Document No.
Audit Title (ex. ISM-Cape India)
Vessel Name
- Asia Cement No.1
- Asia Cement No.3
- Asia Cement No.5
- Asia Cement No.6
- Grand Pioneer
- Grand Wisdom
- Cemtex Orient
- Cemtex Innovation
- Cemtex Creation
- Cemtex Hunter
- Cemtex Leader
- Cemtex Honor
- Cemtex Fortune
- Cemtex Renaissance
- Cemtex Sincerity
- Cemtex Diligence
- Cemtex Excellence
- Cape Globe
- Cape Neptune
- Cape Stars
- Cape Splendor
- Cape Australia
- Cape America
- Cape Europe
- Cape India
- Cape Excelsior
- Cape Success
- Cape Brilliance
- Cape Galaxy
- Asian Champion
- Asian Triumph
- Asian Majesty
- Asian Summit
- Asian Prominence
- Asian Pride
- Starlight Venture
- Ubuntu harmony
- Ubuntu Equality
- UbuntuIntegrity
- Cape Venus
- Cape Jupiter
Name of Captain
Name of Chief Engineer
Conducted on
Conducted by Who
基本資料Basic Info.
船型Vessel Type
稽核屬性Audit Type
ISM內部稽核開場會議ISM opening meeting of internal audit
報告事項Contents of report
梯口檢查項目Gangway inspection item
梯口檢查項目Gangway inspection item
1. SMM-08 SMP船舶舷邊載重水線標誌及水尺標誌是否清晰.<br>Does ship’s middle side load line mark and draft mark clear and identify.
2. SMM-08 SMP舷梯的承重標示牌是否清晰<br>Does ganway load weight placard keep clear.
3. SMM-07 WOP船梯附近是否沒有障礙物, 避免造成人員有絆跌的風險.<br>Is any obstructer stowed around the vicinity of gangway
4. SMM-07 WOP舷梯附近救生圈是否附上救生繩及自亮燈<br>Does life ring which in the vicinity of gangway which attached life line and self igniting light.<br>
5. SMM-08 SEP救生圈附的救生索是否完整可用.<br>Does life line keep in intact condition
6. SMM-07 WOP 舷梯安全網是否正確安裝及完全包覆舷梯<br>Does gangway safety net rig in a correct way.
7. SMM-07 WOP舷梯欄杆情況是否正常沒有變形<br>Does Gangway handrail condition maintain well without distortion.
船長室檢查項目Master room inspection items
船長室檢查項目Master room inspection items
1. SMM-01 船員是否知道公司安全管理政策及目標, 此制度負責人 DPA是誰<br>Do crews know company safety management policy and objectives,who is the person in charge of SMS,DPA.
2. SMM-02 甲級船員是否閱讀程序書簽署「熟讀簽署」<br>Does all officers read SMS manual and sign the ‘ Familiarization Signature’ page.
3. SMM-04 程序書是否依「修正紀錄」確實修正.<br>Is SMS manual amended as per ‘Amendment history’
4. SMM-04 SMM-12 <br>PSC檢查紀錄及缺失是否完成矯正及存檔備查<br>Is PSC inspection record filed and all deficiencies rectified.
5. SMM-04/SMM-12 DMP<br>CLASS稽核紀錄及缺失是否完成矯正及存檔備查<br>Is Class audit record filed and all deficiencies rectified.
6. SMM-12/SMM-13 DMP/IAP<br>上次SMS內稽檢查紀錄及缺失是否完成矯正及存檔備查<br>Is last SMS internal audit record filed and all deficiencies rectified.
7. SMM-14 TNP 是否製作年度船員訓練計畫及紀錄TNP-FM15和TNP-FM14<br>Is annual crew trainng plan TNP-FM15 made and training record TNP-FM14 well done and kept in file.
8. SMM-10 SEP應急操演報告是否有船員簽字<br>Do crews sign emergency drill report form.
9. SMM-04 SEP SOPEP APPENDIX 1和2資料是否定時更新<br>Is SOPEP APPENDIX 1 and 2 updated periodically.
10. SMM-03 DMP 船長每半年的安全管理審查會議是否執行並紀錄. 是否呈報公司並得到公司回覆.<br>Does Master hold SMS management review meeting every half year and submit the meeting minute to company and get company’s feed back.
