Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Inspection Reference

  • Audit Date:

  • Inspection by:

  • Airline

  • Flight Number

  • Origin/Destination

  • Location
  • Personnel

Special Focus

  • When certain elements of the turmaround become subject to increased focus, either from recent trends, or by customer request, we will have some Special questions to demonstrate we are following our procedures, and ensuring customer's aircraft are being handled safely.

  • Safety Rails are there for your safety and to prevent baggage from falling, remember to deploy them on the turnaround after the belt is in position and to retracet them once loading / unloading is complete before lowering the belt and moving away from the aircraft.

  • Is the baggage belt operator using the safety rails correctly ?

  • Did the Team Leader give authorisation to approach the aircraft?

  • Did the GSE driver do a visual check of the aircraft before & after use?

  • AF/HOP only – Did the Team Leader or delegated person get permission for the fuel to begin from the cockpit?

1 Personal Protective Equipment & Ramp

  • Does the Team Leader check all staff for PPE prior to aircraft arrival / engagement? All staff must be wearing all PPE required for their task, standard PPE included safety boots, ear defenders, and Hi Viz.

  • Are employees using electronic devices (PED's)? No Personal electronic devices are to be used within the re-fuelling zones around the aircraft.

  • Are there fluid leaks / slip or trip hazards on the ground? Any sign of leaked fluids or trip hazards must be reported to airfield operations and equipment and personnel kept clear to prevent increasing contamination

  • Arrival Inspected?

2 Pre-Arrival Setup

  • Is all equipment required for the turnaround available on stand and clear of the equipment restraint areas? Apron equipment is to be positioned behind the equipment restraint line with the parking brakes applied prior to the arrival of the aircraft. This includes chocks & cones.

  • Was a pre-arrival FOD walk completed? The entire stand area must be clear of FOD prior to the aircraft arrival. It is the responsibility of all airside users to inspect the stands for FOD.

  • Is unattended motorised GSE turned off? All equipment must be switched off and moved away from aircraft when unattended.

  • Is crew present prior to aircraft arrival? Crew must be present for aircraft arrival to ensure the stand has been inspected and safe.

  • Is the aircraft safety zone clear? All personnel must be clear of the aircraft danger areas for arrival, no staff be stood or wait within the safety zones. Equipment must be in designated parking bays.

  • Are motorised and non-motorised equipment secured when not in use? Are all brakes secured and used correctly. Chocks in place when equpment not in use.

3 Arrival at Gate

  • Staff member stands at Safe Dock / AVDGS for arriving Aircraft.

  • Do staff wait for the aircraft to be in a 'Safe' condition before approaching? The anti-collision lights must be switched off, engines / propellers come to a complete stop.

  • Are nose gear chocks applied immediately after engine shut down? The nose gear must be chocked before main gear (*unless airline standards differ).

  • Are the chocks applied as per the airline requirements? Check the requirements for each airline within their GOM, if no standards are defined IGOM standards are to be used.

  • Are the cones positioned as per the airline requirements? Check the requirements for each airline within their GOM, if no standards are defined IGOM standards are to be used.

  • Do vehicles pass underneath the aircraft fuselage or wings? No vehicles may pass underneath the aircraft fuselage or wings.

  • Do staff only travel in vehicles where a seat is available? No Seat No Ride - No Passengers without a seat

  • Is a post-arrival aircraft damage check performed? Damage check must be performed before any staff are allowed to approach the aircraft. The check must be documented and visible.

4 Aircraft Offload / Onload

  • Are vehicles driven at walking speed? Max speed - Walking pace around aircraft

  • GSE driven with handrails/lifts lowered? Safety rails must be lowered whilst vehicles are driven to prevent damage to aircraft when approaching.

  • Do Staff refrain from taking a shortcut under the wing?

  • Two Stop brake check completed? Two-Stop brake check to be completed when approaching aircraft.

  • Do Staff refrain from walking within the vicinity of the propellers?

  • Is a Banksman in use when attaching or removing Equipment from the Aircraft?

  • Is the GSE positioned without contacting the aircraft? All GSE must be positioned with no contact with the aircraft. A small gap must remain to allow for aircraft movement.

  • Is the GSE parked with brakes set and chocks applied? Vehicles without stabilisers must be chocked to prevent damage to aircraft from sudden movement.

  • Have all safety rails & trombones been deployed on GSE? Depending on type and use, safety rails must be deployed and used. Refer to each GSE's training module for guidance.

  • Is there a Gap between baggage on the conveyor? Bags should be spaced on the belt to allow the colleague in the hold handle safely.

  • Do Staff use correct Manual Handling Techniques?

  • Are passengers properly escorted by Passenger Services Agents? Passengers must be escorted on the ramp and guided to safe areas at all times. Passengers must be kept on designated walkways.

  • At no point do Staff ride on belt/hi-loader platforms? No staff may ride on rear bed of hi-loader or on moving conveyor on beltloader.

  • Is the rear of the aircraft offloaded first (if applicable)? To prevent 'Tail Tipping' offload rear first, Onload - load front first.

  • Do drivers follow travel path away from engines? Safe Route around the aircraft followed, no vehicles to pass engines with ULDs.

  • Is GSE lowered when not in use? All GSE must be fully lowered when not in use.

  • Are vehicles switched off when not in use?

  • Does GSE block fuel truck movement? Vehicles must not block emergency access for fuel truck escape

  • Departure Inspected?

5 Departure

  • All nets secured correctly prior to departure All nets must be secured correctly prior to closing cargo door

  • Electric Mobility Aids on Flight?

  • EMA's are deactivated and tested prior to loading Inspect EMA tag for completion and safe for carriage. EMA to be tested to ensure isolation

  • Has the EMA been secured as per airline procedure? Lashing and segregation as required.

  • Is steering bypass pin installed prior to tow bar connection? Correct by-pass pin must be installed before tow bar is connected.

  • Did a guide person assist in attaching the tow bar? Tug driver must be guided onto tow bar by guide person

  • Is the towbar locked in place with the safety locking pin? If applicable - the safety locking pin must be inserted through the head to prevent detachment during pushback.

  • Was pre-departure FOD walk completed? The stand must be checked for FOD prior to aircraft departure

  • Does the headset operative perform a full pre-departure walkaround inspection? The headset operative must check the entire aircraft (including wingtips) for open latches / hatches and ensure all doors are secure. They must also inspect for any damage.

  • Are cones only removed after all GSE is clear? Cones must only be removed once all equipment is clear of the aircraft, doors are closed and aircraft ready to depart.

  • Are chocks removed only once aircraft is ready to pushback? Chocks must only be removed once airbridge is removed and the pushback tug is connected to the aircraft.

  • Do Staff refrain from stepping over the Towbar? Coach teams not to connect the towbar to the aircraft until access around the front of the aircraft is no longer required.

  • Is tow bar aligned with A/C, prior to push? Tug must be aligned with aircraft - no angled pushbacks

  • Has the BINGO been signed by all 3 Departments?

  • Has all of the Loading Documentation (LIRF/NOTOC) been completed correctly?

  • Is there a back of stand service road?

  • Were Wingwalkers in position prior to pushback?

  • Were wands used to alert traffic?

  • Is the pushback performed at walking speed? The speed of the pushback must match the headset operative.

  • Is bypass pin displayed to flight crew? All Clear' signal clearly shown to flight crew once by-pass pin and all staff clear of aircraft.

  • Is all equipment returned to the correct parking bays? The stand must be left clear ready to service the next aircraft. Equipment must be returned to designated parking space.


  • Additional Comments / Observations

  • I confirm that the above inspection results are true:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.