Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Unison Health and Safety Inspection (Schools: Nottingham City Branch)

  • School Site (or Part of Site) Inspected:

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Staff present during inspection:

Health & Safety Policy

  • A. Are H&S policies and governor’s names on the schools web site? <Include list of policies needed>

  • B. What is the date of the school’s Health & Safety Policy:

  • C: Are all staff aware of the roles and responsibilities they have with regard to H&S in school?

  • D: Have named specific staff been assigned specific duties and are these recorded in the arrangements section of the policy?

  • E: Have all staff been reminded of their user name and password to access any documents and when was this done?

  • F: Employees, are they aware of where to see the content of the School Health & Safety Policy, and any associated documentation?

  • G: Is there a whole school handling policy in place and is it signed?

  • H: Do you have a safety committee and how often do they meet, please give dates?

  • I: Can all staff see the HSE law poster?

  • J: Do you adequately consult with UNISON and trade unions on H&S issues? How do you do this?

Health & Safety Manual

  • A: How are staff made aware of the location of the H&S Manual and note the location? Is this acceptable?

  • B: Please supply a copy of the staff induction tick sheet, within induction policy or a copy of policy. Is this acceptable?

Risk Assessment

a) Completed Risk Assessments

  • 1: Are risk assessments in place for significant risks and have they been reviewed and updated? Please supply an example of the last updated one (Tick No if none seen).

  • 2: Have these risk assessments been communicated to staff and how is confirmation obtained e.g. signature? Is this acceptable?

b) Individual Risk Assessments

  • 1: Are risk assessments in place for any member of staff or pupil who has a medical condition/disability or additional needs?

c) Risk Assessment for the dining area?

  • 1: Has the midday supervisor safe working procedure checklist been completed and signed by staff?

  • 2: Has a risk assessment for the dining area been completed?

  • 3: Has the staff induction tick sheet from within lunchtime staff induction policy been filled in?


  • A: Are risk assessments in place for any lessons involving significant risk and H&S precautions (where necessary) noted on lesson plans?

  • B: Are appropriate staff made aware of the book “Safe Practice in PE and School Sport” and; are they actively referring to its contents when planning lessons?


  • A: Has induction training taken place for all staff, volunteers; and others?

  • B: Is there a training log for the lunchtime staff and other support staff?


  • A: Is there any asbestos on the site?

  • B: Are there plans to manage the risks from ACMs in the school?

  • C: Are contractors working on site made aware of the contents of the Asbestos manual and that is recorded in the logbook?

  • D: Has any asbestos been removed/repaired or encapsulated?


  • A: Are necessary procedures being carried out in line with the Water Management requirements including action required from the most recent risk assessment?

  • B: Is water labelled as not drinking or drinking water?

Fire and Emergencies

a) Fire Risk Assessment

  • 1: Has the school a Fire Risk Assessment in place and has been reviewed during the last 1.5 years.

  • Enter date of last fire drill:

b) Tests

  • 1: Are all routine in-house tests undertaken as appropriate (e.g. weekly fire alarm, monthly emergency lighting)?

Individual Pupil

  • A: Are individual risk assessments in place for “high-profile” pupils?

  • B: Are individual pupil's handling policies in place and do staff have access to them?

  • C: Have staff had handling training or if not what date has been arranged for this?

First Aid

  • A: Are enough staff sufficiently trained in paediatric first aid ?

  • B: Are first aid certificates valid and first aid bags complete and sufficient?

Working at Height

  • A: Are Risk Assessments are in place for all working at height and are staff aware of their contents?

  • B: Is appropriate training/instruction been provided and is the ladder log up to date?

  • C: Are small stools or ladders available for use?

Managing Pupils with Medical Conditions

  • A: Is a policy covering the management of pupils with medical conditions is in place and has a generic risk assessment been completed?

  • B: Do all staff, including lunchtime staff, have access to medical and dietary chart record sheets?

  • C: Are staff aware of the placement and use of the Record of Medical Administration and is it up to date?

Outdoor Learning

  • A: Are staff aware of the roles, responsibilities and approval processes they have with regard to outdoor learning in school?

  • B: Are all staff given access to risk assessments for trips and outdoor learning?


  • A: Provide a summary of the proactive steps that management have taken to improve mental well-being for staff e.g. using the stress toolkit or completed risk assessments.

  • B: Were any incidents of work-related mental ill health (stress, depression, anxiety) reported?

  • C: What action was taken?

  • D: Has the school adopted the EIB workload charter?

Accidents and Violence Reporting/Management

a) Accidents

  • 1: Are all accidents reported according to NCC procedures?

  • 2: What other method does the school use to record accidents?

  • 3: How do you monitor the number of reports?

  • 4: Please give the total number of last year’s incidents.

b) Violent Incidents

  • 1: Are all violent incidents reported according to NCC procedures?

  • 2: What other method does the school use to record incidents?

  • 3: How do you monitor the number of reports?

  • 4: Please give the total number of violent incidents last year’s?

  • 5: Please give the number of staff RIDDOR incidents last year?

Electrical issues

  • A: Are there any issues with wires, electricity or PAT testing?

Toilets and Washing Facilities

  • A: Are there enough staff: toilets, washing facilities, soap, and do the hand dryers work?

Additional Information

  • Additional Information

Items for action from staff and members

  • Items for action from staff and members

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.