11. SMM-04 DMP<br>安全委員会是否定時召開並討論船隊的NEAR MISS CASE.<br>Does Safety committee meeting hold in a required period and discuss fleet Near Miss issues.
12. SMM-10TNP<br>SOLAS TRAINING MANUAL內容是否為本船資料並及時補充最新設備資料<br>Is SOLAS TRAINING MANUAL content updated with ship’s new equipment.
13. SMM-07 SEP 緊急演練佈署表(Emergency muster list) 是否經船長審閱並簽字和附上日期.<br>Is Emergency muster list reviewed and approved by master and with his signature and date.
14. SMM-07 WOP 海圖是否依NOTICE TO MARINERS通告更新修正<br>Is chart corrected as per notice to mariners publication
15. SMM-07 WOP<br>BNWAS鑰匙是否由船長保管, 航行中開啟後, 船長應拔出KEY, 由船長保管.<br>Does master keep BNWAS key, Does master take the key while ship is under way at sea.
16. SMM-07 WOP<br>WOP-FM02及WOP-FM14檢查表是否加入 BNWAS項目<br>Does BNWAS equipment check item in the list of WOP-FM02及WOP-FM14.
19. SMM-07 WOP<br>BNWAS是否有「開/關」紀錄表.<br>Does BNWAS have ‘open/close’record.
20. KOP WI05 3.2<br>日誌記錄啟動或停止通風的時間。 <br>Time of start or stop ventilation should be logged.
21. KOP WI05 3.3<br>日誌記錄貨艙和大氣的溫度及濕度。 <br>Temperature and humidity readings of holds and atmosphere should be logged.
大副室檢查項目Chief officer inspection items
大副室檢查項目Chief officer inspection items
1. SMM-14 TNP 是否依MEPC201(62) 規定, 培訓船員垃圾規定及訓練紀錄<br>Do crews follow MEPC201(62) garbage treatment regulation to have a proper training and keep the training record.
2. SMM-14 TNP船員是否了解垃圾拋海,離最近陸地基線之意義, 拋垃圾時點是否受主管管制.<br>Does crew understand the means of base line of nearest land. Does garbage dumping place and time under management officers agreement.<br>
3. SMM-09 KOP<br>廢COOKING OIL處理是否列入垃圾紀錄簿和油料紀錄簿<br>Is waste cooking oil disposal record written in garbage record book and oil record book.
4. SMM-04 KOP<br>垃圾紀錄簿有關焚化垃圾的紀錄, 是否由輪機員填寫及薟名. <br>Does garbage record book’s record about incineration which is acknowledged and signed by engineer.
5. SMM-04 KOP<br>壓艙水泵是否有測試紀錄<br>Does Ballast pump have test record.
6. SMM-07 KOP壓艙水作業是否記錄於DECK LOG BOOK及記錄於BALLAST HANDLING LOG或BALLAST MANAGEMENT PLAN的標準表格.<br>Does Ballast water operation record on Deck Log book and record on ballast handling log or ballast management plan standard form.
7. SMM-04 SOR<br>大廚是否有MLC培訓証書<br>Does C/cook has MLC training certificate.
8. SMM-07 KOP<br>進入密閉空間是否依程序進行<br>Does crew enter enclosed space implement the procedure and work permit.
9. SMM-07 WOP<br>MF/HF DSC是否每週定期測試並記錄於GMDSS LOG<br>Is MF/HF DSC tested weekly and recorded on GMDSS LOG.
10. SMM-08 SMP<br>GMDSS設備電池是否正常保養且無損傷<br>Does GMDSS batteries maintain well and no damage.
11. SMM-07 WOP 大副是否將卸貨計劃列印, 交付值班及相關人員共同注意貨載安全.<br>Does chief officer give cargo plan to duty officer and duty watch crew to monitor cargo work sequence and safety condition.
12. MMP WI04 2.3.3<br>搜索防範走私後應將搜索時間、日期及搜索者姓名、職位記入甲板日誌。<br>Details of the search including time, places searched and name/rank of participants shall be written into the deck log book.
駕駛台檢查項目Bridge inspection items
駕駛台檢查項目Bridge inspection items
1. SMM-07 WOP<br>DECK LOG BOOK是否記載船長在駕駛台負責操船時段,包括進出港、狹窄水域、船舶密集區域等等.<br>Does deck log book record ship master taking the command to manuver the ship while in port, narrow channel and traffic jam area.
