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Roles & Responsibilities (Section 1)

  • Is there an established Hearing Conservation Program (HCP)? <br><br>Explanation:<br>Each plant / facility / organization manager shall establish a Hearing Conservation Program at their facility and ensure that the requirements of this procedure are implemented.

  • Are Managers and Supervisors aware of their role and responsibility in implementing the HCP? <br><br>Explanation:<br>Managers and Supervisors:<br>Assisting in noise surveys;<br>Assisting in personal noise monitoring;<br>Identification of employees;<br>Conduct training;<br>Monitor employees; and,<br>Assist in personal counseling as needed.

  • Do employees understand their role and responsibility? Employees actively participate in the hearing conservation program. <br><br>Explanation:<br>Employees use hearing protective devices in high noise areas as stipulated in site procedures and in areas identified as “High Noise Areas”.

Hearing Conservation Program (Section 2)

  • Is hearing protection provided when the sound level is equal or exceeds 85 decibels? <br><br>Explanation:<br>Hearing protection in the form of ear plugs, muffs, or both.

  • Are engineering controls attempted when sound levels are equal to or exceed 85 decibels? <br><br>Explanation:<br>When employees are exposed to sound equal to or above 85 decibels, feasible administrative or engineering controls are to be utilized. If unavailable, personal protective equipment is to be provided and used to reduce exposure to below 85 decibels.

  • Is hearing protection provided when the sound level is equal or exceeds 85 decibels?<br><br>Explanation:<br>Hearing protection in the form of ear plugs, muffs, or both.

Noise Exposure Monitoring (Section 3)

  • Is a program developed and implemented to monitor employee’s exposures? <br><br>Explanation:<br>When information indicates that any employee's exposure may equal or exceed an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels, TVA shall develop and implement a monitoring program. Personal monitoring shall be utilized where circumstances such as high worker mobility, significant variations in sound level, or a significant component of noise impulse noise make area monitoring generally inappropriate.

  • Is noise monitoring used to identify employees to include in the HCP and to enable the proper selection of hearing protection?

  • Are sound level surveys conducted by a qualified technician? <br><br>Explanation:<br>All continuous, intermittent and impulsive sound levels from 80 decibels to 130 decibels shall be integrated into the noise measurements. Safety shall assist in the accomplishment of these surveys.

  • Are locations identified with signs “Caution Hearing Protection Required in this Area” or “Caution Hearing Protection Required Beyond this Point? <br><br>Explanation:<br>Areas with noise levels in excess of 100 dBA are to be identified with signs specifying dual hearing protection is required.

  • Is monitoring repeated every five (5) year or whenever there is a change in production, process, equipment or controls? <br><br>Explanation:<br>Changes to the extent that:<br>Additional employees may be exposed;<br>Hearing protectors might not be protecting employees; or,<br>Changes in equipment or processes have eliminated the need for hearing protection.

  • Are employees notified in writing when exposed to at or above 85 decibels for an 8-hour time weighted average? <br><br>Explanation:<br>Following the participation of personal noise monitoring

  • Are affected employees and their representatives provided with an opportunity to observe any noise measurements conducted?

Audiometric Testing (Section 4)

  • Is audiometric testing program established and maintained? <br><br>Explanation:<br>TVA shall establish and maintain an audiometric testing program for all employees whose exposures equal or exceed an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels.<br>The program is to be provided at no cost to employees.

  • Is audiometric testing performed by a licensed or certified audiologist, otolaryngologist, or other physician, or by a technician who is certified by the Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation? <br><br>Explanation:<br>Audiometric testing may also be performed by someone who has satisfactorily demonstrated to the TVA Audiologist, competence in administering audiometric examinations, obtaining valid audiograms, and properly using, maintaining and checking calibration and proper functioning of the audiometers being used.<br>A technician who performs audiometric testing must be responsible to an audiologist, otolaryngologist, or physician.

