Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Dry Goods Warehouse Area

  • Is all warehouse stock stored safely with no evidence of goods being unstable, stacked too high or leaning over the edge of shelving?

  • Are sausage seasoning tubs, sausage skins and meat flavaglazes labelled with batch numbers and rotated according to date?

Entrance Corridor

  • Does boot wash have running water and cleaning brush in good condition?

  • Is boot wash free from meat debris and other waste product?

  • Is there soap, hot water and drying facilities at the the hand wash basin with appropriate signage in place?

  • Is the the area free from trip and slip hazards?

  • Is there a dedicated waste bin for dispose of used blue hand drying towels with functional foot pedal to prevent contamination?

Goods-In Room

  • Is Category 2 waste in the chest freezer ‘blue stained’?

  • Is utensil sink free from debris, clean and pipes free from blockages?

  • Is hand wash sink free from debris, clean and free from blockages?

  • Is all equipment in the gods in area in good condition, installed correctly and the correct type for intended use?

  • Are there sufficient containers/bins to dispose of waste?

  • Is there soap, hot water and drying facilities at the hand wash basin?

  • Is wooden shelving clean and free from staining or meat debris?

  • Is knife sanitizer in good working condition and clean?

  • Are all PPE chain mail gloves, knives and handsaws stored correctly, clean and sanitised?

  • Are stainless steel tables in good condition and clean?

  • Are red cleaning utensils free from debris and clean?

  • Is all stock rotated, stacked correctly and batched to match invoice/delivery note?

  • Are all walls and ceiling clean and free from debris?

  • Is all short dated stock in the designated area for separation?<br>

  • Is all product which is unfit for sale marked and segregated?

  • Is all product stored on pallets, in cages or on shelves and off the floor?

  • Are good standards of housekeeping being maintained?

  • Is the area free from trip and slip hazards?

Changing Room

  • Are all used white PPE garments in the used laundry deposit or contained in black bin liners to prevent cross contamination?

  • Are all personal belongings stored in the lockers provided for each individual with no food or drink in the area?

  • Is outdoor footwear segregated from white PPE boots and on the shoe rack”

  • Are white PPE boots segregated from outdoor footwear, in the intended area provided, and free from debris on tops and soles?

  • Are PPE hard hats separated from outdoor wear, in good condition and clean?

  • Are beard snoods available and in the designated locker to prevent contamination?

  • Are hair nets available and in the designated locker to prevent contamination?

  • Are the following PPE available for visitors? - Hats, hairnets, white coats (disposable or material) and shoe covers?

Meat Storage Room

  • Is all wooden shelving clean and free from debris?

  • Is all stock in date and being rotated correctly with sufficient shelf life for production and delivery?

  • Is all refuse including cardboard and box strapping contained in cages and waste bins provided and cleared away on a regular basis and is the waste area clean and tidy?

  • Are all crates stacked correctly with no damaged arms?

  • Is all product stored on pallets, on cages or on shelves and off the floor?

  • Is the freezer door closed and the immediate area free from slip and trip hazards?

  • Are stainless steel tables in good condition and clean?<br>

  • Is all product labelled with correct batching information?

  • Is low-level cleaning satisfactory and acceptable including behind and underneath pallets and the underneath of shelving?

  • Are all walls and ceiling clean and free from debris?

  • Are dividing vinyl strips in good condition, overlapping and clean?

Naked Meat Storage Room

  • Is all product stored in cages or on shelving?

  • Is all product packaging in good condition with no blown vacuum bags or leaking?

  • Does all product display traceability eg ‘TP’ Code or full scale labelling on beef products?

  • Are all walls and ceiling clean and free from debris?

  • Is all racking/shelving in good condition and is hygiene to an acceptable standard including low level cleaning and underside of racking?

  • Is all stock rotated according to use-by dates?

Meat Preparation Room

  • Is processing machine clean, in good condition and ready for use?

  • Is utensil sink area clean and free from debris with no pipe blockages?

  • Is there an adequate supply of hot and cold water to the meat preparation area?

  • Are all bottle brushes and general cleaning brushes in good condition and free of debris?

  • Are the burger presses clean and free from debris and ready to use?

  • Are blue knives clean, sanitized and ready for use?

  • Is all product labelled with scale label or ‘TP’ code to ensure traceability?

  • Is low-level hygiene to an acceptable standard including under sink area and underneath of racking?

  • Is the room clear of sausage skins from the previous not currently being used in production?

  • Is the heat sealer in good working condition and free from all debris from poly-trays, meat and/or stretch-wrap?

  • Are dividing vinyls in good condition, clean and overlapping?

  • Are drains and traps clean and free from debris?

  • Are all blue production containers in good condition, clean and ready for use?

  • Is the room clear of all cardboard?

  • Is scale in good condition, clean and calibrated?

  • Is hand washing basin clean, clear of debris and no pipe blockage?

Meat Cutting Room

  • Are walls and ceiling clean and free from debris?

  • Is low-level hygiene acceptable, including under utensil sink area and under racking?

  • Is hose reel in good condition, fit for purpose and full length and steel holder clean?

  • Is utensil sink clean, free from debris and pipe blockages?

  • Is there an adequate supply of hot and cold water to the preparation area/ utensil sink?