2. SMM-07 TNP<br>救生艇/救助艇是否定期操演及水中運轉並適當紀錄<br>Does Life boat/Rescue boat have a drill and manuvering in water as per schedule.
3. SMM-07 WOP<br>FIRE PATROL是否記錄在DECK LOG BOOK<br>Does fire patrol record on deck log book.
4. SMM-07 WOP<br> 船副是否會操作EPIRB TEST<br>Does deck officer can operate EPIRB test.
5. SMM-08 WOP<br>NOTICE TO MARINERS使用電郵送船, 船上是否有彩色印表機列印修正區塊圖<br>If ship use e-mail notice to mariners pubication, does ship has color printer to print out the map correction sheet.
6. SMM-07 WOP 電子海圖(ECDIS) 是否保持備用電源備用狀態<br>Does ECDIS keep back up battery power on condition.
7. SMM-07 WOP 沿岸航行及領港上船後之航行, 是否依PASSAGE PLAN作不同方式的定位來確認船位.<br>Does navigators follow passage plan to use different position fix method to recognize ship’s position, while ship in the condition of coastal sailing and pilot on board.
8. SMM-07 WOP 航海刊物NP31, 是否依航行通告正確修正<br>Is navigation publication NP31 corrected as per notice to mariners.
9. SMM-08 SMP航儀設備及其連線的印表機是否正常<br>Does navigation equipment connected in line printer which work normal.
10. SMM-08 SMP 駕駛台通往羅經甲板及住艙的CABLE孔, 是否以絕緣材包覆, 保持防火隔絕.<br>Is the penetrated cable which pass through compass deck, bridge and accommodation area are well covered by insulaion material.
11. SMM-08 SMP<br>VDR是否正常無錯誤信號<br>Does VDR work normal without error transmission signal.
12. SMM-08 SMP 羅經甲板之磁羅經固定栓是否完好<br>Does magnetic compass on compass deck which securing bolt is in good condition.
13. SMM-08 SMP 操舵裝置上方之磁羅經是否有氣泡, 照明燈泡是否正常可用.<br>Does magnetic compass which on the top of steering wheel which work normal without bubble and bulb condition well.
14. SMM-08 SMP<br>駕駛台的SMOKE DETECTION SYSTEM是否正常無錯誤信號<br>Does bridge SMOKE DETECTION SYSTEM work normal without error transmission signal.
15. SMM-07 SMP<br>兩部雷達是否依說明書執行PERFORMANCE MONITOR測試及紀錄.<br>Do two radars performance monitor test implement and keep the record.
16. KOP WI15 4<br>處理船上污水時,應將處理過程記錄於甲板日誌簿及輪機日誌簿。<br>If the sewage is dealt with according to the requirements mentioned above, the disposal process shall be recorded in the Deck Log Book and Engine Log Book.
17. SEP WI20 2<br>船長應記錄操演於甲板日誌中。 <br>Master shall record the drill in Deck Log Book.
18. WOP WI01 1.2.5<br>當值配置表應張貼於駕駛台內。(表格W0P-FM20)<br>The watch schedules shall be posted on the wall of Bridge wheelhouse. (Format W0P-FM20)
19. SEP WI19/20/21 4.18<br>當值甲級船員應記載滅火操演於輪機及甲板日誌中。 Fire drill shall be recorded in the Deck and Engine Log Books by the duty Officer.
20. WOP WI01 4.8.4<br>二副應以持有當值適任證書之所有航行員、輪機員及乙級船員所瞭解之工作語言,準備並張貼緊急無線電設備使用之簡易說明或簡易圖於駕駛台。<br>The brief instructions or diagrams clearly illustrating the use of the critical radio equipment shall be prepared and posted on the bridge by the 2/O in working language(s) understood by all deck and engine officers and deck ratings holding watch keeping competent certificates and/or endorsements.
21. WOP WI01 4.11.2<br>二副須在出港航行前整理一收氣象傳真之計畫表,並張貼在傳真機上。<br>The 2/O shall make out a schedule of weather facsimile transmissions for the passage prior to departure from port and display the schedule on the facsimile recorder.
