
  • Document No.

  • Business Name

  • Address & Phone Number

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel

Contact/Building Rep name-Email(for report) and phone number

  • Emergency contacts and cell #'s

Construction Type

Occupancy Class

Emergency and Exit lighting

  • Emergency Lighting operational?

  • Annual testing of the emergency lighting completed and documented?

  • Exit Signs illuminated and visible

Means of Egress

  • No combustible storage in exit ways

  • Exit ways unobstructed

  • Aisle width compliant?

  • Exterior exits accessible ?

  • Door hardware compliant

  • Exits free from snow and ice buildup

  • Exit ways properly lit?

  • Exit doors easily opened from inside and self close and latch

  • Fire door tags in place on door and door frame and legible

Electrical Systems

  • Extension Cords temporary use only

  • Exposed wiring prohibited

  • Open junction boxes prohibited

  • No Wiring and equipment unsecured

  • Main shut offs not accessible, 36" in front of panels and shut offs required

Heating systems

  • Heat producing device/appliance not defective

  • Air supply for combustion and ventilation sufficient

  • Safety devices in place and operable

  • Combustibles not within 18" of heat producing appliances/devices

Fire Safety Safeguards

  • Interior combustible waste not excessive

  • Location of dumpsters in proximity to the building

  • Exit ways free from combustible waste?

Fire Protection Equipment

  • Fire hydrants have a 3' clearance

  • Private Hydrant Inspection report

  • Sprinkler Systems<br>

  • Inspection reports available and done in required time frame

  • Storage at least 18" below sprinkler heads

  • Sprinkler heads free of dust loading and debris

  • Sprinkler valves and riser accessible?

  • Adequate number of spare heads and a wrench in box?

  • Fire department connection visible and not blocked by vegetation or other objects

  • FDC caps in place

  • Kitchen suppression systems

  • Semi-annual inspection done

  • Hood, filters and surrounding areas free of grease buildup

  • Class "K" extinguisher available

  • Fire Alarm System

  • Annual inspection report available and no deficiencies noted

  • All devices in place and free from obstructions

  • Portable Fire Extinguishers

  • Annual inspection complete and extinguisher tagged

  • Extinguisher sealed and in proper pressure range

  • Extinguishers visible and not obstructed

  • Extinguishers are the proper type for hazards present

  • Fire pumps

  • Test paperwork available

  • Is the pump room free from storage?

  • No signs of fluid leaks or other deficiencies during a visual inspection

Hazardous Materials

  • Compressed gas tanks stored properly and secured to protect them from tipping over

  • Stored in approved containers or cabinets

  • MSDS paperwork up to date and available

  • Tier 2 reporting done to county. If not have them contact Dave Richards at 585-753-3813 or

General Concerns

  • Building address visible and no less than 4" in height

  • Fire doors blocked or obstructed

  • Repair openings in fire walls and separations

  • Maintain storage at least 2' below the ceiling

  • Combustible storage in boiler, mechanical or elevator rooms prohibited

  • Fire apparatus roads obstructed

  • Fire Lane obstructed

  • Combustible storage under staiways

Violations to be corrected by

  • Select date

  • Building representative

  • Inspector

  • Pictures if any

Additional notes

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.