Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Student's Name
Supervisor's Name
Qualification being assessed
Enrolment Type
- Apprentice
- External
- Fee For Service
- Full Time Class
- Trainee
- School Based Trainee
Assessment conducted by:
Employer Based Assessor's Name
Completed Qualification held by Employer Based Assessor
Have you worked in a supervisory position in the children's services industry (for example child care centre director or family day care co-ordinator) for a period of at least six months
Have you read, and understood, the Practical Skills Checklist that you are assessing?
Are you aware that the student will see a copy of this report?
Are you willing to be contacted should further verification of this statement be required?
What is your relationship to the student?
How long have you worked with this student?
How closely do you work with the student in the area being assessed?
Elements and Performance Criteria
Element 1 - Ensure practices of the organisation are appropriate
1.1 Design and implement processes to regularly review relevance of organisation's philosophy in the light of needs of clients and key stakeholders
1.2 Undertake ongoing monitoring of organisation policies and practices to ensure they: - do not support discrimination
- promote ethical behaviour
- meet duty of care responsibilities
- are based on principles of natural justice
- meet funding requirements
- continue to be relevant
1.3 Undertake ongoing evaluation of organisation's practices to ensure they - are consistent with its philosophies and policies
- positively contribute to meeting client and stakeholder needs
Element 2 - Respond to change in the community
2.1 Implement appropriate strategies to provide accurate and current information on trends and changes in the community which may impact on the organisation and its clients
2.2 Identify and assess social, political and economic trends and anticipate their impact on the organisation, community and client group
2.3 Where required, commission expert advice and/or research to provide access to detailed information about trends and the likely impact of changes
2.4 Maintain currency with information and trends through membership of professional associations, research organisations and networks
2.5 Assess and revise appropriate management and work practices to reflect trends and research findings
Element 3 - Initiate and implement organisation change within a planning framework
3.1 Identify changing requirements, initiate opportunities to change policies and practices, and promote to relevant staff, clients and stakeholders
3.2 Define the nature and scope of required changes, and develop strategies to successfully implement them, including: - determining budgetary considerations
- appropriate consultation, negotiation and communication
- addressing possible barriers
- promoting effects and benefits of change
- risk assessment
3.3 Identify and implement changes that reflect: - consideration of a range of alternatives
- appropriate consultation and communication with staff, client and stakeholders
- current accepted good practice
- appropriate levels of planning
- organisation quality assurance processes
- provision of relevant training
3.4 Put in place processes to ensure outcomes of changes are evaluated against expectations and previous performance
This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level required for this unit.
Essential knowledge:
The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work role
These include knowledge of:
A range of approaches to organisation planning and management
Community consultation mechanisms
Funding/income strategies
Marketing and promotion
Organisation change strategies
Principles and practices of change management theory
Relevant government policies and systems
Scope and operation of the industry
The services and products of the research sources listed in the Range Statement
Essential skills:
It is critical that the candidate demonstrate the ability to:
Consult research sources identified in the Range Statement
Develop and implement organisation policies and procedures indicated in the Range Statement
Work with aspects of organisation change as identified in the Range Statement
In addition, the candidate must be able to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work role
These include the ability to:
Demonstrate application of skills in: - continuous improvement principles and practices
- literacy
- communication and negotiating with senior level decision-makers and community leaders
- preparing and delivering public presentations
- community consultation
- planning and review processes
- coordinating a complex range of issues and relationships
- analysis
- leadership and motivation
- service quality maintenance
- financial management and maintenance
- effective and safe management of technological change
Facilitate processes to recognise and address environmental responsibility and sustainable practice issues
EMPLOYER DECLARATION: I declare that a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment has been conducted with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback
STUDENT DECLARATION: I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I am also aware of my appeal rights.
I have reviewed this process for assessment of this student's DEMONSTRATION OF PRACTICAL SKILLS and I deem the outcome to be:
Bright Futures Training College Assessor Signature