22. WOP WI01 1.2.5<br>當值配置表應張貼於駕駛台及機艙控制室牆上。(WOP-FM20)<br>The watch schedules shall be posted on the wall of bridge and engine control room. (Format WOP-FM20)
23. WOP WI13 5.6<br>應在靠近雷達/ARPA處張貼顯示盲區和陰影磁區的圖表。 <br>A diagram showing blind and shadow sectors should be placed near the radars/ARPA.
24. WOP WI13 9.1.4<br>必須在控制處張貼自動舵轉換手動舵的明確說明。 <br>Clear instructions for change over from Manual Steering to Auto Pilot must be posted near the controls.
25. WOP WI13 12.5<br>用於緊急通訊的DSC和衛通設備的操作說明必須清楚地張貼在設備的附近。船舶呼號和MMSI的號碼必須清楚地張貼在無線電裝置上。<br>Instructions for operating DSC and satellite communication equipment in an emergency equipment should be clearly displayed near the equipment. The vessel’s call sign and maritime mobile station identity (MMSI) number should be clearly marked on the radio installation.
26. WOP WI13 19.8<br>駕駛台團隊必須熟悉資料備份程式的廠商指導。根據廠商說明的備份指導的詳細程式必須張貼在VDR / SVDR附近。<br>The bridge team must familiarize themselves with the manufacturer’s instruction on data backing up procedures. A detailed procedure identifying the back-up instructions as per makers manual must be posted adjacent to the VDR / SVDR.
27. WOP WI16 8.1<br>駕駛台須張貼通告說明錨機牽引力和考慮錨和錨鏈重量的最大錨泊深度。 A notice must be posted on the bridge stating windlass hauling capacity and maximum anchoring depth taking into consideration weight of anchor and chain cable.
廚房和冰庫檢查項目Kitchen and refrigerator inspection items
廚房和冰庫檢查項目Kitchen and refrigerator inspection items
1. SMM-08 SMP 冰庫警報器及緊急開門設備是否正常可用<br>Does Ice chamber alarm and emergency door open device work normal.
2. SMM-08 SOR 冰庫冷藏間地板是否鋪設柵板<br>Does ice chamber floor use grid tray.
3. SMM-08 SOR<br>廚房抽油煙機濾網是否清潔無油垢<br>Does kitchen exhaust fan filter keep cleaning without oil stain.
4. SMM-07 WOP<br>船員是否確認廚房fire damper位置並可立刻關閉或開啟<br>Do crews recognize kitchen fire damper position and can operate it immediately.
各部位巡視項目 Various parts inspection items
各部位巡視項目 Various parts inspection items
1. SMM-04 SEP 緊急拖曳手冊(Emergency towing booklet)是否依要求放置,( 船首、駕駛台、甲板辦公室),若有設備需定期核對<br>Does Emergency towing booklet put in the request place ( bow, Bridge, deck office), If ship is with equipments on board, Does the equipments be checked periodically.
2. SMM-08 SEP 緊急拖曳手冊(Emergency towing booklet) 是否有中、英文說明.<br>Does Emergency towing booklet have Chinese and English description.
3. SMM-08 SMP<br> CAPE SIZE船具電梯設備者, 是否每年由岸上專業人員上船檢查保養一次並出具保養証明.<br>Is Cape Size fleet elevator maintained by shore technician and issue maintenance certificate every year.
4. SMM-07 KOP<br>船員在高處或舷邊工作是否依程序進行.<br>Does crew work on aloft or ship side follow the procedure and work permit.
5. SMM-08 SMP 船艏桅灯、航行燈是否正常.<br>Does ship bow mast navigation light work normal.
6. SMM-08 SMP<br>緊急照明燈是否正常.<br>Does emergency light work normal.
7. SMM-08 WOP 各層防火門是否可自動關閉<br>Does accommodation fire doors can be closed automatically.
8. SMM-07 KOP 垃圾桶是否依垃圾管理計畫標示正確顏色<br>Are garbage bins marked with correct color as per garbage management plan requirement.
