
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Student's Name

  • Supervisor's Name

  • Qualification being assessed

  • Enrolment Type

  • Assessment conducted by:


  • Employer Based Assessor's Name

  • Completed Qualification held by Employer Based Assessor

  • Have you worked in a supervisory position in the children's services industry (for example child care centre director or family day care co-ordinator) for a period of at least six months

  • Have you read, and understood, the Practical Skills Checklist that you are assessing?

  • Are you aware that the student will see a copy of this report?

  • Are you willing to be contacted should further verification of this statement be required?

  • What is your relationship to the student?

  • How long have you worked with this student?

  • How closely do you work with the student in the area being assessed?

  • Elements and Performance Criteria

Element 1 - Support children to build and maintain trusting relationships

  • 1.1 Listen attentively and show children their views are valued and acknowledged

  • 1.2 Acknowledge and support children's preferences for particular adults and peers

  • 1.3 Help children to understand and accept responsibility for their own actions

  • 1.4 Encourage children to express and mange feelings appropriately

  • 1.5 Support children's various levels of interaction and participation with others during play

Element 2 - Plan experiences for children to support and cooperate with others

  • 2.1 Encourage children to respect each other's individual needs, abilities and interests

  • 2.2 Encourage children to regard differences positively and to discuss these differences

  • 2.3 Support children who have difficulty interacting with others, to establish and maintain friendships and group membership

  • 2.4 Acknowledge and encourage appropriate, supportive and effective communication between children

  • 2.5 Provide experiences and opportunities that promote children's moral development and pro-social skills

Element 3 - Provide opportunities for social interaction

  • 3.1 Plan and provide opportunities for different forms of social interaction between children with respect for each child's needs, interests and development stage

  • 3.2 Encourage children to interact with a variety of people and to initiate and develop contact with others, as appropriate

  • 3.3 Arrange the environment to encourage interaction and also accommodate a child's need for privacy, solitude and/or quiet

  • 3.4 Celebrate special occasions in culturally sensitive ways

  • 3.5 Respect children's choice to watch and observe

  • 3.6 Structure experiences and equipment in ways that promote cooperation and conflict resolution

  • 3.7 Foster and respect children's own grouping choice

  • 3.8 Talk about and respond to children as group members as well as individuals

  • 3.9 Identify and monitor children's social skills and development

  • 3.10 Promote and support the use of social skills relevant to the transition to school for children of an appropriate age


  • This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level required for this unit.

  • Essential knowledge:

  • The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work role

These include knowledge of:

  • Children's social and moral development

  • Importance of play and how it can be identified and provided for

  • Theories of children's social and moral development which may include: - play stages

  • - ecological structures

  • - social learning

  • - cognitive development theories

  • - attachment

  • A broad range of theoretical perspectives on human and learning development which may include but is not limited to: Bronfenbrenner, Parten, Bandura, Kohlberg, Bowlby

  • Interaction between aspects of social development, physical development and psychological development and cognitive development

  • Importance of language that is selected and used

  • Organisation standards, policies and procedures

  • Cultural awareness and understanding differences in social and family systems

  • Awareness of the following national child health and well being core competencies as they apply to all who deliver care to children: - core principles of child development and the key developmental tasks faced by young children and their implications for practice

  • - cumulative effects of multiple risk and protective factors and the developmental implications of the balance between them

  • - environmental conditions and the experiences known to have positive effects on prenatal and early childhood

  • - environmental conditions and experiences known to have adverse effects on prenatal and early childhood development

  • - factors that support or undermine the capacity of families to rear young children adequately

  • - features of a family's immediate social environment that are important for family functioning and young children's development and well being

  • - features and qualities of communities that help or hinder families in their capacity to raise young children adequately

  • - core needs that all children and families have in common, and how to provide inclusive child and family services

  • - understanding of particular backgrounds, experiences and needs of children and families in exceptional circumstances or with additional needs

  • Essential skills:

It is critical that the candidate demonstrate the ability to:

  • Provide opportunities for children to interact positively with other children and to accept individual differences, giving due regard to age, cultural, and development of child/ren

  • Evaluate the social development of the child and to plan activities which will enhance their development

  • In addition, the candidate must be able to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work role

These include the ability to:

  • Demonstrate application of skills in: - acceptance of each child's rate of development, needs, interests and strengths

  • - planning

  • - interpersonal skills

  • - team building skills

  • - time management

  • - active listening

  • - empathy

  • - organisation

  • - valuing of differences among children - stage of development, needs, interests, strengths

  • Apply the following skills identified as underpinning national child health and well being core competencies, where they are applicable to the work role: - implement effective evidence-based service delivery

  • - coordinate service delivery to families with an interdisciplinary teamwork approach and where possible collaborative interagency practice

  • - support infants and toddlers to master key developmental tasks

  • - early identification of emerging trends in child needs and how to address them

  • - manage children's health needs, eating behaviours and physical activity

  • - provide environments and relationships that are safe for young people

  • - engage and work with parents/carers and families

  • Comments

  • EMPLOYER DECLARATION: I declare that a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment has been conducted with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback

  • STUDENT DECLARATION: I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I am also aware of my appeal rights.


  • I have reviewed this process for assessment of this student's DEMONSTRATION OF PRACTICAL SKILLS and I deem the outcome to be:

  • Bright Futures Training College Assessor Signature

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