Job Details
CSR Number
Date of audit
Date of job request
Company/Business Name
Enter Company Name
- Building A
- Sports Centre (Building B)
- Sir Eric Neal Library (Building C)
- Building D
- Building E
- 121 Haydown Rd (EV Building)
- Building F
- Garth Boomer (Building G)
- Building GP
- Building H
- Ian Wark Research (Building IW)
- Building J
- Building K
- Building L
- Mawson Centre (Building MC)
- Building MM
- Building N
- Building OC
- Building P
- Powerhouse (Building PH)
- Building Q
- Building R
- Sir Charles Todd (Building SCT)
- Building V
- SPRI (Building W)
- Environmental Science (Building X)
- Golf Club (Building Y)
- Club Rooms (Building Z)
- Greenhouse (Building EA)
- Propagation Shed (Building EB)
- Soils Shed (Building EC)
- Greenhouse 2 (Building ED)
- Hangar 55 (Parafield Aviation Academy)
- Jubilee (Building J)
- Library (Building L)
- Main Building (Building MB)
- Store (Building S)
- Union (Building U)
- Workshop (Building W)
- Student Units
- Laundry (Building P)
- Building A
- Building B
- Building C
- Building CA
- Building CB
- Building D
- Building E (Sports Centre)
- Building F
- deLissa (Building G)
- Amy Wheaton (Building H)
- Child Care Centre (Building K)
- Building MC
- Murray House
- Murray House Store (Building MHA)
- Building N
- Price House (Building P)
- Building Q
- Building TD
- Building TE
- Building TF
- Building TH
- Building TJ
- Building TK
- Barbara Hanrahan
- Catherine Helen Spence
- Dorrit Black
- David Pank
- Elton Mayo
- Child Care Centre (G building)
- Sir George Kingston
- Sir Hans Heysen
- Bob Hawke Centre
- Jeffrey Smart
- Kaurna
- Liverpool St Building
- Law Building
- Student Lounge (N building)
- Rowland Rees
- Building SM (27-29 North Tce)
- Way Lee
- Hawke Research (X building)
- Yungondi
- 101 Currie St (AU building)
- 189 Hindley St (BE building)
- 82 Waymouth St (W building)
- 9 Light Square
- Building A
- Brookman Building
- Bonython Jubilee
- Centenary
- Hetzel
- Playford
- Reid
- UniSA House (UH building)
Date recorded for job completion
Quality of works completed
Have the works been completed satisfactorily?
Was the work completed in a timely manner (taking into account sourcing of parts)?
Has the contractor completed works in a professional manner (does the quality of workmanship meet UniSA standards)?
Does the equipment/plant operate correctly after contractors install/maintenance?
Did the contractor leave the work area (plant room) in a clean and tidy state?
Maintenance Category
Select contractor trade
Is this a new installation?
Has the contractor provided an ECOC?
Has the plant been labelled correctly (identification plate/tag)?
Has the circuit for the plant been labelled?
Enter contractors trade
Was the job completed to customers satisfaction?
Customer signature