9. SMM-07 SEP 船員是否熟悉使用滅火裝備呼吸器組.<br>Does crew familiarize with the using of fire fighting breathing appliance.
10. SMM-08 SMP 消防員空氣瓶是否正常不漏氣<br>Does fire fighting breathing appliance air bottle work normal and without air leakage.
11. SMM-07 SEP 消防裝備之呼吸面罩和空氣瓶及消防斧是否放在指定位置.<br>Does Fire equipment breathing mask and air bottle and axe put in place.
12. SMM-07 WOP 國際消防接頭及墊片GASKET是否放置固定位置並可立即取得<br>Does International shore connection and its gasket put in place and can get it immediately.
13. SMM-08 SEP 消防管線ISOLATION VALVE是否標示<br>Is fire main line isolation valve marked well.
14. SMM-08 SMP 消防皮龍是否完整<br>Does fire hose has intact condition.
15. SMM-08 SEP<br>CO2 release box的key, 是否放在其附近的一個密封玻璃窗內<br>Does CO2 release box key put in a glass box with seal.
16. SMM-08 SMP<br>CO2系統ROOM是否有緊急使用之手動扳手<br>Does CO2 room has emergency use handle bar.
17. SMM-07 KOP<br>垃圾規定是否貼示在甲板垃圾桶收集位置<br>Is garbage regulation placard posted on deck garbage collection station.
18. SMM-08 SMP<br>蒸氣管隔熱材是否完整<br>Does steam pipe insulation material keep in intact condition.
19. SMM-07 TNP 船員是否熟悉水密門上的PANIC OPENER設計<br>Does crews know well about the panic opener design on water tight door.
20. KOP WI14 2.3<br>船上應貼張告示,說明下表所規定之船舶禁止及限制傾倒垃圾、並說明違反時將遭受處罰。中英文告示張貼於廚房、餐廳、駕駛台、機艙控制室、垃圾收集站、焚燒爐旁、G.S.幫浦旁等處。<br>The Placards shall be posted which is a summary declaration stating the prohibition and restrictions for discharging garbage from ship as mentioned below and the penalties for failure to comply. The placards printed in Chinese and English shall be placed in a conspicuous place in galley space, mess rooms, bridge space, engine control room, garbage collection station, incinerator side and G.S pump side.
21. KOP WI23 2.3<br>所有高分貝噪音區包括船上的機器處所應有特別標誌使船員在上船熟悉期間得以提醒.寫有“注意:越過此處須做好聽覺保護”的警告牌或相同的標誌應張貼在進入高分貝噪音場所的門上. <br>All high noise level areas including machinery spaces onboard shall be distinctively marked and seafarers be made aware of these areas during familiarization. A notice stating - “Caution: Hearing Protection Required Beyond this Point” or the equivalent symbol, shall be posted on doors leading to spaces that are designated as high noise level areas.
22. SEP WI18 1.1<br>部署表應張貼於住艙各層甲板牆壁上。 <br>Muster lists shall post on the accommodation bulkheads at each deck level.
23. SEP WI19 <br>各部位滅火器材(手提、固定)應按時完成檢查。<br>The all extinguisher (portable or Fixed) should be inspected on schedule.
甲板檢查項目Deck inspection items
甲板檢查項目Deck inspection items
1. SMM-04 SMP<br>ROPE & WIRE,是否有管制紀錄文件<br>Does Rope and wire have a control record.
2. SMM-07 SMP 船上救生艇, 是否使用正確的CHECK LIST SMP-FM02或SMP-FM02a.<br>Does ship use the correct check list SMP-FM02 or SMP-FM02a for ship equppied lifeboat.
3. SMM-07 SEP 救生艇ON LOAD RELEASE 機械是否重置定位<br>Does life boat ON LOAD RELEASE gear reset in position.
4. SMM-08 SMP 救生艇/救難艇是否可正常啟動ENGINE<br>Does life boat/rescue boat can start engine in order.
5. SMM-08 SEP 救生艇鄰座SAFETY BELT是否用不同顏色區分<br>Does life boat safety belt use different colors to distinguish the neighborhood seat.
6. SMM-08 SEP 救生艇艏RELEASE DEVICE是否完整不生鏽<br>Does life boat bow RELEASE DEVICE condition keep well without rust.
7. SMM-08 SMP 救生艇DAVIT LIMIT SWITCH功能是否正常<br>Does lifeboat davit limit switch work normal.
8. SMM-08 SEP 救生艇甲板牆壁上的救生艇筏操作說明板是否清晰<br>Does the operation interpretation plate of life boat and life raft keep well and clear.
