
  • Audit Title

  • Conducted on

  • Audit Conducted by

  • Appointed Site Manager

  • Summary of Safety Walk

TOPP2 Site Safety Walk

  • Do you wish to inspect Contractor?

  • Name of Contractor and Detail Type of Works being Observed

  • All significant hazards have been identified via safety plan, work site safety plan, hazard id?

  • Safe work practices being adhered to?

  • Comments around safe work practices

  • Appropriate signs/notices displayed

  • Right tools for the job being used?

  • Daily toolbox meeting held?

  • JSA/Permits
  • Do you wish to review JSA and/or Permit to Work?

  • Filled out Correctly (accurately reflecting the tasks and risks of the job)

  • Authorisations -relevant for work

  • Permit holder on site

  • Risks and controls in place to minimise risk to acceptable level

  • Work site safety plan and/or daily hazard sheet completed


  • Do you wish to review communications today?

  • Daily toolbox been conducted and all personnel on site in attendance?

  • Hazard Board completed as required for specific job (all parties signed on, hazards accurate of job and area)

  • 2 way Radios issued/utilised as required?

  • Incident reporting - all incidents being reported to TOPP2 Project Team?

  • With simultaneous operations Ormat/NTGA and C & R are communicated effectively between all parties?

  • General Comments

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Do you wish to examine PPE on this safety walk?

  • Mandatory PPE being worn and compliant with the relevant standards (Safety glasses, boots, Helmet and wrist to ankle cover ?

  • Area being observed

  • PPE (clean/tidy and hard hats < 2 years old)?

  • Other PPE observed being worn relevant to the task at hand

  • General comments


  • Do you wish to examine housekeeping?

  • Area being observed

  • Work area & vicinity neat, tidy, trip hazards managed

  • Work Surfaces (clear of clutter and dust)

  • Walkways (free of debris and obstructions)

  • Material Storage/Lay Down (neat and tidy)

  • General comments

Tools and Equipment

  • Do you wish to examine tools and equipment?

  • Area being observed

  • General condition of tools

  • Right equipment/tools are being used for tasks

  • Opertors are trained to be competent in the tools appropriate for their work tasks

  • Tools/Equipment tested and Tagged?

  • General comments

Electrical Safety

  • Do you wish to examine electrical safety?

  • Area being observed

  • Extension Cords ok ie =- are not causing trip hazards or used inappropriately

  • Power Tools are undamaged and being used fit for purpose

Fall Prevention

  • Do you wish to examine fall protection practices?

  • Fall protection equipment inspected inspected regularly and before use

  • Gear appropriate for task and used properly

  • Suitable Anchorage Points

  • General comments


  • Do you wish to examine chemicals on this safety walk

  • Area of Inspection

  • Detail chemical present

  • Signage available and SDS available & current?

  • Chemicals being handled safely & appropriately?

  • Storage - bunding adequate in size to contain leaks if needed

  • Storage area clear of weeds, rubbish and combustibles?

  • Appropriate firefighting equipment within easy access of storage area

  • Containers, tanks, drums appropriate labelled and in good condition

  • Spill kit available within easy access of storage area

  • General comments

Licences, Certifications and Competencies

  • Do you wish to check licences, certifications or competencies?

  • Does the person hold the appropriate licenses, certification or competency to conduct the work

  • List the licenses, certification or competency held


  • Is this an area you want to inspect?

  • Gate visibility ok, even surfaces, safe accessway into site?

  • Adequate signage indicating parking, speed, traffic directions and other directions as necessary


  • Is this an area you want to inspect?

  • TOPP2 Site Hazard board updated, with hazards accurate to reflect environment and task being conducted?

  • Sign in register in place (all arrivals have signed in, inductions & access cards validated)?

  • Alcohol breath testing being undertaken

  • PPE available for issue to visitors?

  • Security has radio contact/communication with site .. 2 way communication with site as required

Roadways, Accessways in & around Site

  • Do you wish to examine roadways, accessways in and around the site?

  • Road surfaces, even surfaces, free of significant pot holes?

  • Traffic Management in place (speed, directions, restricted areas)?

Heavy Machinery

  • Do you wish to examine Heavy Machinery ?

  • Area

  • Detail type of plant observed

  • Vehicle lights on whilst operational?

  • Seat Belt being Worn?

  • Speed limited observed to be adhered to (< 20kph)?

  • Operator appropriately licensed/certified to operate?

  • Access, steps, ladders, walkways all in good condition

  • Lights, mirrors, horn, backing alarm and radio all in good condition

  • Fire extinguishers fitted and tested

  • Pre-start check completed

  • Safe procedures being adhered to (spotter, barriers, signage, plant not operating or travelling near edge of excavation unless shoring can support load, wheel stopping restricting plant movement)

  • Spoil placement safe distance at least 1 metre from edge

  • Pedestrian exclusion zone 20 metres adhered to


  • Do you wish to examine foot traffic/pedestrian movements?

  • Name of area observed

  • Safe path of travel?

  • Pedestrian and plant operator good communications ( good eye contact, hand signals etc)?


  • Do you wish to examine excavations on this safety walk?

  • Name of area observed

  • Access/Egress is safe and frequency of egress is acceptable

  • Shoring/Shielding/Sloping is safe

  • Barricades are in place as required

  • Spoil Pile placed incorrect position


  • Is this an area you want to inspect?

  • Has there been an evacuation test/drill - covering various scenarios recently?

  • Do you want to inspect Emergency Equipment?

  • Location of Emergency Equipment to be inspected

  • First aid kit available and contents within date?

  • AED in place - in test, working and contents in place (scissors)

  • Fire extinguisher available and in test and secure?

  • Emergency assembly points and sirens working and tested?

Sign Off

  • Name & Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.