
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

1 - General Safety

  • Have corrective actions from the previous inspection been completed?

  • Are floors and walkways clear of obstructions and trip hazards?

  • Are the housekeeping standards satisfactory?

  • Any observations?

2 - Fire Safety

  • Are all fire exits clear of obstructions?<br>

  • Are all fire doors closed and not propped open?

  • Are all fire extinguishers in date, accessible and marked correctly?

  • Are the fire and emergency signs in place?

  • Is the Fire Log book up to date and easily accessible?

  • Any further observations?

3 - General Plant, Equipment and Machine Safety

  • Is the overall condition of plant, equipment and appliances satisfactory, i.e. Cleanliness and general wear and tear

  • Are all power points, cables and plugs in sound condition?

  • Are portable appliances in good condition with visible PAT test stickers and/or Powertool tags?

  • Portable Appliance Testing will begin in October 2013, please be aware that it will take time to cover all items.

  • Are appropriate items of equipment registered in the Maintenance Database and part of thenPreventive Maintenance plan?

  • Are machines free from trip hazards and trailing cables?

  • Do machines where entrapment is possible, have suitable guards or safety devices fitted?

  • Are "Emergency Off" isolators identified and easily accessible?

  • Are compressed air guns free from leaks?

  • Any further observations?

4 - Chemical Safety / Environment

  • Are any chemicals such as Resin, Aluminium Phosphate, Paraffin etc stored correctly?

  • Are flammables being stored in flame proof cabinet?

  • Are chemical containers labelled correctly?

  • Are chemical safety data sheets available and are COSHH assessments up to date? (You should select an item and check in the office for MSDS and COSHH)

  • Are there adequate cleaning up equipment?

  • Has Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) been provided and has it been inspected?

  • Are the lighting levels sufficient in the area?

  • Is the Control of Noise issues adequate (Throughout TYK Limited we operate mandatory hearing protection due to noise levels exceeding 85 dbA)

  • Is heating and ventilations sufficient?

  • Any further observations?

5 - Safety Equipment and PPE

  • Are there trained First Aid personnel on-site and are they easily identifiable?

  • Are First Aid provisions available, i.e. First Aid kits, complete with adequate materials such as sealed eye wash etc.

  • Is suitable and sufficient Personal Protective Equipment provided and is it being worn?

  • Please enter names of personnel that are failing to wear PPE in this format; NAME - ITEM - REASON

  • Is information available as to why PPE is required?

  • Are PPE and RPE maintenance records in place and up to date? Please check the PPE folder in the back office and remind everyone who is not maintaining to do so

  • Is the Accident and Near Miss database up to date, without any remaining investigations?

  • Any further observations?

6 - Manual Handling, Access Equipment, MEWP's, Pallet and Forklift Trucks

  • Is all Mobile access equipment fully serviced and have all Pre-Shift checks been carried out?

  • Are LOLER certificates available for lifting equipment? (Randomly select an item and ask in back office for proof of inspection)

  • Are slings, ropes and chains checked and in specification, visible tags, serial numbers and SWL, no wear etc

  • Is there adequate lifting equipment in the area?

  • Are personnel in the area suitable trained to operate lifting equipment?

  • Any further observations?

7 - Safe Systems of Work etc

  • Are up to date Risk Assessments available? Pick a task and ask, lets do them again!

  • Have Display Screen Equipment assessments been carried in this area?

  • Is historical safety information suitably stored and available?

  • Are operating procedures in place?

  • Have the supervisors on this section been trained adequately in Health and Safety (IOSH etc)

8 - People

  • Have all outstanding staff safety issues been resolved?

  • Have any staff members got comments to hand in as instructed in the Think Safe, Be Safe newsletter?

  • Is Health Surveillance carried out and is it up to date?

  • Any further observations?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.