9. SMM-08 SMP 救生艇甲板的登艇繩梯情況是否正常<br>Does life boat embarkation rope ladder condition keep well and normal.
10. SMM-08 SYP 救生筏年度檢驗是否在有效期<br>Does life raft annual inspection date keep in valid.
11. SMM-07 WOP 進出港是否懸掛國旗.<br>Does ship hoist national flag while in port.
12. SMM-08 SMP 主甲板上的燃油及壓水艙(APT) 的通風筒是否完整正常<br>Does ventilation equipment of fuel tank and APT maintain well without damage.
13. SMM-08 SMP<br>住艙通風BOX濾網及框情況是否正常<br>Does accommodation ventilation boxes’ filter and frame condition maintain well without damage.
14. SMM-08 SMP通風筒是否有標記名稱<br>Does all ventilation boxes has name mark.
15. SMM-08 SMP 油艙通風筒內防火金屬網是否良好<br>Does fire arrestor inside the oil tank ventilator condition keep well.
16. SMM-08 SMP<br>MOORING WINCH是否有TEST紀錄, 煞車皮是否正常<br>Does mooring winch has brake test record and brake line condition work normal.
17. SMM-07 WOP<br> MOORING WINCH使用後, 離合器是否脫離及安全插梢是否插入固定桿.<br>Does clutch and safety pins on mooring winch put in position after completed use of the winch.
18. SMM-08 SMP<br>艙蓋緣’c.c.’ mark是否以不同顏色的漆來標示.<br>Is hatch coaming mark ‘C.C.’ marked by differenct color paintf for easy recognized.
19. SMM-08 SMP<br>艙蓋HATCH CLEATS是否正常, 沒有過大間隙(磨耗)<br>Does hatch cover cleats work normal without big gap.
20. SMM-07 WOP 未在WINCH上的繫泊纜繩,是否固定於繫纜栓上(BOLLARD)<br>Is mooring rope which not connceted to the mooring winch secured on the bollard properly.
21. SMM-07 WOP 導纜器是否活動情況良好<br>Does fairlead lubricating condition maintain well and work smoothly.
22. SMM-08 SMP 艙蓋油壓馬達是否保持清潔乾淨, 沒有油污.<br>Does hatch cover hydraulic motor keep clean without oil stain.
23. SMM-08 SMP<br>貨艙操作系統的hydraulic jack是否正常.<br>Does hatch cover hydraulic jack work normal.
24. SMM-08 SMP 船體的船名是否清晰可辨識<br>Does ship’s name keep clear and identify.
25. SMM 氧氣、乙炔鋼瓶儲存間是否有IMDG CODE 標籤<br>Is storage room of Oxygen and acetylene bottle marked with IMDG code label.
26. SMM KOP 壓載水控制系統和液位計是否正常<br>Does the ballast water console and water gauge in normal condition.
27. KOP WI07 2.2.2<br>禁止在貨艙附近吸煙或有裸火,並張貼適當警告。 <br>Smoking and naked flames near cargo spaces should be prohibited. Suitable notices shall be posted.
油漆間檢查項目Paint room inspection items
油漆間檢查項目Paint room inspection items
1. SMM-08 SMP 油漆間A60防火材是否正確佈置及完整<br>Does A60 fire isolation material arrangement in paint room correctly and intact.
2. SMM-08 SMP 油漆間滅火系統功能是否正常<br>Does fire extinguisher system in paint room work normal.
3. SMM-07 SEP油漆間是否有MSDS資料<br>Does paint room has MSDS data.
BOSUN STORE檢查項目 BOSUN STORE inspection items
BOSUN STORE檢查項目 BOSUN STORE inspection items
1. SMM-07 WOP 船艏WINCH液壓馬達間的防火門是否保持常關<br>Does ship’s winch hydraulic motor which in bosun store, the fire door keep close.
2. SMM-08 SMP<br>BOSUN STORE水密門是否水密<br>Does bosun store water tight door keep water tight.
3. SMM-08 SMP 船艏DE-WATER系統 REMOTE CONTROL功能是否正常<br>Does ship’s bow de-water system remote control system function work normal
4. SMM-07 WOP<br>BOSUN STORE物料是否繫固, 是否不妨礙管路和閥的使用.<br>Is Bosun store material secured properly and not confine the use of pipe and valve.
