Document No.
Observations recorded by
- Stephen Adams
- Veronica Reid
- Sandra Chaplain
- Scott Butcher
- Belinda Hudson
- Amanda Brewer
- Julie Henderson
Observation Details
Content Strand - Number and Algebra
Number and place value
Fractions and decimals
Real numbers
Money and financial mathematics
Patterns and algebra
Observation of quality standards - Teacher evidence
Responds constructively to misconceptions
Encourages students to listen, evaluate and build on the ideas of others
Holds back from telling, listens attentively
Encourages students to explain their thinking
Have high but realistic expectations of all students
Promotes and values effort and risk taking
Structures the task for different possibilities, strategies and products to emerge
The materials used support the mathematical learning/concept
Makes the mathematical focus clear to students
Gives clear instructions/directions to students
Maintains an appropriate pace
Gives positive and specific feedback to students
Pauses at different junctures to extend the thinking on a particular part
Observation of quality standards - Student evidence
Actively engaged
Follows directions
Learns cooperatively where required
Student evidence - Understanding
Connects related ideas
Describes their thinking
Uses visual models and materials appropriately
Uses the language
Student evidence - Fluency
Recalls factual knowledge readily
Calculates answers efficiently
Chooses appropriate methods and procedures
Student evidence - Problem Solving
Formulates problems
Interprets and models problems
Communicates solutions effectively
Solves unfamiliar problems
Student evidence - Reasoning
Explains thinking
Proves or disproves an answer
Justify strategies
Solves in more than one way
Transfers knowledge
Additional observations