Baseline Audiogram (Section 5)

  • Are baseline audiograms given to employees within six (6) months of the employee’s first exposure at or above the action level? <br><br>Explanation:<br>Human Resources / TVA Medical shall establish a valid baseline audiogram against which subsequent audiograms can be compared. <br>Mobile test vans exception: TVA shall obtain a valid baseline audiogram within one (1) year of the employee’s first exposure at or above the action level.<br>Employees are to wear hearing protectors for any period exceeding six (6) months after first exposure until baseline audiogram is obtained.

  • Is testing to establish a baseline audiogram preceded by at least 14 hours without exposure to workplace noise? <br><br>Explanation:<br>Hearing protectors may be used as a substitute for the requirement.

  • Are employees notified to avoid high noise levels during the 14-hour period preceding audiometric exam?

Annual Audiogram (Section 6)

  • Do employees included in the HCP receive annual audiograms?

  • Are annual audiograms compared to employee’s baseline audiograms? <br><br>Explanation:<br>If the annual audiogram shows that the employee has suffered a Standard Threshold Shift, the employee may be retested within 30 days and the results of this test may be considered the annual audiogram.

  • When a Standard Threshold Shift is identified is the employee notified within 21 days?

Termination Audiogram (Section 7)

  • Do employees who are terminated, retiring, or transferring to another location receive an audiogram?

  • Are employees allowed 16 hours of no exposure to noise greater than 80 dBA before their termination audiogram?

Audiometer Calibration (Section 8)

  • Is the functional operation of the audiometer checked before each day’s use? <br><br>Explanation:<br>Checking includes:<br>Testing a person with known stable hearing thresholds; and,<br>Listening to the audiometer’s output.<br>A bioacoustic simulator may be used for performing daily checks as an alternative to human testing. Deviations of 10 decibels or greater require an acoustic calibration.

  • Is audiometer calibration checked acoustically at least annually? <br><br>Explanation:<br>Deviations of 15 decibels or great require an exhaustive calibration.

  • Is an exhaustive calibration performed at least every two (2) years?

Engineering & Administrative Controls (Section 9)

  • Are engineering evaluations conducted as requested? <br><br>Explanation:<br>Typical engineering controls to evaluate are:<br>Reduce noise at its source;<br>Interrupting the noise path;<br>Selecting new or replacement equipment;<br>Reducing reverberation;<br>Reducing structure-borne vibration.

  • Are administrative controls identified and established? <br><br>Explanation:<br>Administrative controls consist of:<br>Work scheduling;<br>Rotating employees;<br>Establishing quiet areas for break.

Hearing Protection Devices (Section 10)

  • Is a variety of hearing protectors provided?

  • Do hearing protectors attenuate employee exposure? <br><br>Explanation:<br>At a minimum hearing protectors are to decrease an employee’s exposure to an 8-hour time weighted average of 85 decibels or below.<br>When exposed to noise levels greater than 100 decibels, double protection is required.

  • Are employees properly trained in the types of protection available, proper use of the devices, and proper storage and sanitation of the devices?

Training (Section 11)

  • Do employees exposed to noise at or above the 8-hour time weight average of 85 decibels receive annual training? <br><br>Explanation:<br>ATIS 00059129 “Hearing Conservation”

  • Is information provided to employees that include:<br>Use of ear protections;<br>Employee concerns;<br>Hearing loss results;<br>Sampling and monitoring results;<br>Progress on engineering and administrative controls.

  • Is personal counseling sessions provided for employees having problems with the proper use of hearing protection devices? <br><br>Explanation:<br>Personal counseling can also be provided to employees experiencing threshold shifts.

  • Are copies of 29 CFR 1910.95 “Occupational Noise Standard” available to affected employees and their representatives?

Records (Section 12)

  • Are records kept of all audiometric testing, personal noise monitoring, or plant area monitoring and training records?

  • Do records of audiograms include:<br>Name and job classification;<br>Date of audiogram;<br>Examiner’s name;<br>Date of last acoustic or exhaustive calibration of audiometer; and,<br>Employee’s most recent noise exposure assessment.

  • Are records of measurement of background sound pressure levels in audiometric test rooms maintained?

  • Are audiometric tests records maintained? <br><br>Explanation:<br>Exposure monitoring and training records shall have a minimum retention period of ten years following termination of employment.

  • Are records provided upon written request to employees, former employees, or their authorized representative?

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