5. SMM-07 WOP<br>DE-WATER系統的閥是否置於OPEN位置.<br>Does De-water system valve keep open.
機艙檢查項目Engine room inspection items
機艙檢查項目Engine room inspection items
1. SMM-08 SMP機艙及煙囪通風設備是否可正常開關運作<br>Does fire dampers for engine room and funnel operate open/close normal.
2. SMM-07 KOP 油料紀錄簿填寫是否正確<br>Is Oil record book recorded in a correct way.
3. SMM-07 KOP 油料紀錄簿是否完整記錄每次加油作業<br>Is oil record book recorded each bunkering operation.
4. SMM-07 KOP 油料紀錄簿添加燃油是否記錄含硫量.<br>Is oil record book recorded fuel oil sulfur content.
5. SMM-07 KOP<br>清洗用的柴油記錄是否記錄於油料紀錄簿<br>Is oil record book recorded the cleaning use diesel oil waste.
6. SMM-07 WOP 機艙無人當值船舶, 應在ENGINE LOG AND/OR DECK LOG記載無人當值期間的時間. <br>For Engine room man zero ship, Is ENGINE LOG AND/OR DECK LOG written the time period of non watch duty in Engine room.
7. SMM-08 WOP<br>PMS文件維護保養日期是否UPDATE及OVERDUE適當說明<br>Is PMS each machinery items maintenance date updated and a clear interpretation for overdue item.
8. SMM-08 SMP 舵機保養是否列入PMS保養計劃.<br>Does Steering gear mahcinery included in PMS plan.
9. SMM-08 SMP 重要裝備是否依SMP-FM03規定檢測週期測試<br>Does the period of ‘testing of critical equipment’exactly follow SMP-FM03 requirement.
10. SMM-08 SYP<br>加裝SEWAGE HOLDING TANK, 是否在CLASS的ISPP証書上的加註<br>Does the new additional SEWAGE HOLDING TANK included in CLASS ISPP certificate.
11. SMM-08 SMP 進入機艙的防火門, 隔熱材是否完整.<br>Does the entrance to engine room have the intact insulation material.
12. SMM-07 SSP 機艙或甲板機具噪音大之工作環境, 是否提供耳罩,保護耳朵聽力.<br>Does ship supply earflaps to protect hearing while crews in a big noise environment such as engine room or deck machinery space.
13. SMM-07 WOP 夜間巡邏是否記在ENGINE LOG上<br>Is engine room night patrol recorded on Engine Log.
14. SMM-08 SMP<br>110V feeder panel 絕緣值是否正常<br>Does 110V feeder panel isolation reading be normal.
15. SMM-08 SMP<br>機艙的220V/440V INSULATION GAUGE是否正常. <br>Does engine room 220V/440V insulation gauge work normal.
16. SMM-08 SMP 機艙控制室的救生衣灯是否正常<br>Does engine control room stowed lifejacket’s light work normal.
17. SMM-08 SMP 機艙風油切斷應急按鈕功能是否正常, 包括駕駛台和消防站之按鈕皆正常.<br>Does engine room ventilation emergency stop button work normal, which including the buttons installed on bridge and fire station.<br>
18. SMM-07 KOP 污水柜之污水(SEWAGE) 轉至其他 TANK 是否記錄.<br>Is a record to write the sewage transfer from the sewage tank to the other tank.
19. SMM-08 SMP 緊急逃生道A60防火材是否正確佈置<br>Does emergency escape trunk have a correct A60 isolation material arrangement.
20. SMM-08 KOP<br>SEWAGE 轉換閥是否標示<br>Does sewage transfer valve mark in place.
21. SMM-07 KOP<br>到港前是否啟用SEWAGE PLANT, 直接排海閥是否關閉及上鎖<br>Does Sewage plant start running before arrival of port, Is overboard discharging valve closed and locked.
22. SMM-07 機艙物料是否繫固妥當<br>Is engine store secured in a proper way.
23. SMM-08 SMP<br>機艙與舵機房之間,若有電纜通過, 通過孔道是否用防火泥妥善封堵<br>Is the cable line duct in passage between engine room and steering gear room well covered by insulation filling.<br>
24. SMM-07 SMP 焚化爐操作溫度是否達到規格標準,警報是否作動<br>Does Incinerator operation temperature reach spec standard and alarm test in normal.
