  • Request Survey from RLB

  • Any Abnormal Risks identified other than a standard TKM Store

  • Details

  • Photos of risk


  • Proposed Pre Start Meeting Date

  • Proposed Start on Site Date

  • Proposed Completion Date

  • Proposed Hand Over Date

  • Total duration of working programme

  • Total Labour required

Any Addtional information

  • undefined

Additional Photos

  • Add media

Dextra Delivery

  • Dexretail.JPG
  • RPT Scoping Visit / Design requirements - RLB

  • Store Name & Number

  • Purpose: To be completed by the electrical contractor at the scoping visit to capture critical information for the Lighting Manufacture enabling logistic and procurement planning

  • Scoping visit Date

  • Time frame: To be issued to Dextra within 5 days of the scoping visit

  • Date Issued to Dextra

  • Manufacturers Design Requirements

  • Nr of fire tents required

  • Existing D1 Cutout sizes

  • Existing WW1 Cutout Sizes

  • Existing DA1 Cutout Sizes

  • Existing D3 Cutout Sizes

  • Quantity of Emergency Exit Box Backplates

  • Depth Restriction against LED fittings

  • Emergency Lighting positions

  • PIR & Progressive lighting amendments where applicable

  • Number of pallets that can be accepted and stored per delivery

  • Pallet Storage location

  • Photos of storage location

  • Delivery height restrictions

  • Noise or Delivery time restrictions

  • Delivery Window

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.