Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Student's Name
Supervisor's Name
Qualification being assessed
Enrolment Type
- Apprentice
- External
- Fee For Service
- Full Time Class
- Trainee
- School Based Trainee
Assessment conducted by:
Employer Based Assessor's Name
Completed Qualification held by Employer Based Assessor
Have you worked in a supervisory position in the children's services industry (for example child care centre director or family day care co-ordinator) for a period of at least six months
Have you read, and understood, the Practical Skills Checklist that you are assessing?
Are you aware that the student will see a copy of this report?
Are you willing to be contacted should further verification of this statement be required?
What is your relationship to the student?
How long have you worked with this student?
How closely do you work with the student in the area being assessed?
Elements and Performance Criteria
Element 1 - Assess and improve the safety of environments
1.1 Assess environments for suitability and safety against relevant criteria and make decisions
1.2 Identify hazards and potential risks in the environment with others involved
1.3 Identify and clearly communicate the level of response required to address a hazard
1.4 Facilitate strategy development among others involved
1.5 Develop, implement and review a plan with others
Element 2 - Coordinate the response to accidents and emergencies
2.1 Develop, maintain and practise evacuation procedures with all workers and children
2.2 Review steps already taken by workers and implement additional actions required
2.3 Seek medical assistance as required
2.4 Implement a plan to meet the emotional needs of children and others in the situation
2.5 Allocate tasks to different people and give directions about how to proceed
2.6 Sensitively and calmly provide accurate information to parents
2.7 Use policies and procedures of the organisation to inform people of actions required of them
2.8 In light of the incident, review service's policies and procedures with others and change as required
Element 3 - Plan and monitor supervision
3.1 Develop safety limits and guidelines with others involved
3.2 Plan, implement and review appropriate levels of supervision to suit a range of experiences and situations
3.3 Develop strategies for the service which can be used to address specific incidents
3.4 Regularly and carefully monitor implementation of supervision plan and procedures
Element 4 - Promote hygiene and safety practices
4.1 Explain and monitor policies for medication administration, storage and documentation
4.2 Monitor and reinforce the safe storage of hazardous materials with workers
4.3 Demonstrate and effectively communicate guidelines for safe food handling and storage
4.4 Promote and demonstrate practices for managing children's hygiene needs
Element 5 - Promote appropriate practices to respond to illnesses
5.1 Regularly and clearly communicate infection control and medication guidelines to others
5.2 Suggest specific practices to address situations as they arise
5.3 Inform parents of infections
5.4 Develop procedures for responding to sick children
5.5 Report notifiable diseases/infections to the appropriate government organisation according to guidelines
Element 6 - Monitor travel and excursions
6.1 Establish and communicate procedures for safety in relation to excursions and transport
6.2 Monitor travel practices in relation to service procedures and regulations
6.3 Organise responsibilities during excursions
Element 7 - Provide guidance to workers when abuse is identified or investigated
7.1 Explain policies and procedures clearly and calmly
7.2 Support workers to provide information to appropriate bodies
Element 8 - Monitor care provided by others
8.1 Observe care practices and give specific instruction as required
8.2 Regularly review care routines with workers
8.3 Review practices to ensure policies regarding care are met
Required Skills and Knowledge
This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level required for this unit
Essential knowledge:
The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work role
These include knowledge of:
Up to date knowledge of regulations on safety, health and hygiene
Potential hazards to children, including traffic and the spread of infectious diseases and cross infection
Strategies to minimise the spread of infectious diseases
Developmental stage appropriate toys and equipment
Legal requirements for supervision including worker - child ratios
Food preparation, cooking and storage of food - temperatures
Child protection policy of service
State/territory requirements about abuse and reporting process
Common childhood illnesses recognition, management strategies
Incident records
Indicators of different types of child abuse
Organisation procedures
Strategies for developing responsible behaviour by children in cars and buses
Organisation standards, policies and procedures
Essential skills:
It is critical that the candidate demonstrate the ability to:
Apply a thorough understanding of dangers and hazards for specific age groups
Make informed and appropriate decisions under pressure to ensure the safety of children, including in the home environment, and in particular: - personal hygiene to prevent cross infection e.g. handwashing
- modelling safe behaviours and hygiene practices
- risk identification in relevant environments
- risk reduction strategies in that environment
- risk minimisation strategies in response to specific incidents
- ways of supervising appropriate to the age of the child
- supervision systems e.g. an area/ a group of children/ floater
Address issues in planning supervision according to the ages of children - For 5 to 12 year olds: - absences of children booked in need to be investigated
- older children may be able to assist in responding to an incident if directed clearly and supported to do so
- developing children's capacity to monitor their own safety
- developing children's capacity to develop strategies with staff
Assess additional supervision requirements for a child due to - child's disability: - level of risk taking behaviour
- age/stage of development of child
- child's level of competence in the activity selected
- child's level of responsibility
- child's familiarity with environment/equipment/materials
In addition, the candidate must be able to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work role
These include the ability to:
Demonstrate application of skills in: - strategies for developing responsible behaviour by children in cars and buses
- decision-making under pressure
EMPLOYER DECLARATION: I declare that a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment has been conducted with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback
STUDENT DECLARATION: I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I am also aware of my appeal rights.
I have reviewed this process for assessment of this student's DEMONSTRATION OF PRACTICAL SKILLS and I deem the outcome to be:
Bright Futures Training College Assessor Signature