25. SMM-07 WOP 焚化爐灰燼存放桶, 是否使用鐵桶及蓋.<br>Does Incinerator ash keep well in Iron drum which with cover.
26. SMM-07 SMP 機艙工作間氧氣管路調整表是否安裝.<br>Is oxygen regulator equipped in engine room work shop.
27. SMM-07 工作間砂輪機旁是否張貼IMO 防護罩貼紙 <br>Is grinding machine which in work shop posted IMO label.
28. SMM-07 KOP 油水分離器紀錄與油料簿的紀錄是否符合<br>Does OWS meter record be same with oil record book’s record.
29. SMM-07 KOP 油水分離器OCM及三向閥是否作動<br>Does OWS OCM and three way valve operate normal.
30. SMM-07 KOP 油水分離器(OWS) 的操作是否依程序正常操作<br>Does OWS operation follow the SOP procedure.
31. SMM-08 SMP<br>機艙F.O. service tank的inlet heating valve是否正常不洩漏.<br>Does F.O. service tank’s inlet heating valve work normal without leakage.
32. SMM-08 SMP 緊急發電機之緊急停止閥是否可正常開關.<br>Does Emergency generator urgent stop valve work normal to open and close.
33. SMM-07 SMP<br>Black out時,緊急發電機是否可自動啟動/及時提供電源<br>Does Emergency Generator can start automatically in time while generator black out.
34. SMM-07 WOP 緊急發電機油柜是否標示最低存油量(可供連續18小時使用)<br>Does Emergency generator fuel tank keep the minimum fuel quantity(for 18 hours continuous use).
35. SMM-07 SSP 緊急發電機房橡皮絕緣墊是否放置妥當<br>Does Emergency generator have sufficient insulation rubber mats and in place.
36. KOP WI13 3.1<br>依MARPOL附錄規則15規定將油或含油混合物予以排洩,或規則15所未規定之偶發或其他異常之排洩,應將排洩之情況及理由記載於油料記錄簿。<br>In the event of such discharge of oil or oily mixture as referred in regulation 15 of the Annex of MARPOL or in the event of accidental or other exceptional discharge of oil not excerpted by that regulation, a statement shall be made in the Oil Record Book of the circumstances and the reasons for the discharge.
37. KOP WI17 10.2<br>輪機長或負責甲級船員應在輪機記錄簿上記錄加油前所舉行之加油前會議。 <br>The Chief Engineer or officer in charge shall record in the receiving vessel’s official engine log that a pre-bunker conference was held prior to bunkering.
舵機房檢查項目 Steering gear room inspection items
舵機房檢查項目 Steering gear room inspection items
1. SMM-08 舵机房, 緊急操舵平臺是否有防滑設計<br>Does emergency steering handling platform which in steering gear room, have anti-slip design.
2. SMM-08 機艙及舵機房是否保持清潔無油污<br>Does engine room and steering gear room keep clean without oil stain.
3. SMM-08 舵機房的消防灑水系統的管線、閥是否清楚標正<br>Is fire fighting water spray system valves marked well in steering gear room.
4. SMM-08 SMP<br> 舵機FEEDBACK ARM TO BRIDGE機件,是否牢固, 避免跳脫造成事件.<br>Does steering gear feedback arm to bridge mechanical parts secured properly to avoid accident happening.
5. SMM-08 SMP<br>舵機房的聯絡用電話是否正常.<br>Does steering gear room communication system work normal.
6. SMM-07 SMP<br>緊急滅火泵啟動時是否可及時建立壓力<br>Does emergency fire pump build up pressure immediately while start up the pump.
7. SMM-08 SMP<br>EMERGENCY FIRE PUMP是否完整不漏水<br>Does emergency fire pump keep in intact condition without leakage.
其他檢查事項 Other findings
其他所見情形 Other findings
ISM內部稽核結束會議ISM closing meeting of internal audit
報告事項Contents of report
稽核認證Audit Endorsement
稽核地點Audit Location
稽核結束時間Time Completed
船長簽名Master Signature
稽核員簽名Auditor Signature