  • Does cutting room layout allow adequate separation of poultry items from other meats?

  • Are red knives being used for poultry products to ensure separation and prevent cross contamination?

  • Do all racked pre-cut product containers display ‘TP’ Code for traceability?

  • Are all cutting boards in good condition?

  • Are all utensils and containers free from damage, defect and clean?

  • Are all products stored correctly? Offal stored in Naked Meat Room?

  • Are all products stored off the floor?

  • Are disposable cloths disposed of when heavily soiled and at the end of every day and are any other cloths present controlled carefully to prevent cross contamination?

  • Is there any grease, grime,dirt, dust,pest or product debris on equipment or preparation surfaces (whether in use or not) indicating ineffective cleaning?

  • Are good standards of housekeeping being maintained?

  • Is all refuse cleared away on a regular basis and the waste areas clean and tidy with no overflowing bins?

  • Is the category 3 waste container labelled at both ends and available at all times?

  • Are vacuum bag storage containers clean and dry?

Goods-Out Room

  • Are red cleaning utensils clean and ready for use?

  • Are all easy-pick products eg. Gammons, gammon steaks and chicken fillets labelled with ‘TP’ Codes and rotated correctly?

  • Is all low-level cleaning to an acceptable standard , including underneath and behind both route and stock pallets and rack shelving?

  • Are Category 3 waste bins lids closed, with bins not overloaded and in the segregated area away from boxing area?

  • Are walls and ceiling clean to an acceptable level?

  • Is hand wash basin accessible and unobstructed by equipment or utensils?

  • Is there any evidence of damaged equipment being used?

  • Is all product stored/wrapped/covered so as to prevent a risk of physical contamination?

  • Is all product stored off the floor?

Comprehensive Butchery Site Checks

  • Is the structure of the site in good condition, with nothing broken or damaged which may cause a risk to health of food safety?

  • Are fridge seals in good working order?

  • Is the equipment installed in good condition, installed correctly and the correct type for intended use?

  • Is equipment located or sited so as to avoid a risk to food or health and safety?

  • Is the site equipment in good condition and of suitable construction to allow easy cleaning?

  • Is there soap, hot water and hand drying facilities at the hand wash basins, with appropriate signage in place?

  • Are there sufficient dedicated containers to dispose of waste?

  • Are there suitable provisions for staff to store coats/clothing and personal belongings away from production areas?

  • Is there sufficient staff uniform and PPE provided for staff which is in good condition, clean and removed before leaving site?

  • Are there correctly authorised and sufficient cleaning chemicals and equipment provided on site to ensure that it is kept clean?

  • Are there procedures in place for equipment/utensil separation?

  • Is there proof of food hygiene training being completed and commensurate with work activities of all site employees?

  • Are staff health and safety training records, including manual handling training and training on all dangerous equipment on site of all site employees?

  • Is health and safety information (poster, leaflet, cards), available to staff?

  • Are first aid kits available and fully stocked including blue plasters?

  • Are correct accident reporting procedures in place?

  • Are there risk assessments available including lone workers, under 18’s and dangerous equipment?

  • Is the employers liability certificate valid, displayed or available?

  • Are basic specifications for all products on site?

  • Is there an effective process in place for product recalls, withdrawals?

  • Has all delivery documentation been completed fully and product handled correctly?

  • Is there a system for reporting and recording foreign body incidents and are colleagues aware of this system?

  • Are air temperatures of chiller rooms recorded adequately?

  • Is there due diligence paperwork in place to record temperature and cleaning of the site?

  • Are weekly probe calibrations being completed correctly and recorded?

  • Has PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) been undertaken?

  • Has planned maintenance ben carried out at the required frequency?

Food Safety

  • Do all visitors entering the site wear appropriate protective clothing including hats, hairnets, white coats, shoe covers?

  • Do all team members adhere to hygiene and jewellery policy?

  • Do team members have all cuts or sores covered with blue, clean plasters/dressings?

  • Is effective hand washing being demonstrated by all staff in order to control the risk of cross contamination?

  • Do all team members adhere to hygienic practices while handling food?

  • Do all food handlers wash hands in hand wash sink only and not in utensil sinks?

  • Are all hand wash basins accessible and not obstructed?

  • Are all handwash basins being used for hand washing only and no other purpose?

  • Are all cutting boards in good condition with no deep grooves preventing effective cleaning?

  • Is there evidence of damaged equipment being used?

  • Are glass breakage procedures in place?

  • Are all utensils and storage containers free from damage, defect and clean?

  • Is all meat stored correctly so as to prevent a risk of physical contamination?

  • Is all product which is unfit for sale, marked and segregated?

  • Is all product stored off the floor?

  • Are all team members aware of site CCP’s, and the controls, critical limits and corrective actions?

  • Are any products being frozen in-house being recorded and monitored efficiently?

  • Is all stock in date and being rotated correctly and a documented procedure in place to check dates?

  • Are all cleaning schedules available, fully and correctly completed?

  • Are chemicals stored, labelled and used correctly?

  • Is cleaning equipment in good clean condition and clearly segregated?

  • Are good standards of housekeeping being maintained?

  • Is segregation of all waste being managed effectively?

  • Is there any evidence of pests on site and do team members have appropriate awareness?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.